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Pope Resigns !

Sky Sports are reporting that Odemwingie has turned up outside the Vatican.

<img src=https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/487828_10151421550624914_1758105338_n.jpg>
It's about time the world claimed it's true history back, the Vatican vaults contain many items of great interest, to put it mildly, we have to remember that it is the victor who writes the history books, and the Catholic Church ruled with a bloody iron fist for a very long time.

And then we have the gentleman's agreement between the Catholic Church and Hitler, Vatican self storage Co, Nazi memorabilia storage areas : ) Art and treasures from across Europe, so much missing, but I'm sure it's all perfectly safe somewhere.

Religion is a tool used by those in power to control the masses, Goooooooooo Church! You've got to give it to them, it worked! Complete control over vast areas, populations and fortunes, damn! Wish I had thought of that one, I suppose I could start one up, or is age of religion a pre requisite to belief?

You'll notice I did not dismiss anyone's God or Gods, you do not need a dude in a dress to tell you to have morals and be a good person, you don't need to adhere to the words of man, fashioned towards their own ends to know right from wrong, if you believe in any God or Gods, or oneness, make the world your church, make your local community your congregation.

Peace : )

It is the bastardisation of the teachings I hate, plus as you say and I've said earlier in the thread, the institutions running certain religions.

I'd love a real valuation of the worth in the Vatican vaults and to talk to those who won't sell them in order to truly help the world issues that they should be.

If they did what they could for humanity, more people would surely respect if not worship to the tune of their particular brand of religion.
I was brought up Catholic but around 16/17 I dropped that silly shit... I respect religion to a certain extent for some people it really helps them...

Buddism and Hinduism are probably the only good religions around tho as in ones where I dont know any bad points... Catholicism has the pedo scandals,dark history and power grabbing... Protestantism has turned fundamentalist in America... Islam like most religions can be good but fundamentalist Islam is essentially the worst of hummanity eye for an eye sharia law, no respect for women its stone age power indoctrination...

Anyway back on point has anyone ever been to the Vatican? The place is insane Il post some pics if you guys want plenty of gold, crazy art, sculptures, mosaics, murals and architecture...
Rome is the most incredible place Iv ever been and the Vatican is a trip when you consider the poverty in the world and this place is suppose to preach help for others and such...
Its gone from the religion of the poor to one the most powerful and rich institutions on the planet... You talk about the Nazi stuff but lets not forgot these guys took out the Templars the guys who pretty much invented modern banking and their power and wealth threatened the chruch...

Anyway it wont be long before the church begins to crumble you look at Ireland a place where Catholicism was strong it now has the fastest rate of people who no longer associate with the church...