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boszi - 7/3/2017 11:58


2016. nov. 20.
Wikileaks Photos, John Kerry Visit Antarctica:

Just days after the shocking U.S. presidential election, Secretary of State John Kerry became the highest-ranking U.S. government official to ever set foot on Antarctica (although there are rumors President Obama made a secret visit there earlier this year).

Mysterious Antarctica - The World's Best Kept Secret?

Part 1 - Why Antarctica is Kept Top Secret?
Part 2 - Researcher Discovers a Huge Pyramid in Antarctica Using Satellite Images
Part 3 - Amazing German Antarctic Discoveries In 1938


Are you ok? You appear to be believing conspiracy videos on youtube?
Im fine Marco thanks for the concern.

As for the subject matter of Antarctica, like I said in an earlier post im keeping an open mind on the topic.

Whats piqued an interest is a lot of high ranking people have been visiting recently and I dont think they just going for the penguins.

Secondly, Flat Earthers are all over this.

Like this video posted by

Flat Earth Founder


This guy a serious FE proponent.

And as a lot of folk are aware FE's are more than likely a CIA creation a discredit by association tactic.

So for them to direct there attentions to Antartica could mean there is some validity in the claims of pyramids and lost civilizations out there.

The son of former US National Security Advisor Michael Flynn been tweeting ....

Michael Flynn Jr ?????

Michael Flynn Jr ???? retweet: David Seaman Online
Let's clear up

#PizzaGate nvr abt JUST #cometpingpong

Abt a culture of SICK corruption a@@@@ elites

Just explain the artwork n we'll STFU
2017. márc. 9.

The corporate media is a disgusting failure. Ad hominem character attacks and beating the war drum come before breaking anything in the public interest nowadays - disgraceful, despicable people.


Yep LBL, it appears that way, but the thing is a lot of the stuff being exposed in this thread is not pleasant in content, and I suspect many members find it distasteful to participate in the debate.

Indeed, Brad recently emailed me that a few readers complained about the Pedo Podesta photos I posted that son of former US National Security Advisor Michael Flynn tweeted about the continued silence of the media in regards pedogate / pizzagate.....

Michael Flynn Jr ?????

#PizzaGate nvr abt JUST #cometpingpong

Abt a culture of SICK corruption amóng elites

Just explain the artwork n we'll STFU

There has only been 1 major media outlet reporting, to my knowledge, on the topic objectively and that reporter went missing...

An objective report by a CBS News anchor, rapidly scrubbed afterwards....
( | 5:47 | Jan 2017)


Looks like the son of former US National Security Advisor Michael Flynn not letting up..

Michael Flynn Jr ????? @mflynnJR 19 h19

Sick of MSM ignoring B Clinton PEDOPHILE connection

Bill flew 26 TIMES to "ORGY ISLAND" FOLKS!

Michael Flynn Jr

Someone HAS 2 have video on these sick elites from that island. COME FORWARD! You have more support than you know!

Btw, sorry folks, for some reason looks like Vital HQ has took off the ability to post Youtube videos across the boards and as such many gone missing on this thread,

Looks like have to post links from now on..

Just testing this one.

wouldnt it be good if we could fook all the leavers off to Trumpsville and get the progressive yanks over here in Europe, rather than a mass immigration thing, a mass swap thing, get all them 'somewheres' somewhere else onthier own :14:
Again as for some reason Vital HQ removed ( strange after 8 years) the ability to embed youtube videos on threads i'll have to post a link to this amusing Trump parady....

Donald Trump must recover the presidential seal from Mars. Will he defeat the evil George Soros, secure the presidency & get the girl? Probably..
On another note

Anti-Trump Propagandist David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

As one commentator remarked...

Renee? @reneemagoo 19 h1

@DylanByers @Cernovich We sure it was a heart attack? Where was HRC? People tied to her tend to mysteriously die. Could be first survivor?

However, remember the guy tied to pizzagate / pedogate through former boyfriend James Alefantis, Comet Pizza owner and friends of the Podesta brothers.

As another commentator suggests....

" he could be faking medical problems to escape pending legal problems"

It's happened before, remember Granville Janner.
Appears a few more folk are becoming more aware of pizzagat / pedogate and speaking out.

LLCoolJ with 5 million followers is summoning Eminem to help & tweeting #missingdcgirls .


Yo @Eminem let's find these #missingdcgirls !!!

DualityOfMan? @WordBrian 21 h21

@3cb9882c032b43e @llcoolj @Eminem they traffic the women and kids take their organs from the men. That's what all these wars are about

DualityOfMan? @WordBrian 21 h

@3cb9882c032b43e @llcoolj @Eminem 500k per harvested human.

Appears to be hotting up over pizzagate / pedogate with the black community seemingly getting involved now...

Missing DC Girls - decoded by @HotepJesus

Jack Kern 22hrs

I have been all over the Podesta child abduction ring on my facebook page & group! I never knew the color of any of the speculated victims, but I never cared about that only that Podesta and his brother are criminal accomplices in human trafficing.

Gnomes make me smile 17 hrs
Time for action people, it's up to us to protect the children. NOBODY else gonna do it.?
FBI: 500 Missing Children Since 2017 May Be Part Of ‘Elite Pedo Ring’

Former Navy SEAL Team 6 Operator, Craig 'Sawman' Sawyer has joined the fight on 'pedogate'. It's very real and we're going to take it down!

Exposing Pedos, Long Overdue!

boszi - 25/3/2017 14:13

FBI: 500 Missing Children Since 2017 May Be Part Of ‘Elite Pedo Ring’

Former Navy SEAL Team 6 Operator, Craig 'Sawman' Sawyer has joined the fight on 'pedogate'. It's very real and we're going to take it down!

Exposing Pedos, Long Overdue!

That was quick...

The guys been on Twitter since 2011.

Starts tweeting about #pedogate and gets his account unverified.

Craig Sawyer
Navy SEAL Sniper, Tactical Contractor, Trainer, Animal Defender, Federal Air Marshal, @USMC. @History,

I upset Twitter by mentioning @@@@@philes, so my blue verification ?? disappeared after years. Am I no longer verified as me, Twitter?

Anonymous America? @KORANISBURNING 9

@CraigRSawyer welcome to the show, we've been trying to expose pizzagate for years, seen many people get shadow banned

Here's a great picture that just about sums up where we at.....

Cartoonist Ben Garrisson draws John Podesta as an octopus holding a slice of pizza as well as three children in its tentacles.

<h2> </h2>
<img src="" alt="Mountain View" style="width:604px;height:528px;">
Guess What Investigation Hillary Clinton Covered Up At The State Department

Flashback to June 11th, 2013 when NBC was reporting real news...

“Allegations of prostitution and pedophilia, and allegations that those crimes were somehow covered up or not looked into. So the State Department this morning is having to respond to those claims, and those investigations involve misconduct by State Department officials, including an Ambassador and security agents attached to then secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

“The allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether, and that those orders came from high up.”

“NBC has obtained documents relating to ongoing investigations into some disturbing allegations involving State Department personnel and at least one ambassador. A State Department memo says, quote, “the Ambassador routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.

“The memo also says a top State Department official directed State Department investigators to “cease the investigation” into the ambassador’s conduct.” It’s just one of what another document describes as “several examples of undue influence” from top State Department officials.”

Boszi, I saw this and thought of you:
So destructive.

Also, I see the upstanding general flynn is doing a grand job. Immunity, indeed!
Flynn is an interesting one, I can believe that he is simply requesting immunity as he could be open to a politcally charged unfair prosecution in that environment. That is perfectly possible as many, many of Hillarys staffers did the same thing about the email 'scandal' - to provide balance.

But there equally could be more to it and things will get very choppy for the new administration indeed! He is not guilty just yet though as Pelsoi and Schumer would have us believe...
When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime.

Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up!

Karma's a bitch, huh?