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Agreed, it's definitely up to Flynn to prove he is one of the exceptions to his own words!

The ultimate goal here of course is to impeach Trump at all costs and I just don't think there will be enough there to make that happen, not even close.

As I said before though, if you were a Hillary staffer you wouldn't have risked yourself in the highly charged political environment surrounding the email investigation, it didn't mean they were guilty. The same is true of Flynn now but we will see.

Yep itto, coincidentaly I came across this banned film and it immediately reminded me of you.

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE [Banned Discovery Channel Documentary]

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.

Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada.

At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.

A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.

Destructive alright.

And speaking of Flynn I see his son still doing a grand job...

He just re-tweeted this...

<img src="" alt="Mountain View" style="width:504px;height:428px;">
Appears Flynn not the only one seeking want immunity...

<img src="" alt="" style="width:504px;height:628px;">

This after Trump tweeted...

"It was Russia" stone-throwers on the left may have been living in Russia-funded glass-houses after all...

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Watch @foxandfriends now on Podesta and Russia!

Here's the story behind the rweets.....

Since anything connected to Russia is now considered treasonous, I’ve got a great story for you to sniff out.

.....John Podesta, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 national campaign chairman, may have violated federal law by failing to disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from a Kremlin-financed company when he joined the Obama White House in 2014, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.....

....Consider if any or all of the above had taken place a@@@@ any of the Trump administration - what would have occurred?

How villified would the offender have been?

As Mike Krieger concludes, personally, I doubt any of the above is a huge deal, and I certainly don’t think Podesta is working for Vladimir Putin under the table. However, just imagine the hysteria if the above narrative could’ve been connected to anyone in Trump’s orbit. It would’ve been plastered on the front page of The Washington Post and The New York Times with headlines like, “More Financial Ties Emerge Between Those in Trump’s Orbit and Putin.”

Naturally, you won’t see this story hyped because it doesn’t fit the corporate media narrative, and the narrative is all they care about.

Confirmed: Obama's National Security advisor Susan Rice "Unmasked" Trump Team

Once again it appears that Trump was right: the conspiracy theory that a close Obama associate worked to "unmask" the Trump team, resulting in the ongoing media spectacle over "collusion" between Trump and the Kremlin, has been confirmed, first by Mike Cernovich, and now by Bloomberg itself.

Again we have the case of CIA contolled MSM failing to report news that makes anyone other than Trump look bad.

Again we have anti-Trump governmental officials lying....

Apr 3, 2017 12:30 PM
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

While Rice has not spoken directly on the issue of unmasking, last month when she was asked on the "PBS NewsHour" about reports that Trump transition officials, including Trump himself, were swept up in incidental intelligence collection, Rice said: "I know nothing about this," adding, "I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today."

'Rice's multiple requests to learn the identities of Trump officials discussed in intelligence reports during the transition period does highlights a key political purpose: to create a media firestorm of controversy involving the Trump team, and to delegitimize Donald Trump as much as possible.
More from the guy that broke the above story, Mike Cernovich.

A guy, who while maybe not everybody's cup of tea, has got a huge following , 200,000 Twitter Followers, and 6 Million Page Views in Day.

He says he knows that the pedophile rings across the globe are all connected, and that the Saudis are buying kids from Haiti. He insinuates that the whole thing will be exposed according to a well thought out schedule;

He states next in line for exposure is a guy whose got a job her shouldn't have and his social media been compremised (Podesta?)

Considering he just broke the Susan Rice story along with his huge following, this may well encourage the fake news MSM to take notice.

Either that or he's going to get a bullet in back of his head.

Start the video around 11:20...

Have just read the whole thread, Interesting stuff, would appear on the face of things to be wildly fanciful, but like most outrageous accusations there is often an element of truth involved, however big or small that element is.
Apologies Marvin the thread not what it was because stuff is missing in parts

I dont know what entirely happened and if it had anything to do with this thread, but there were complaints about stuff posted to back up some claims. And subsequently Vital HQ removed the facility to embed Youtube videos directly on posts throughout the network, hence the videos vanished on the thread.

No worries, youtube is a blocked site in my current location anyway so wouldn't have been able to view, get the general idea from the quotations though.
Trump Unleashes Military Strikes: 59 Tomahawk Missiles Hit Syria - Live Feed

As previewed earlier tonight, the United States fired a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria on Friday morning in retaliation for this week's alleged chemical weapons attack against civilians by the Assad regime.

Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Likely A False Flag

According to former Congressman Ron Paul, the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun that killed 30 children and has led to calls for the Trump administration to intervene in Syria could have been a false flag attack.

As Paul Joseph Watson details, pointing out that the prospect of peace in Syria was moving closer before the attack, with ISIS and Al-Qaeda on the run, Paul said the attack made no sense.

“It looks like maybe somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode,” said Paul, asking, “who benefits?”
“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases – I think there’s zero chance he would have done this deliberately,” said Paul.

Ex-UK Ambassador: Assad wasn't behind the chemical attack

Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford says those calling for intervention in Syria are likes "dogs returning to their own vomit"

Peter Ford says he believes it is "highly unlikely" that Russia or the Assad regime was behind the attack in Idlib

Hysteria if he acts, hysteria if he doesn't - just the political climate we live in. Let's face it he doesn't have a single good choice here and in all fairness was left in a spot of bother with the red-line debacle.

Here is Trump's lose-lose situation with the mainstream media:

Trump does nothing - proof that he doesn't care about dying children - told you so.

Trump does something - omg he's unstable and it's WW3 - told you so.

It doesn't make sense for Assad to have done this but do the rebels or ISIS have the air capability? Also it should be perfectly possible for the US to track the plane and it's point of origin. I admit that there is a leap of faith involved in trusting that info though.

The UN is useless, Arab nations sit on their hands, Russia clearly didn't remove the chemical weapons, and Obama kicked this can down the road just like Iran and North Korea etc. Do not mistake inaction for the moral high ground as he so often did. We all prefer diplomacy but the other side has to be willing to engage and clearly many aren't remotely interested.

Just in recent years we have seen the following:

Russia invades Ukraine - do nothing, wouldn't want to risk escalation.

ISIS spreading across Syria/Iraq/Libya - do nothing, it's not like we left the vacuum being filled after all.

China taking over the local seas - do nothing, wouldn't want to risk escalation.

North Korea launching missiles into sea of Japan - do nothing, wouldn't want to risk escalation.

Iran violating nuclear agreement - give them hundreds of millions in cash! - that money definitely wont fund terrorism.

The real questions are at what point do you push back against these countries and how? Nobody wants to be drawn into conflicts but does that mean free reign for them? What are the red lines? - they should at least be clear and have real consequences.

Trump may be frustrating me with his healthcare failure and the knock on effect to tax reform, but he gets a pass on this one from me, terrible position to be in and not of his own making.
Don't cut your throat yet Skip. Trump is so erratic that it's impossible to get him sorted yet. This is a big mistake even if he knows the full details.
How do you fix the problem between Sunni and the Muslim opposition?

Nobody knows.

Might be as well to leave them to it.

I would stay right out of it, At least for the next 500 years.

The Trump administration need to have more message focus and stop trying to do so much at once. It's hard to keep up and any good news is always lost in the mix! He must also resist temptation to be influenced by Democrats or Bush-ites...he will be a one - term president if he doesn't stick to his more populist campaign agenda, that's what he was elected for! I'm sure it was America first, not Syria first - a legitimate criticism.

I'm not so sure it is a mistake, more like the least worst optiom for me. Doing nothing could've simply been a green light for more of the same from Assad.

The world is going to have to deal with all of the countries I named at some point, all we can hope for is that the super powers involved realise that all out war is not an option.

Trump cannot win in this situation. However, when you spend years and years saying do nothing about Syria and then send 59 missiles into a airfield in your first 100 days you are going to face some criticism.

Personally, Trump is everything I hate about american politics. He talked bollocks to get elected and will fook the working and middle classes who voted for him.
If his initial job and economical results are anything to go by he wont be doing too badly for the working or middle classes. All of this could be undone by failing to get consensus (again) on healthcare reform though, which would truly bugger tax cuts.

I think Obama did real damage to these classes and that's why the Democrats are out for now imo. I know it makes you Hitler (and every other insult) for wanting a change but my preference as an outsider would've been largely based on the economy, looking at Obama's term:

National debt - doubled

Labour force participation - down
Home ownership - down
Median household income - down

Health insurance - up
Food stamp dependants - up
Persons living in poverty - up

Let's face it, he is a much more articulate, likeable guy than Trump but when he said the American people are better off than when I took office 8 years ago his nose grew just a little.
Skip, we're managing to do all that here in Oz and we don't even have Obama!

I don't like Trump and believe that he's used to getting his own way regardless of some of the consequences. As the President of the USA he has to change his spots, and fast. Doubt he'll be able to do that.

A big show of force doesn't always work to your advantage.

In broad terms in the real old days. it used to be Muslims versus most of the other religions in the world. Eventually the West poked its oar in and decided to partition the Middle East Then came 9/11 and it became obvious that Muslims didn't get on too well with Westeners, the USA in particular. A few years after that Mr Bush talked the rest of us into believing that Weapons of Mass Destruction existed in the Middle East so we made a pigs ear of that as well and never managed to fix it up.
And all the time that this was going on the Muslims were fighting with each other and still are. In fact it's probably worse now than it ever was.

A few weeks ago I picked up a book, probably 20 or 30 years old showing all the countries in the world together with a load of info on each of them including religions. It also broke down which Muslim countries were either Sunni or She-ite. Most of these countries were Sunni and they were spread all over North Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, and various parts of Asia. And would you believe it, a majority were in revolt with fighting over one thing or another.

Just one question......

How in hell is that ever going to get resolved.

Short answer...... NEVER.

"The System Itself Is Beyond Repair"

The Cost of a Trump Presidency
Antonius Aquinas

Last Thursday’s wanton attack on a Syrian air field by the US and its bellicose actions toward North Korea have brought to the forefront the real cost of candidate Trump’s landslide victory last November.

In the case of last fall’s US Presidential election, the cost of Donald Trump’s unexpected victory was not the money spent on the campaign, but the diffusion (hopefully, only temporary) of the growing anti-Establishment groundswell that was percolating not only in America, but across the globe.

The Trump phenomenon, Brexit, Texas secession talk, anti-immigration gatherings, central bank scrutiny, the exposure and decline of the lying, dominant mass media, and other populist movements and causes were symptoms of the masses dissatisfaction with their exploitation by the ruling elites.

Trump’s triumph has squashed and defused many of these populist uprisings since a number of his campaign themes empathized with these trends.

The ills that plague the US and, for that matter, the Western world, will not be solved through a Trump Presidency in “making America great again,” but will only come about through political decentralization and the abolition of central banking with a return to sound money.

Concomitant with political decentralization and secession is military contraction, as smaller political jurisdictions will have lesser pools of wealth to tap from while the absence of an inflationary central bank will make military adventurism extremely difficult to conduct.

Since the groundwork for a depoliticized world has not been laid, a Trump Presidency made sense as long as he kept as close as possible to his campaign agenda, the most important of which was foreign policy.

With the strike on Syria and seemingly more military action in the offering, Trump’s Presidency is now the worst of all possible worlds, at least in the short run, for those opposed to the New World Order. Most serious observers, however, understood, especially after the appointment of so many Goldman Sachs cretins, Israeli Firsters, and nutty war@@@@ers to his administration, that Trump would eventually succumb to the pressure. More importantly, Trump was never fully grounded in an America First mindset, probably not knowing where that term originated or its gallant founders.

Trump’s capitulation makes it abundantly clear that the system itself is beyond repair. Getting the right individual to salvage the American welfare/warfare state cannot be done. Trump had many advantages that no future candidate will likely possess which means that anybody that follows will be an “insider.” Much of his base, therefore, will no longer support a future Republican candidate or will give him only lukewarm support . With no independent personality to rally around, the millions of disappointed Trumpians will seek new governing paradigms which hopefully will lead to the growth of secession movements.

Full article...

Putin: "Idlib Was A "False Flag" Attack And We Have Learned That More Are Coming"

“We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” he said at a joint press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Moscow

The Russian President announced that Russia will officially turn to the UN in the Hague for an investigation of the chemical weapons' use in Idlib. Moscow has dismissed suggestions that the Syrian government that it backs could be behind the attack in Idlib province.

"All incidents reminiscent of the 'chemical attacks' that took place in Idlib must be thoroughly investigated," Putin said.
I guess he's telling the truth. He's such a trustworthy guy.
Happy coincidence that he seems to know where the next 'false flag' chemical attack will take place. Super intelligence gathering, that is.