The Ross Barkley Thread | Page 26 | Vital Football

The Ross Barkley Thread

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Barkley reminded me tonight of that typical teenager who is convinced he's a great "number 10" and all he has to do is stand ten yards off the striker and be creative. Brighton outnumbered us in midfield tonight and he just stood around just inside our own half while McGinn and Luiz ran around like headless chickens, chasing shadows. Refuses to tackle, refuses to track, refuses to block, and only ever runs at anything above a jog when Grealish is on the ball and he thinks he might get on the end of something. Pathetic, immature, selfish. I would hate to play with him.
He's obviously incredibly talented, we've seen glimpses of him at his best this season but not consistently, either due to injury or now an apparent lack of confidence or form.

Roberto Martinez got the best out of Barkley, turned him into a consistent performer. I've seen him do what he's done in a handful of games this season for us week in week out for Everton before. It's now up to DS to decide whether this is a player he can work with and get the best out of consistently, or if the player is past his best and the glimpses we've seen this season of the world class number 10 he once was are just that, glimpses.
Composure, skill, vision, technique, match winning ability... he has all that in droves.

But there is something wrong with Barkley, which I can’t put my finger on it. It’s probably the reason why he’s ended up being loaned out of Chelsea and why he’s here.

I don’t know if it’s a mental issue - whether it’s a bit of an attitude problem, but he only seems to be able to play or want to play once in three or four games. He doesn’t cope well in fast paced games where he has little space in the middle of the park eg Leeds, Soton, Brighton, and doesn’t seem to want it be able to get into those games. Perhaps the management need to give him more of a licence as it’s a waste of time having a number 10 on the pitch who doesn’t touch the ball.

It could also be injury or fitness related with Barkley. Sanson came on and looked lean and athletic, Barkley to me looks like a big unit. He’s always been built that way, and that’s fine if he can play at the pace of the game with a bit more weight. I do wonder then, if he always has getting injured or has a recurring injury on his mind, which is holding him back? I always had the impression he was a bit of a sick note, but the websites that report that didn’t suggest it was the case - and as it’s on the internet it must be true.
I think he's probably just decided he doesn't want to be here.

All those training ground pics and twitter pics of him and Jack looking like best buddies have certainly dried up.

I think when he joined he thought he'd found a new forever home where he'd be happy but has now decided we're not for him and its showing in his abject lazy performances.
One thing that has occurred to me in light of a few comments concerning his mental attitude - I wonder if the worry of yet another pulled hamstring hangs over him?

Too many times I have seen him stand in the middle of the park or set off on a light jog when you feel a dynamic burst of pace could have him competing for the ball.

If he did accelerate rapidly there would be an increased risk of injury.
One thing that has occurred to me in light of a few comments concerning his mental attitude - I wonder if the worry of yet another pulled hamstring hangs over him?

Too many times I have seen him stand in the middle of the park or set off on a light jog when you feel a dynamic burst of pace could have him competing for the ball.

If he did accelerate rapidly there would be an increased risk of injury.
It could well be and what has always blighted his career.
I think he's probably just decided he doesn't want to be here.

All those training ground pics and twitter pics of him and Jack looking like best buddies have certainly dried up.

I think when he joined he thought he'd found a new forever home where he'd be happy but has now decided we're not for him and its showing in his abject lazy performances.
Probably missing the bright lights of London.
The guy is an idle waster who scores the odd goal
He couldn't even run for the coach home.

Bit harsh. I just think due to the glimpses of quality we see our expectations are high, there is obviously a discrepancy between what he has the potential to deliver and what he actually can. I think this is just him. Ruben Loftus Cheek and many others are the same. I have the feeling if we signed him we would spend 3 years waiting for him to fulfil this potential.

The temper tantrums really put me off him. I get he's annoyed or whatever but I've got no time for it from a grown man. You are being paid a fortune to kick a ball around the least you can do is behave like an adult.
barkley has had no end of top quality managers while at chelsea and has failed to keep a regular place in a team for any of them . the last few games we have looked piss poor .the football has gone and we cant even pass wind the camp doesnt look as happy has it has done and the way barkley spat out his dummy when he was subbed showed a total lack of respect for the manager and coaching staff ross thinks he is a better player than he really is and it seems to me like he is only playing for him self and trying to work his way back into southgates thoughts
i for one would love to see him side lined again he is greedy and selfish and you get the feeling that he thinks he is to good for villa .. sorry ross but your reputation as a player is better than the actual football you play
far too inconsistent to be a class act ..............SEND HIM BACK
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