What was the last film you watched | Page 424 | Vital Football

What was the last film you watched

Yeah, mentioned before in this thread, I just don't rate them. They get good casts as well, but agree, generally rubbish
Denial. 2016. The David Irving Holocaust denial film. Interesting due to the subject 7/10

13 Minutes, the plot to assassinate Hitler. True story
German film with sub titles. Very good 9/10
Avengers End Game.

Pretty decent finale to the Infinity Saga of films.

Not sure about Thor being killed by a Costa Coffee cup though.
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

The Ted Bundy movie starring Zac Effron. It was alright. The best part was the cameo from Metallica's James Hetfield. Best supporting actor Oscar wrapped up.

You Only Live Twice

Bond No.5. Bigger sets and stunts, the villians base in a crater, space stuff, and James Bond turning Japanese. Enjoyable but starting to feel slightly samey.

I may be wrong but I think at least 4 out of the 5 ends to the movies so far have Bond floating off into the sea with some bird in a dinghy.

You doing the Marvel Binge? I loved doing that. 21 films in 3 months (still haven't done Captain Marvel yet).

Yes. Felt like I was missing out when my kids were buzzing about Endgame so decided to join in . Dunno how long it will take me though !
Captain Marvel is technically 2nd now ahead of Iron man.
Fortunately a mate is sad and has them all on dvd so good to crack on
Jack Reacher - I've seen it before. I think I read the book too but I don't remember much of it. The film is better than I remember. 7/10