US Politics Thread | Page 515 | Vital Football

US Politics Thread

Just heard on TV that 11,000 people died of Covid yesterday in the US.

A good percentage of those may of voted by post. I wonder if Trumpton will use that as one of his straws?
US POLICE HAVE arrested one man in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, over what US media has said was a plan to attack a count centre.
Shortly after 10pm (3am Irish time), a man was detained outside the Philadelphia Convention Centre where vote counting is ongoing.
US POLICE HAVE arrested one man in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, over what US media has said was a plan to attack a count centre.
Shortly after 10pm (3am Irish time), a man was detained outside the Philadelphia Convention Centre where vote counting is ongoing.

And we all know he won't condemn it, if anything he'll condone it.

I made the mistake of asking some simple questions and posting fact sites like CISA on twitter. I was called a bot for posting things they didn't want to see.

e.g. they're trying to say Blue Governors across the country are doing what Daley allegedly did in the 60s in Illinois. The problem is Georgia has a Republican governor and secretary of state both have said there is no fraud. PA has a red Governor too for christ sake, they both agreed to all the rules. Trump signed the CISA into existence, they have a fact site showing how fraud is incredibly difficult.

Man things really really need to change.