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Summer transfer thread

Zakky, all that matters next season is finishing outside the bottom three whether it be in 1st place or 21st place, whether we sack the manager in August, April or keep him for the season, whether we play Bobby ball or Bruce ball, all that matters is staying up.

I promise you that we will overhaul this squad to reflect the step up in division just like we did last time round, but this is simply impossible to do within one or two transfer windows. It will take three or four to turn this squad from a L1 squad to a seasoned Championship one, which is why staying up in that first season is so so important. Take the last two winners of L1 for example. Coventry struggled badly in their first year but stayed up and are now thriving. Hull would have probably gone back down this year if not for points deductions, but survived and will now look to kick on next year.

Recruitment is going to be extremely difficult this summer. You have to factor in that potential signings will look at us and think “why would I want to join a side full of L1 players who will be probably be battling relegation and are among the bookies favourites to drop.” This means Richardson needs to be able to convince those players that we are the right choice for them and this could be a challenge as based on formal/informal interviews etc, he doesn’t strike me as a bloke with much charisma unlike say Paul Cook, who was an infectious personality and will have no doubt persuaded many a player to come and play for him when with us.
I was just about to like that post CL, and then I got to the views on Richardson.

I reckon his recruitment record speaks for itself ... he's not done too badly getting decent players in to play for us this season.

His best advocates will be the current set of players ... and those he's worked with before obviously.
I was just about to like that post CL, and then I got to the views on Richardson.

I reckon his recruitment record speaks for itself ... he's not done too badly getting decent players in to play for us this season.

His best advocates will be the current set of players ... and those he's worked with before obviously.
I suspect a large number of those players came to us due to the money being offered and the carrot of playing for a team planning to chase promotion rather than the persuasive words of Richardson. I’m sure a few came for him/the club like Max, Jimmy Mac but let’s scan through a few players. We outbid Pompey for Whatmough in wages/length of contract. Tom Naylor was having a medical in Mansfield when we rung Jake Speight offering more money. I know for a fact that Jordan Cousins was going to Bolton before we gazumped them offering more in wages. Jason Kerr was on the motorway to Charlton on deadline day before we rung his agent and got them to turn the car around (Nigel Adkins is still bitter about it based on his words on us when doing Sky punditry).

We won’t be able to do shit like this in Championship. We become a small fish in a pond full of sharks which means it comes down to the manager/chief exec/chairman to persuade them why we are the right fit. This was a real strength of Cook’s. Owen Coyle was also excellent at it, just a shame that he was so shite at literally everything else.
Let's remember that some of those players had played previously under (Cook and) Richardson.

I agree with what you say re Cook's charisma, but Richardson's a different kettle of fish, and has other attributes that will attract players.
I don't think these new owners can afford to keep us in the championship or may not want to.

No one buys a club with the intent to fail and lose money.

Competing in the championship is hard and costs, but there is far less money in L1. Staying in L1 is not viable if they want to see a return on their investment.

Success is the only thing that will eventually make them money - it's easier said than done but that will undoubtedly be the aim.
Just a thought James MacArthur is out of contract in June maybe offer him a 12mth deal he would bring a lot of experience to our midfield

The main thing we want in midfield is pace, James had none when at his best both with us and at Palace, even though he is one of the players I admired and respected most in many years watching us, he is not what we want next season.

The championship has changed because of the lack of money outside the biggest and parachute payment laden clubs, it is now more about young hungry players both loan and home grown, and pace is something we are very short of us that we need to improve to have a fighting chance of survival.
The main thing we want in midfield is pace, James had none when at his best both with us and at Palace, even though he is one of the players I admired and respected most in many years watching us, he is not what we want next season.

The championship has changed because of the lack of money outside the biggest and parachute payment laden clubs, it is now more about young hungry players both loan and home grown, and pace is something we are very short of us that we need to improve to have a fighting chance of survival.

You make some good points, I just thought maybe he would be an improvement to Naylor in the holding midfield role.
Just a thought James MacArthur is out of contract in June maybe offer him a 12mth deal he would bring a lot of experience to our midfield

He'll be re-signing for Crystal Palace without a doubt - never going to happen in a million years unfortunately because he's still one of their best players even at 34.

Can't lie, it being said that James McArthur - a key player for a mid-table Premier League club - is not someone a team being promoted from League One would currently want might be the wildest thing I've ever read since I first started visiting this site about 15 years ago. And there's been plenty of competition! :ROFLMAO:
He'll be re-signing for Crystal Palace without a doubt - never going to happen in a million years unfortunately because he's still one of their best players even at 34.

Can't lie, it being said that James McArthur - a key player for a mid-table Premier League club - is not someone a team being promoted from League One would currently want might be the wildest thing I've ever read since I first started visiting this site about 15 years ago. And there's been plenty of competition! :ROFLMAO:

You're sounding very condescending and a bit of a know all aren't you. How come you are so sure of your facts ? James is 34 and out of contract, been there a long time, and they may or may not want to offer him a new deal. If they don't, I don't see anything wrong with a club he won the FA Cup with having a go at getting him back you never know he may fancy finishing his career with us ! but then again you probably do
James McArthur is on about £55k a week so I'd imagine somewhat outside of Latics pay structure - I'm also sure I read late last year that he was being offered a contract extension although I've no idea whether that happened &, if it did, whether he signed it.
That aside, what a player & for me by far the better of the 2 Jimmy Mc's
James McArthur is on about £55k a week so I'd imagine somewhat outside of Latics pay structure - I'm also sure I read late last year that he was being offered a contract extension although I've no idea whether that happened &, if it did, whether he signed it.
That aside, what a player & for me by far the better of the 2 Jimmy Mc's

It was just a thought
You're sounding very condescending and a bit of a know all aren't you. How come you are so sure of your facts ?

I really don't think saying a Premier League team's best midfielder isn't going to sign for a newly-promoted Championship club makes me condescending or a know it all. Or at least it wasn't intended that way.
I really don't think saying a Premier League team's best midfielder isn't going to sign for a newly-promoted Championship club makes me condescending or a know it all. Or at least it wasn't intended that way.

Who says he"s their best midfielder ? he has only made 19 appearances this season and at 35 in Oct he isn't going to get very long at Palace.
It was just a thought anyway not something to fall out about
Who says he"s their best midfielder ? he has only made 19 appearances this season and at 35 in Oct he isn't going to get very long at Palace.
It was just a thought anyway not something to fall out about

I get your point about the age thing but he's played virtually every game he's been fit for after missing time with a hamstring injury and you don't have to go too far to find Palace fans' opinions of him.

He was given man of the match in their draw last night against Leeds and most of their fans seem to have re-signing him as priority number one at the end of the season.

If there's one outfield position where age is less of a factor I think it's centre-midfield, because it's the position least dependent on speed and agility and that's probably why McArthur and players like Fernandinho, Sissoko and Henderson continue to operate at a high level in the Premier League despite all being in their 30s.