Summer Transfer Thread | Page 47 | Vital Football

Summer Transfer Thread

We've still probably got a bigger wage bill than a lot of sides in L1 but the bulk of the money will be tied up on the currently contracted players.

It must be frustrating for Maloney as he's not getting the benefit he should from the amount of money being spent on wages.

Apart from the scapegoats who have since left, its near enough the same squad who won the league last time round.
Let's give them some credit.
Apart from the scapegoats who have since left, its near enough the same squad who won the league last time round.
Let's give them some credit.

It is, but those weren't Maloney's players and were bought to play a completely different style of football to what he wants. Wages for one of our top earners is probably the equivalent of 3 good proven L1 players who could've been more valuable in a Maloney style team than the player we've currently got on the books.

We've still got a strong L1 squad but I think for the money it's costing it's not going to give Maloney the level of value as if he'd have spent it on players he picked himself.
If we are cutting back on the playing side wages surely we are cutting back on staff employed. As Rob Kelly still here

Rob Kelly wouldn't be kept if Maloney didn't think he was worth keeping around, same for any other coaching staff.

But player salaries are generally the biggest cost to any club. The coaching staff are probably on modest wages compared to the higher earning players. So you wouldn't make a big saving cutting them and it may leave you short in game preparation which undermines everything.
He is apparently one of the people working hard on recruitment

I imagine all of the coaching staff have to pitch in, as it sounds like there is no one else.

Although probably not practical to do it all of the time due to the amount of players you would want to scout, there can be value in the management team doing the leg work themselves as they avoid the situations we've had these last couple of years where players arrive that the manager doesn't want.

I remember under Caldwell Barrow was the one who found Yanic and a couple of others. So he clearly has a bit of an eye for talent.
Lang has done another interview talking about next season and being happy here. At this point i think it's safe to say that he isn't looking or expecting to leave. If there is interest from Huddersfield it would seem Lang is not really keen to push for it.

But as the weeks go on i can't help but noticed that Keane really isn't featuring much in any of our social media output considering he's such a big player for us over the last couple of years. I think that indicates uncertainty over his future.
To be fair KDZ, has he eve featured very much? He seems to keep himself to himself.

I am not even talking about him doing interviews. But they've put up plenty of photos and training videos every day from the training camp, that have featured the first teamers, injured players and youth players but Keane hardly features. He's noticeable by his absence.

We know he is there and training as he occasional has appeared in the odd group shot or video of training. But it seems like an odd choice when you're picking your photos to put out that there you've got more shots of individual lads who've not made a first team appearance like Stones, Adeeko or Chentouf and injured palyers like Magennis on the exercise bike than you have of the top scorer.

It would suggest the media team deliberately aren't putting much focus on him, which is what you'd do if you thought there was uncertainty about their future. As if he was happy and there wasn't any interest you'd probably have your top scorer of the last 3 seasons featuring more prominently.
It could also be a way of encouraging and highlighting these players. He doesn't need any of that, so can quietly get on with his days
I'm not really that excited on Watts coming back personally. I think he was a decent big stopper type in L1 but as the season went on i think he was 4th choice centre half and Tilt was the better option on the left side of a back 3 when we played it.

It was often said he was a good ball playing centre half but i'm not sure we saw much of that. He got caught in possession a few times and we tended to play even more long balls when he was in the team, with him being the player playing the majority of those 70 yard punts. But to be fair to him i think that was probably more what he was instructed to do by management and seemed a deliberate tactic rather than him panicking into it.
It could also be a way of encouraging and highlighting these players. He doesn't need any of that, so can quietly get on with his days

But why would you have so many pictures of everyone else from the first team but just not your top scorer? Humps, Lang, McManaman, Smith, Hughes, Thelo, Whatmough, Wyke, Pearce etc all have had a number of photos just seems strange Keane had none.
I am not even talking about him doing interviews. But they've put up plenty of photos and training videos every day from the training camp, that have featured the first teamers, injured players and youth players but Keane hardly features. He's noticeable by his absence.

We know he is there and training as he occasional has appeared in the odd group shot or video of training. But it seems like an odd choice when you're picking your photos to put out that there you've got more shots of individual lads who've not made a first team appearance like Stones, Adeeko or Chentouf and injured palyers like Magennis on the exercise bike than you have of the top scorer.

It would suggest the media team deliberately aren't putting much focus on him, which is what you'd do if you thought there was uncertainty about their future. As if he was happy and there wasn't any interest you'd probably have your top scorer of the last 3 seasons featuring more prominently.
Not necessarily in fairness & with all due respect KDZ. Paul Scholes as great a player as he was, hardly ever did interviews as it simply wasn't his scene.