The Knee goes on | Page 9 | Vital Football

The Knee goes on

Hey KK.! Got anything to say about some 'mentally ill' brown person stabbing Salman Rushdie at a public event in New York..? Anything at all..?

It'll be the same silence Sir David Amess' murder was met with. Any words he offers will be hollow.

In KKK's simplistic world view people are split into three categories - victims, saviours and villains. Muslims are always victims, the people who suffer at their hands are always the villains.

Laughably KKK and his ilk see themselves as saviours.
It'll be the same silence Sir David Amess' murder was met with. Any words he offers will be hollow.

In KKK's simplistic world view people are split into three categories - victims, saviours and villains. Muslims are always victims, the people who suffer at their hands are always the villains.

Laughably KKK and his ilk see themselves as saviours.

He's a moron. A liar and seriously thick. He has absolutely no connection to our football club and should be banned in exactly the same way some Russian sympathiser, (which I bet he is) should be. A complete waste of oxygen.
Hopefully the Ukraine will rid its soil of the vermin that attempt to steal it, Israel will continue to secure its right to exist and flourish and morons like Kate are wiped out.
WW3 has just broken out on S2 forum after someone dared to question this rediculous outdated gesture before the game 😂

He has a point though

I find the arguments put up for it, 'only takes a few seconds', 'if you don't like it, you're a racist' etc etc, to be very shallow and not particularly clever, even though the supporters themselves think that they are better, superior, more moral people.

It reminds me of many of the Christians who I've met in my life. That slight distain for everyone else, on the basis that they are going to heaven and we're not (I count myself in the latter group...), while being cold and spiteful, and overlooking what the verger gets up to with the choirboys.

It is a long time since free speech, free expression, and by extension free thinking, and freedom itself has been under such attack. It is Germany 1933, and anyone who thinks that they're just 'being kind' is fooling themselves. No-one will care when the trucks come to take them to the gulag. Western Governments have become the force of oppression and the greatest sources of misinformation there are, all the time pointing the finger in the opposite direction so that the simpletons of S2 and their bretheren can take such pride in wishing away everything good about this nation, and turn us instead into North Korea...
Dos any one know if the players want to TTK or is it woke politics?
In every way it's a hollow , token gesture Chips but I am sure I read somewhere that they will be doing this at certain times throughout the season.
I don't think it's back for every game and I also don't think it's been thought about at all. Maybe a lingering whiff of wokeness at Sky, from Lineker et al and other alumni of the higher thinking, look at me, I'm so good, so righteous , so caring brigade- when, in reality, not many give a stuff and TTK has entered the realms of parody and been devalued by its continued, thoughtless, lack of reasoning and approval of criminality and extreme political aims.
I don’t think anyone has any objection to the sentiment we all want to see an end to racism it’s what they do to highlight it for me taking the knee is as synonymous with BLM as the nazi salute is with naziism I’d prefer them to show support in some other way but I’m not going to lose my shit over it as with footy there’s much more important stuff to worry about in my own personal world
Thread on S2 now closed after about 11 pages. If the marxists don't like what you say, they won't debate you they'll just try to shut you up 😂 Idiots in shoutbox section still going on about it and how racism against whites doesnt exist 😂 What sort of safe little bubble do the s2 marxists live in.
I missed kick off. Was it loudly booed? Louder than before? Sorry I couldn't do my bit. I'll make up for it in the other games.

It has officially become a permanent feature, hasn't it. Oh but it's only for 3 or 4 games, so don't worry your silly little heads about it!

The impact this garbage gesture has in painting a picture for the ignorant of a society that is incredibly racist is despicable. White kids will grow up feeling inherently guilty, indoctrinated to believe that blacks are entitled to a favourable treatment that they've done absolutely nothing to deserve, trained to overlook the violent looting sprees they're so prone to when they inevitably occur. Fundamentally, 'The Knee' is playing a significant role in re-racialising a society that was getting away from it, and the result of that is inevitably more division and more racism - especially towards whites. But we're supposed to pretend that 1) that doesn't exist and 2) there couldn't ever possibly be any pushback resulting in serious conflict. The racial grievance industry needs all this to stay relevant. They couldn't allow things to stay relatively cool any longer. So they won't.

Why is it only us in this country who insist on it? It appears to me that, effectively, we are more 'liberal' than anywhere else, due to the incredible infiltration of all institutions with radical progressive ideology. We come across as the weakest, most apologetic, feeble and frankly suicidal nation in Europe. This is cemented by our disgracefully undemocratic political system, where unlike other countries we have no recourse at that level with only two left wing parties to choose from and as a result there's no significant pushback. That this institutional capture has spiralled out of control under a Conservative government is a terrifying demonstration of how hopeless we are. We're hell bent on death as a nation, hell bent on submission - and 'The Knee' displays this perfectly.
I missed kick off. Was it loudly booed? Louder than before? Sorry I couldn't do my bit. I'll make up for it in the other games.

It has officially become a permanent feature, hasn't it. Oh but it's only for 3 or 4 games, so don't worry your silly little heads about it!

The impact this garbage gesture has in painting a picture for the ignorant of a society that is incredibly racist is despicable. White kids will grow up feeling inherently guilty, indoctrinated to believe that blacks are entitled to a favourable treatment that they've done absolutely nothing to deserve, trained to overlook the violent looting sprees they're so prone to when they inevitably occur. Fundamentally, 'The Knee' is playing a significant role in re-racialising a society that was getting away from it, and the result of that is inevitably more division and more racism - especially towards whites. But we're supposed to pretend that 1) that doesn't exist and 2) there couldn't ever possibly be any pushback resulting in serious conflict. The racial grievance industry needs all this to stay relevant. They couldn't allow things to stay relatively cool any longer. So they won't.

Why is it only us in this country who insist on it? It appears to me that, effectively, we are more 'liberal' than anywhere else, due to the incredible infiltration of all institutions with radical progressive ideology. We come across as the weakest, most apologetic, feeble and frankly suicidal nation in Europe. This is cemented by our disgracefully undemocratic political system, where unlike other countries we have no recourse at that level with only two left wing parties to choose from and as a result there's no significant pushback. That this institutional capture has spiralled out of control under a Conservative government is a terrifying demonstration of how hopeless we are. We're hell bent on death as a nation, hell bent on submission - and 'The Knee' displays this perfectly.
Well put,buts it a lot worse than that.never mind we've got such thing as football to keep us all numbed.
The thread on S2 went as to be expected. Any dissent from the brain dead woke indoctrination met with adolescent aggressive accusations of racism and smug snide condescending virtue signalling. Curtis Woodhouse must love overweight pale fishy white twitter warrior lefties telling him how to behave and think, "behave like a minority Curtis, know your place."

If the players wanted to wear kick it out t-shirts then fine. But instead they use our club to celebrate a disgraced political movement that promotes Marxism, violence and racial division. It's unacceptable and should be loudly booed.

Newcastle were the toast of the PL this weekend. Saudia Arabia uber alles. Are we tekin' a nee for all the Yemeni kids blown to bits or the women stoned to death ?
Its very much a class thing, imo. The British Middle-classes have always tried to have the airs and graces of the upper classes (many of whom have no airs and graces at all...) and they are deeply ashamed of the lower classes. The fact that they couldn't be the middle class if there wasn't a working class always seem a bit lost on them. They still see us as children to be educated, given morals and controlled for the worst of our excesses. The real truth is that they hate us, always have and always will.

The starkest place to see this is in the pathetic 'de-colonisation'. For sure there were quite a lot of unsavoury incidents during the British Empire, but it also formed a stablising force, developed ports and railways, trial by jury, parliamentary democracy, ready export market for hot and spicy foods.

What the decolonisers wont tell you is that all the nations we returned to self rule are now 'colonised' by China (Silk Road project), and Russia, and by American money through Black Rock and Vanguard and others, and their chances of progress are shafted by the World Bank, who wont give them money to develop their economies by using fossil fuels. Instead they are happy for slave labour to be digging out minerals, the profits of which never stay in Africa. Look behind the headlines at what it happening in Niger as an example.

The idea that we should apologise for what was done 200 years ago, when worse is happening today is disgusting. Of course no-one talks about it on Twitter, so they just carry on with the sense of guilt of being white Britons, but unlike the sins of religious believers, these sins can never be absolved, never forgiven. They are our burden. They'd rather be European than British.
All this racist bollox gets on mi tits, people o people az simple az that and all av their own cultures. Catholic Protestant, Muslim, Hindu etc. So what? good and bad among,st all, always has and always will be. First West Indian people arrived on our street in 1953, nice people, nice kids who played footy and cricket with us, parents worked on the buses and the lady of the house who was a conductress never took the fare off us when onboard with a big smile always on her face
In South Arabia where I served in 67, there were Arabs intent on killing us and others intent on helping us stay safe in equal numbers. Northern Ireland a complete pain the arse, Religion being the main factor for all the trouble and heartache and altho being Christened C of E I,m a typical none practicing, don,t give a f..k about religion. Rules I live by are right and wrong, Courtesy, politeness and respect and whether thaz black,white, brown, black yella or sky blue pink, if thaz oreight wi me then am oreight wi thee, az long az thaz a Blade!
Has taking the knee solved anything? Has changing your Facebook profile to 'I support Ukraine' changed anything? Same with 'I got the Covid vaccine, we can do this!' did this change the world?
People need to wake up and stop being played.
I see there was the expected stabby rapey chaos and degeneracy at the Notting Hill Carnival. The stabbing numbers were particularly impressive - the best in 7 years. A true beacon of enrichment.

But the bad people are those who mention this. The reprehensibles are the people who point out the demographics of those attending and how that plays its part.

Now just imagine for a moment if football fans behaved like this, and racked up such impressive numbers. No punishment would be severe enough, no actions off limits. Closed stadiums, massive fines, widespread vilification, 'shame of the nation', etc.
This is one of the many times you can apply the simple 'boot on the other foot' thought experiment, and realise the obvious response disparity. The ongoing, undeniable and worsening nature of this make it a great way to cause racial resentment. It also does black people no favours to set such low standards for them - 'do what you want, we'll always excuse it'. Low expectations, zero incentive.
Having served in South Arabia I can quite understand why they want to escape from the Stone Age. My stipulation though is that they adopt our civilised ways and not carry on with their heathen laws and hatred of us "Infidels"