The Presidents Club - n/a Gills | Page 2 | Vital Football

The Presidents Club - n/a Gills

To some folks the hard up students are the ones who are privileged - sadly I class everyone in the UK as privileged compared with many other residents of this planet.
Not that I want to extrapolate too much, but you could argue that this is the kind of attitude that exudes from the blazers of the football establishment (see current threads), and thus representive of the people in it.

Which would help explain why football, like the world, is getting progessively worse.
DurhamGills - 24/1/2018 23:22

To some folks the hard up students are the ones who are privileged - sadly I class everyone in the UK as privileged compared with many other residents of this planet.

Classic misdirection. "Eat up your tripe. Some poor buggers are starving in India."

If you're at your gentleman's club touching up teenagers, do them (and yourself) the favour of first making sure they don't mind.
Please tell me this is a Phil Neville style "joke" Durham.

I assume it is a whoosh, or have some people in this day and age not yet crawled out of the primeval slime.


I remember the comment from the judge who said anyone could dine at the Ritz if they chose to.

Frankly I'm embarrased to be a man at times like this.

Are you John Knee in disguise? Crass at best.
OK some of us are unwilling, or unable to see the sexism here so let's try another tack. Any event like this is set up by a few of the rich and powerful for others of their kind. There will be the old hands used to manipulating the "free" women and there will be a range of others down to the bottom rungs of those wishing to climb the greasy pole. It's a grand grooming project intended to entrap a whole new generation of leaders into corruption, greed and wrongdoing.
*47% of a survey stated that being 'winked at ' was inappropriate behaviour*

There's a lot of soft ***** out there.

*Source : Sky News press preview.
I'm actually more shocked that you seem to think this is ok Durham.

Do you think when they are interviewed for these waitress jobs one of the questions is do you mind if the men at this party grope and sexually harass you? Because make no bones about it that's what this is. That you seem to think this is ok says more about you and your attitudes to women than anything else. The year is 2018 not 1970.

I'd no idea this sort of shit still went on.
Everyday I watch the news, my opinion of men gets lower. Everyday there seems to be some awful sex story. It seems that its becoming the norm for men to take advantage of women/children. I know my own personal experiences have also affected my opinion.
I'm so glad so many of you have replied to Durhams warped opinion.

Hope my ramblings make sense.
There were 130 "hostesses" at this event, I struggled to get my head around that - one hundred and thirty
Well I am pleased to hear that the last of the annual do's was actually the last.

So here's to hoping, there is no 'underground' version to replace it.

Try leaving this Victorian behaviour back in the era it came from.
For once and probably only once, I can see where Durham is coming from.

I have personal family experience of the recruiting for these jobs, and lets be clear the applicants SHOULD know what to expect. The report confirms they were told to dress sexy and that it was a marmite job, and those in the industry know what to expect. A bunch of pissed up privileged guys with more arrogance than manners. A job that the majority decline.

Is this acceptable? In the cold light of day of course its not. Its not to my taste either, and I don't defend the behaviour in any way. But no-one was forced into going, and the majority of those girls will be p***d off that they have lost the opportunity to earn good money.

What really makes me laugh is that the behaviour of the average football crowd is equally appalling. Aggressive, threatening, foul mouthed, and abusive to opposition players fans and officials. If an individual repeated that behaviour outside a stadium they would be thumped or arrested. Is the behaviour of a football crowd much different to these idiots? Dual standards?

This crowd had more money and power than most so are easy targets, and I just question if the incentive to report and criticise is about morals or jealousy.

To me the problem boils down to abuse of power. Ok, people don't "have" to do the job but what a sad indictment of our society that that this kind of "fun" goes on.

I agree with you feeway re football crowds, good point.

I've heard from some that it's for charity so it's ok. Lance Armstrong and Jimmy Saville hod behind that veneer.
Teg64 - 25/1/2018 06:49

Everyday I watch the news, my opinion of men gets lower. Everyday there seems to be some awful sex story. It seems that its becoming the norm for men to take advantage of women/children.

Sadly, things are a lot, lot worse for women in many other countries, and things are going to be a lot worse for women in this country, in the future.
feewaybill - 25/1/2018 08:33

For once and probably only once, I can see where Durham is coming from.

I have personal family experience of the recruiting for these jobs, and lets be clear the applicants SHOULD know what to expect. The report confirms they were told to dress sexy and that it was a marmite job, and those in the industry know what to expect. A bunch of pissed up privileged guys with more arrogance than manners. A job that the majority decline.

Is this acceptable? In the cold light of day of course its not. Its not to my taste either, and I don't defend the behaviour in any way. But no-one was forced into going, and the majority of those girls will be p***d off that they have lost the opportunity to earn good money.

What really makes me laugh is that the behaviour of the average football crowd is equally appalling. Aggressive, threatening, foul mouthed, and abusive to opposition players fans and officials. If an individual repeated that behaviour outside a stadium they would be thumped or arrested. Is the behaviour of a football crowd much different to these idiots? Dual standards?

This crowd had more money and power than most so are easy targets, and I just question if the incentive to report and criticise is about morals or jealousy.

Similar arguments were made in defence of the likes of Harvey Weinerstain recently.

I dress sexy most days but it doesn't mean I'm ripe for being molested.

I think the football analogy is way off target. Yes it's behaviour that shouldn't be tolerated in the street but that's where the similarities end. The reasons for abuse are very different and the experience of the person getting abused is also extremely different (no touching, no coming into personal space, clear segregation).

Trev's cycle of bashing the privileged and then the non-privileged also appears to be incorrect. From where I'm standing stories bashing the privileged are far more rare than those bashing the un-privileged. But that can hardly be surprising when you consider who controls the media (and the hearts and minds of a huge proportion of our society).
Things are getting better in this particular area. For a start off we all know that this event took place and its general tenor when before that knowledge was less widespread. Millimetre by millimetre the nonsense is teased out despite the wall of silence, BS and deflection from the men involved. Listen to them and not one of them saw anything untoward, they struggle to believe anything did occur given the calibre of the guest list ( I kid you not ) and every one of them left early. This leaves a curious vision of a charity do peopled only by scantily clad young women after about 10pm.

The "industry" has rushed to defend itslf calling this event an outlier and a one off and talking of the professionalism of hostesses in helping events run smoothly. Does anyone actually believe that BS, or do they just put up smokescreens to protect future jollies. Some of the hostesses are now saying they were sure that numbers of prostuitutes were present. I bet the attendees never told partners and families about that but the cat is out of the bag. Of course there are other similar gatherings, which most of us never hear of.

Man up and admit that males organise in this way. They defer to power and follow the big man, who is often the least among them. Once you have gone along with any of this sort of shit you are owned by the big men. That's how it works and it is way worse than anything football fans get up to. I don't defend the bad behaviour of football fans but please they don't run our institutions, tell the rest of us how to behave or control our lives. This rubbish needs to be dismantled brick by brick.
I think there's an even more basic dimension to this. A number of people reported being assaulted at work, leaving them feeling violated and unsafe- so why is the response from some just to brush it off? No-one should be made to feel that way, and on top of that, should not be made to feel as if they are making a fuss over nothing . If we were more willing to listen to the issues others face, especially when raised by minorities or those who lack power and influence, surely society would be a better place.
I sometimes think the lefties might have to take some responsibility. The refusal to recognise that there is a difference between men and women could have created an unfair 'reprisal' (Is that the correct word??)
Sorry Razor but that is absolute nonsense of the first order. It's wrong on so many levels but why do you go to what you call lefties? Do you not know any "lefties", who are unreconstructed? I do. This is not left right politics and that should be blindingly obvious. Who is refusing to recognise a difference between men and women and why would that lead to a reprisal of any sort? Bad behaviour is just that and whinging about other people being as bad doesn't change that.

It is clear that we need to keep shooting at this target because the only response so far has been bluster, denial and deflection. If this is how these men behave when they think we aren't looking it gives some idea of the low contempt they have for the bulk of humanity.

I thought someone would do this!!!

I am in no way condoning any of it, in fact I consider it to be totally sick

By 'lefties' I was referring to those who went completely over the top about anything. Not with any political bent whatsoever.
However the incident appears to have bitten in to you so much you are not interrpreting things, that have nothing to do with it, correctly

Nevermind, I can't be arsed to explain what should be obvious.