The Positive Thread | Page 9 | Vital Football

The Positive Thread

Well it'll be a positive if the next election gets shut of these tossers we've got nar despite what the tenbob brigade think mi owd pal.:giggle: UTB
I dont know anyone who votes tories who doesn't think they are a spent force and should lose the election, but lose it to what.? The intellectual giants of the Labour front bench, whose only plan is to do the same only more so..? Seems like the Labour voters imagine that every problem will be solved by giving the Magic Money Tree a good shake. What fools...
Don't think it will need locking they are a tight fit.they come with a concaved bottom and convexed top to sit flush with each other so no gaps.i think it's called eco fencing..
Yes I've just had a look. They seem the biz. That'll be me then with the wide brush and a tin of Cuprinol going forward as per. I did get these double dipped though so at least it's a few years away.
I dont know anyone who votes tories who doesn't think they are a spent force and should lose the election, but lose it to what.? The intellectual giants of the Labour front bench, whose only plan is to do the same only more so..? Seems like the Labour voters imagine that every problem will be solved by giving the Magic Money Tree a good shake. What fools...
Just shows wor a set of tossers the tories are then dunt it.I vote Labour but only cos i dislike the tories so much as i've said plenty of times before, but even a party as bad as Labour are supposed to be would struggle to mek a bigger balls up than this shower of bobbar have.:yes: UTB
I dont know anyone who votes tories who doesn't think they are a spent force and should lose the election, but lose it to what.? The intellectual giants of the Labour front bench, whose only plan is to do the same only more so..? Seems like the Labour voters imagine that every problem will be solved by giving the Magic Money Tree a good shake. What fools...
It doesn't seem possible for any party to be worse than this current Tory shower...but I've got a feeling that in a couple of years time, that theory will have been well and truly disproved.
Just shows wor a set of tossers the tories are then dunt it.I vote Labour but only cos i dislike the tories so much as i've said plenty of times before, but even a party as bad as Labour are supposed to be would struggle to mek a bigger balls up than this shower of bobbar have.:yes: UTB

Cant wait to see what Mr Decisive is like as PM, Little Miss Knee Trembler as his side kick and the might of Rachel Reeves, David Lammy and Lisa Nandy, as Chancellor, Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary. Feck me, we'd be better off with the muppet show.
Cant wait to see what Mr Decisive is like as PM, Little Miss Knee Trembler as his side kick and the might of Rachel Reeves, David Lammy and Lisa Nandy, as Chancellor, Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary. Feck me, we'd be better off with the muppet show.
We've already had the muppets wi these planks in government nar. :yes: UTB
It doesn't seem possible for any party to be worse than this current Tory shower...but I've got a feeling that in a couple of years time, that theory will have been well and truly disproved.
Well most of the ten bobbers blame Labour for most things nar so it's obvious they'll find fault whatever Labour does mi owd pal. :yes:Have a luvly positive evenin all Vital BLADES whoever ya vote for. UTB
Yes that's exactly me Aya although I only cook once or twice a week. Loads of colour, peppers, garlic, spices and vegetables that sort of stuff. I rarely cook the same meal exactly the same. I like to put a new twist on things. The funny thing is the Mrs is a fantastic cook and I yet I prefer it when her meals come just as expected. Fortunately she's happy to do the tried and tested most of the rime...she's not a praise seeker like me. 😅

aaah a needy chef......poor Mrs Gray! :giggle:
Says a man who , along with his red rose voting donkey cohorts, thought the best way to change a country was to hold it to ransom at the behest of a leftie who conned every one of them with the sole aim of aggrandising himself at any cost- and stole money from them at every opportunity.

And they think they're the educated ones!

Thank God Lady Thatcher saw through each and every one of the redundancy stealing enhanced pension grabbers.
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Says a man who , along with his red rose voting donkey cohorts, thought the best way to change a country was to hold it to ransom at the behest of a leftie who conned every one of them with the sole aim of aggrandising himself at any cost- and stole money from them at every opportunity.

And they think they're the educated ones!

Thank God Lady Thatcher saw through each and every one of the redundancy stealing enhanced pension grabbers.
Hey up Tommy tantrums back,:ROFLMAO: I'd better not say much more to you Basil Fawlty or the mardy mare that you are will be threatening to leave Vital again.:ROFLMAO: On a positive note,well done to the Pilgrims & Millers last neet. UTB