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Brexit and football

putting me in rational territory shows just how maladjusted you are. Now you have started to insult the mentally ill I will cease this correspondence. Going no where and some people will not change no matter the facts. So to football.

There are 0 facts here. Provide some rather than idiotic conspiracy theories you've read on Breitbart. I'll await with baited breath...

No pensions have any clauses whatsoever.
There is 0 influence on analysis.
There is 0 quid pro quo
Funding comes from a variety of sources depending on the project, private and public. All of which are acknowledged in published papers.

You might disagree with the analysis but all of it is given by amongst the best in field, who hold a variety of positions, often at conflict with each other - left, centralist and right wing.

I'm sick and tired of the uneducated smearing knowledge, science and intelligence. If facts don't agree with your agenda then just throw a bucket of bullshit in the hope something will stick. It happened with Climate Change and it's happening here.
There are 0 facts here. Provide some rather than idiotic conspiracy theories you've read on Breitbart. I'll await with baited breath...

No pensions have any clauses whatsoever.
There is 0 influence on analysis.
There is 0 quid pro quo
Funding comes from a variety of sources depending on the project, private and public. All of which are acknowledged in published papers.

You might disagree with the analysis but all of it is given by amongst the best in field, who hold a variety of positions, often at conflict with each other - left, centralist and right wing.

I'm sick and tired of the uneducated smearing knowledge, science and intelligence. If facts don't agree with your agenda then just throw a bucket of bullshit in the hope something will stick. It happened with Climate Change and it's happening here.

Trump has built a presidency out of just that and boris cummings etc think our country is stupid enough to buy it too. We'll see.
Trump has built a presidency out of just that and boris cummings etc think our country is stupid enough to buy it too. We'll see.

They are.

Largely because of the risible alternatives.

This country will never elect Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister. He could stand 100 times against a variety of opponents, ranging from Bullingdon toffs to demagogues to camels or even plankton and he would still never be the choice of the British people.

At heart, British people are much more comfortable being dictated to by a born to rule toff, even if that might result in shorter life (through social healthcare being destroyed) or policies that are overtly for the rich.

Just the other week Javid (one of the few decent ones in the cabinet, who has admittedly sold his soul) was toying with the idea of abolishing inheritance tax, calling it unfair.

Huge swathes of this country somehow think they will benefit from that and will not listen to any argument that says they would never have paid it anyway. Huge swathes think they will caught by Corbyn tax rises on incomes over £80k as well.

And of course the Tories are already running the old 'Labour in the pocket of the SNP' line for the third time without a hint of shame after their DUP antics. No doubt 'chaos under Corbyn' will get a mention too and people will forget the unprecedented chaos of the 9 years of Tory rule and buy that.

And then of course, all you have to do is say 'Corbyn, IRA' and every over 45 white working class male loses any illusions they might vote for labour. And to be fair, that's his own fault. He refuses to take control of the narrative around his past because he is not willing to do what it takes to get power like Johnson is. He is a campaigner, not a leader, just like Abbott and McDonnell. And he has almost certainly done things and met people who he should not have. He is a man defined by what he has been against for his entire career.

Swap Corbyn for almost anyone else and this is an election labour could and should win, regardless of Brexit. But then again, Labour would have won in 2015 if the unions had chosen a different Milliband and we wouldn't have had any of this chaos.

The only good thing that will come out of this 5 years of Johnson majority will be the end of Corbyn and hopefully the election of someone who is more than just a poster boy and hobby horse for the hard anti Semitic left in the party. Having a proper electable opposition is the first step to this country hopefully healing
They are.

Largely because of the risible alternatives.

This country will never elect Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister. He could stand 100 times against a variety of opponents, ranging from Bullingdon toffs to demagogues to camels or even plankton and he would still never be the choice of the British people.

At heart, British people are much more comfortable being dictated to by a born to rule toff, even if that might result in shorter life (through social healthcare being destroyed) or policies that are overtly for the rich.

Just the other week Javid (one of the few decent ones in the cabinet, who has admittedly sold his soul) was toying with the idea of abolishing inheritance tax, calling it unfair.

Huge swathes of this country somehow think they will benefit from that and will not listen to any argument that says they would never have paid it anyway. Huge swathes think they will caught by Corbyn tax rises on incomes over £80k as well.

And of course the Tories are already running the old 'Labour in the pocket of the SNP' line for the third time without a hint of shame after their DUP antics. No doubt 'chaos under Corbyn' will get a mention too and people will forget the unprecedented chaos of the 9 years of Tory rule and buy that.

And then of course, all you have to do is say 'Corbyn, IRA' and every over 45 white working class male loses any illusions they might vote for labour. And to be fair, that's his own fault. He refuses to take control of the narrative around his past because he is not willing to do what it takes to get power like Johnson is. He is a campaigner, not a leader, just like Abbott and McDonnell. And he has almost certainly done things and met people who he should not have. He is a man defined by what he has been against for his entire career.

Swap Corbyn for almost anyone else and this is an election labour could and should win, regardless of Brexit. But then again, Labour would have won in 2015 if the unions had chosen a different Milliband and we wouldn't have had any of this chaos.

The only good thing that will come out of this 5 years of Johnson majority will be the end of Corbyn and hopefully the election of someone who is more than just a poster boy and hobby horse for the hard anti Semitic left in the party. Having a proper electable opposition is the first step to this country hopefully healing
Being against Israeli Zionism and the extreme right wing government of Israel is not antisemitism any more than being against imperialism or tyranny anywhere else in the world is Islamophobic, anti communist, racist etc.

Blair, Clinton and the soft right that you favour have caused the current situation where the hard right is on the rise and the uninformed right wing working class vote brexit because they think that is a vote against foreigners stealing their jobs.

And you swallow and regurgitate the talking points of the billionaires that own the media. That Corbyn is an anti-Semite, that unions are not needed, that free enterprise will cure poverty and the climate crisis. You sit in your ivory teachers tower with the benefits afforded you by trade union struggle and instead of attacking the real culprits and architects of inequality, you become a mouthpiece of that elitism.

You sit in your place at the base of the tower and help pull up the drawbridge while whistling "I'm alright Jack" and once the inevitable mayhem arrives (as it will) you will cry "unfair! Why didn't anyone stop it" like the Mardy little minor elitist you are.
Being against Israeli Zionism and the extreme right wing government of Israel is not antisemitism any more than being against imperialism or tyranny anywhere else in the world is Islamophobic, anti communist, racist etc.

Blair, Clinton and the soft right that you favour have caused the current situation where the hard right is on the rise and the uninformed right wing working class vote brexit because they think that is a vote against foreigners stealing their jobs.

And you swallow and regurgitate the talking points of the billionaires that own the media. That Corbyn is an anti-Semite, that unions are not needed, that free enterprise will cure poverty and the climate crisis. You sit in your ivory teachers tower with the benefits afforded you by trade union struggle and instead of attacking the real culprits and architects of inequality, you become a mouthpiece of that elitism.

You sit in your place at the base of the tower and help pull up the drawbridge while whistling "I'm alright Jack" and once the inevitable mayhem arrives (as it will) you will cry "unfair! Why didn't anyone stop it" like the Mardy little minor elitist you are.

Labour are the kings of Social media since Corbyn came in and it will help them again this time he is one smart motherfucker in that regard

They said he wouldn't get elected as Leader

They said he wouldn't last 2 weeks as Leader

They said he wouldn't survive the 2nd vote on leader...fucking killed it

They said Labour would be destroyed when May ran the General embarrassing

He's survived 2 coup attempts by the Blairite wing of the party that are not real when people say they wont vote labour now because of Corbyn but they voted Labour all their lives they are just lying, just talking bollocks, brainwashed or just simply thick as fuck

He's grown the party by a record number in the history of recorded politicks in this country and it wasn't a small number either

He will still get the youth vote but he will also get the youth vote of those who were able to vote first time 3 elections ago

The demographics have changed more people my age in their late 30's and early 40's will vote for labour than before

Baby boomers are dying out

I bet you after this election the Tory and the Lib dems are going to be in a fucking mess for at least a decade or 2
Being against Israeli Zionism and the extreme right wing government of Israel is not antisemitism any more than being against imperialism or tyranny anywhere else in the world is Islamophobic, anti communist, racist etc.

Blair, Clinton and the soft right that you favour have caused the current situation where the hard right is on the rise and the uninformed right wing working class vote brexit because they think that is a vote against foreigners stealing their jobs.

And you swallow and regurgitate the talking points of the billionaires that own the media. That Corbyn is an anti-Semite, that unions are not needed, that free enterprise will cure poverty and the climate crisis. You sit in your ivory teachers tower with the benefits afforded you by trade union struggle and instead of attacking the real culprits and architects of inequality, you become a mouthpiece of that elitism.

You sit in your place at the base of the tower and help pull up the drawbridge while whistling "I'm alright Jack" and once the inevitable mayhem arrives (as it will) you will cry "unfair! Why didn't anyone stop it" like the Mardy little minor elitist you are.
For many years I have made it a rule never to engage with your increasingly unhinged posts.

But there are some truly bizarre assumptions there that cannot go unanswered. Now I understand your ideological and racial viewpoint a bit more I can see why your posts are so aggressive and insane.

For a start, you have twice now said that Blair is to blame for all of our troubles- completely evidence free of course. Has anyone ever explained to you that just because you have written something doesn't make it true?

There is some merit in that viewpoint of course, but as with everything an aggressive, small minded zealot like yourself ever says, it's just a bit more complicated than that.

You know absolutely nothing about me. Yet you have ascribed attitudes to me that I have never commented on.

I have made no comment on trade unions (I have been a member of trade unions since I have been in full time work).

I don't believe I have ever said a word on climate change.

On the rare occasions that I have made comments on free enterprise, they have not been even close to what you claim to know I believe.

And no, Corbyn is not anti Semitic any more than Johnson is anti Islam. But they carelessly racist. Johnson will say racist things, not because he believes them, but because it is politically expedient for him to do so.

Corbyn is not anti Semitic per se; he would not abuse nor persecute a Jewish person for being Jewish. But many of the hard left nutcases in the labour party (and you really don't have to go very far to find them) have absolutely zero ability to distinguish Netenyahu's foreign policy from Judaism. Every time you wear a badge saying 'end zionism' you are being anti Semitic; Zionism is an ideology totally separate from current Israeli (illegal) foreign policy, which is just an extremist hard right version of it.

Every time you ask a Jewish person to justify Israeli foreign policy just because they are Jewish, you are being anti Semitic. How do I know that? Because Jewish people say so.

Corbyn by being so utterly useless as a leader in every respect has enabled this. I'm not sure he has done so deliberately because to assume that would be to ascribe him leadership and planning skills I dont believe he possesses

Ask yourself why some of Labours Jewish MPs have left the party and about some of the messages they have had on both social media and via their constituency office. In fact, speak to any jew about how they feel about the current Labour party. Just because you believe your world view is absolute doesn't negate the fear they genuinely have over a labour government. You are an apologist for these perpetrators and what you have said is appalling, as are so many of your posts in general
For many years I have made it a rule never to engage with your increasingly unhinged posts.

But there are some truly bizarre assumptions there that cannot go unanswered. Now I understand your ideological and racial viewpoint a bit more I can see why your posts are so aggressive and insane.

For a start, you have twice now said that Blair is to blame for all of our troubles- completely evidence free of course. Has anyone ever explained to you that just because you have written something doesn't make it true?

There is some merit in that viewpoint of course, but as with everything an aggressive, small minded zealot like yourself ever says, it's just a bit more complicated than that.

You know absolutely nothing about me. Yet you have ascribed attitudes to me that I have never commented on.

I have made no comment on trade unions (I have been a member of trade unions since I have been in full time work).

I don't believe I have ever said a word on climate change.

On the rare occasions that I have made comments on free enterprise, they have not been even close to what you claim to know I believe.

And no, Corbyn is not anti Semitic any more than Johnson is anti Islam. But they carelessly racist. Johnson will say racist things, not because he believes them, but because it is politically expedient for him to do so.

Corbyn is not anti Semitic per se; he would not abuse nor persecute a Jewish person for being Jewish. But many of the hard left nutcases in the labour party (and you really don't have to go very far to find them) have absolutely zero ability to distinguish Netenyahu's foreign policy from Judaism. Every time you wear a badge saying 'end zionism' you are being anti Semitic; Zionism is an ideology totally separate from current Israeli (illegal) foreign policy, which is just an extremist hard right version of it.

Every time you ask a Jewish person to justify Israeli foreign policy just because they are Jewish, you are being anti Semitic. How do I know that? Because Jewish people say so.

Corbyn by being so utterly useless as a leader in every respect has enabled this. I'm not sure he has done so deliberately because to assume that would be to ascribe him leadership and planning skills I dont believe he possesses

Ask yourself why some of Labours Jewish MPs have left the party and about some of the messages they have had on both social media and via their constituency office. In fact, speak to any jew about how they feel about the current Labour party. Just because you believe your world view is absolute doesn't negate the fear they genuinely have over a labour government. You are an apologist for these perpetrators and what you have said is appalling, as are so many of your posts in general

Labour have the lowest recorded levels of Anti semitism and have done more than any other party to combat it

Ask your self why the media have suddenly been frothing at the mouth about Anti semitism in the last 6 years especially when the Tories are more anti semetic than Labour

Most of those Jewish MP's' are funded by Israeli Zionist think tanks all you have to do is follow the money so don't get on your high horse about it dude

There has however been some abhorrent attacks by Labour supports on jews and this is not to excuse it but no more than any of the other parties if anything less
Being against Israeli Zionism and the extreme right wing government of Israel is not antisemitism any more than being against imperialism or tyranny anywhere else in the world is Islamophobic, anti communist, racist etc.

Blair, Clinton and the soft right that you favour have caused the current situation where the hard right is on the rise and the uninformed right wing working class vote brexit because they think that is a vote against foreigners stealing their jobs.

And you swallow and regurgitate the talking points of the billionaires that own the media. That Corbyn is an anti-Semite, that unions are not needed, that free enterprise will cure poverty and the climate crisis. You sit in your ivory teachers tower with the benefits afforded you by trade union struggle and instead of attacking the real culprits and architects of inequality, you become a mouthpiece of that elitism.

You sit in your place at the base of the tower and help pull up the drawbridge while whistling "I'm alright Jack" and once the inevitable mayhem arrives (as it will) you will cry "unfair! Why didn't anyone stop it" like the Mardy little minor elitist you are.

Hiding behind the smokescreen of Anti Zionism and Anti the Israeli Government might fool some but it does not come close to what is actually happening in the Labour Party.

If what you say is true, how do you reconcile that with what has happened to Louise Ellman, Luciana Berger and Margret Hodge?

Surely you are not suggesting they are hard line Zionists or former Mossad agents?

Maybe back in March 2018 when Christine Shawcroft, then head of Labour's disputes panel, claimed the Holocaust was a hoax, she was just having a bad day.

If Corbyn was serious about Anti Semitism, why did he employ rubbish like Karie Murphy to ensure that the complaints in the system did not see the light of day?

Burying his head in the sand and pretending what his top level supporters in Momentum are up to is not really happening does not befit a person in his position.

Anti Semitism is racism, so Corbyn is clearly a racist; the fact that he knows what is happening in his own Party and is content not to act against it reinforces that fact.

I have never voted anything other than Labour; I will not be voting for that C * n t.
Labour have the lowest recorded levels of Anti semitism and have done more than any other party to combat it

Ask your self why the media have suddenly been frothing at the mouth about Anti semitism in the last 6 years especially when the Tories are more anti semetic than Labour

Most of those Jewish MP's' are funded by Israeli Zionist think tanks all you have to do is follow the money so don't get on your high horse about it dude

There has however been some abhorrent attacks by Labour supports on jews and this is not to excuse it but no more than any of the other parties if anything less
Good grief.

I won't ask myself, I will ask a Jewish person thanks. What they tell me is pretty loud and clear and it's very different to what you are saying.

Berger for a start was a very good labour MP. If there isn't room for her in the PLP then there are massive problems.

Anti semitism isn't something you fuck around with. It isn't something you plea bargain or debate whether this is or this isn't.
Good grief.

I won't ask myself, I will ask a Jewish person thanks. What they tell me is pretty loud and clear and it's very different to what you are saying.

Berger for a start was a very good labour MP. If there isn't room for her in the PLP then there are massive problems.

Anti semitism isn't something you fuck around with. It isn't something you plea bargain or debate whether this is or this isn't.

I totally agree so stop fucking around with it
Good grief.

I won't ask myself, I will ask a Jewish person thanks. What they tell me is pretty loud and clear and it's very different to what you are saying.

Berger for a start was a very good labour MP. If there isn't room for her in the PLP then there are massive problems.

Anti semitism isn't something you fuck around with. It isn't something you plea bargain or debate whether this is or this isn't.
You can ask me then!
lets get this right Luciana burger was going to be deselected ..she jumped before she was pushed

So dont go there

you are causing more harm by perpetuating shite
Margeret Hodge who did fuck all about known nonces in her constituencie of islington in Care homes that she was responsible for

You need to find better examples of people who had an agenda and where crying wolf

Odious women
You can ask me then!
By all means, you are entitled to your opinion on all of these things, whether as a Jewish person or however else you identify.

You are not, however, entitled to mine, although ascribing all sorts of political beliefs to someone you don't know, you seem to think differently.

My eyes were opened to this by some Jewish people I am aquatinted with, having not really understood where the complaints were coming from before. I am very happy to hear an alternative take on it.
Louise Ellman - was going to be deselected because of unproven lies

Seriously dudes you need better examples

There are a couple but you have used the wrong ones to validate your points

They are all known liars and frankly awful people

However I'm sure they also did get some abuse
Margeret Hodge who did fuck all about known nonces in her constituencie of islington in Care homes that she was responsible for

You need to find better examples of people who had an agenda and where crying wolf

Odious women
An MP is not directly responsible for care homes in their constituency. What a bizarre statement.

Grenfell was in Emma Dent Coad's constituency, so is she to blame for that?