Police Presence | Page 4 | Vital Football

Police Presence

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The Factory at half time.. good job no other crimes were being committed in Gillingham at this time so these officers could supervise people drinking and chanting.
Was that the entire half time?
I heard that fighting broke out netween the Anti Scally mob and the proper Gills fans who wanted to support the team. So their presence was a necessary evil, so as to speak.

I'm always dubious of such pictures. They will not convey the full story or context.

Tbh, even if they had nothing to do after all, their mere presence may have prevented violence, so well done the Old Bill.

As I said in a different post, I wish the police had taken action against the low life long ago.
Glad to hear it mate. Having rest days and time spent with loved ones cancelled because of people chanting in a bar is ridiculous imo.
Come on Billy, you know they weren't tbere just because people were "chanting in a bar".

As an aside, knowing how tight Scally is, it must have been a serious concern for him to cough up for a police presence.
Don't worry, these lads and lasses haven't been taken away from policing the local towns, they have had their rest days cancelled to look after people who, historically, can't look after themselves but it's OK as they are obviously paid handsomely for missing another weekend with their loved ones 😉👍

Isn’t it pathetic that any police are required at all at any match? It’s a game of football ffs.
No. That's not what I am suggesting.

Read my posts, Trashy.

I'm not really talking about yesterday, although I am very much interested in what happened and why.

“Not talking about yesterday”?

WE ARE. So can you shuffle on and take your personal agendas elsewhere.

“Interested in what happened and why”?

No you aren’t. You are interested in winding people up. You admitted that much elsewhere in the thread. In a frankly vile and disgusting way.

Yes you are. You have more in common that you have differences.

You are as extreme on the left as Valencia is on the right. You both have your sides and have bigotry and intolerance towards the other side. The only major difference is that you see your particular brand of bigotry as morally justified.

The other major difference is Buddha has to hi Jack every single f*cking thread that takes his fancy. VG does talk about football and Gills.

“Well, stick to the Gillingham and football threads” is his mantra when he ‘tells me off’. I do try Buddha. You make it down right impossible sometimes.
I am interested in what happened yesterday and why? I resent you telling me what I am and am not interested in.

I'm only interested in winding up CERTAIN posters SOME of the time. And they deserve it!

I posted a thread linking to a Tony Pulis interview the other day. Did you listen to it?!

I've contributed loads to this forum over the years. It's unfair of you to suggest that I'm only interested in winding people up. It's simply not true. Behave yourself!

F*ck it. I simply can’t be bothered any more. I had a nice reply to certain bits all sent, but just can’t be arsed.

I love this forum, but you ruin it for me. I’m probably the only one that thinks that. So it’s all yours. Go for it.

Just gonna have to wear out my scroll button.
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Not sure that right now too many people are feeling much sympathy for the plight of our "institutionally corrupt" and seemingly mysognistic police force, nobs.

We all know you're not all like that and there are good 'uns amongst the police. And I know that all the decent police feel proper shitty about Wayne Couzens' actions. But there have been quite a few things in the news lately that haven't looked too good, to say the least.

There's David Carrick up on a rape charge:

Then there's the revelation in the Hate Mail that close to a thousand officers have been investigated for posting vile content online (racism, homophobia, mysogyny, paedophilia):

And then there's this story that one of the women arrested at the Sarah Everard vigil has been contacted on Tinder by "about fifty" officers which has left her feeling, "terrified':

I know you'll not take this post well, nobs. That you'll think I'm trying to wind you up.

But I'm not.

It's not your fault. And we don't need to go through the the same old tired routine of you pointing out that I'm anti-police, and that good and bad can be found everywhere, in the police, in the traveller community, etc, etc.

I'm not taking pot shots at the police here. I'm just pointing out that in the current climate you might not get as much sympathy for the plight of the poor, hard done by, overworked and underpaid, police officers as you might once have.

Especially from women.

Bet you're pleased for several reasons that you're getting out of it soon.

Seriously, no hard feelings, I'm not trying to rile you up. How would you respond to the reasonable points I've made if they were coming not from me but from a concerned member of the public?
You love it don't you?

Contrary to what you think you know about me, I'm actually sad to be leaving, I'm proud of my service and proud that I have "put something back in" in terms of what I've done for people over the last 25 years. I wonder what you have done for your country?

Your post is probably the most condescending I have ever read.
I was intending to enter the factory to meet some friends. I don't go at every home game and some of those people I only meet there now. I was prevented on Saturday because they were operating a one in/one out policy and there was a long queue.

I assumed that sheer numbers caused the situation but now I am not so sure. I don't blame the police for those events and I don't think factory is a suitable place to chant over an issue that divides fans sharply. I don't object to opposition to Scally as some do, I can appreciate some of the gripes. I don't appreciate the approach and attitudes of some of the outers.
You love it don't you?

Contrary to what you think you know about me, I'm actually sad to be leaving, I'm proud of my service and proud that I have "put something back in" in terms of what I've done for people over the last 25 years. I wonder what you have done for your country?

Your post is probably the most condescending I have ever read.

Well said, Nobby.
Not sure that right now too many people are feeling much sympathy for the plight of our "institutionally corrupt" and seemingly mysognistic police force, nobs.
Back to the bigotry. Hypocrite.

As to rights of admission and filming I suggest you read your ticket terms and conditions and look at the big board of rules and regulations on the walls by the turnstiles. You'll see that "Rights of Admission Reserved (ROAR)" and that you can be searched. I'm pretty sure it also includes consent to being filmed for safety purposes but my memory is hazy on that.

The Police presence has to be agreed by the Chief Constable and is usually based on intelligence they and the Club receive (as I understood it from my time at the Club, Nobby might correct me on that). As the Club has to pay for it Scally is not likely to request it for a few numpties chanting at him.
It's already been reported that there was a fight in The Factory, and several fights in the RE. That's why the police were there. If there was somebody seriously injured, people would be asking where the police were! Can't win with some situations, so the club have to be cautious with fans safety.
What do I love?

I tried hard to point out that my post was not personal and not a dig.

I wondered if you'd be able to respond to the ponts I made in a dispassionate and objective manner but obviously you couldn't.

Never mind.
Well, I could but considering they are all subject to investigation (one involving a friend), I shouldn't, I prefer to comment on facts and findings rather than speculate based on an agenda.
You say that if you are not overtly anti racist then you are a racist, by the same token, if you are not an anti police hater, you are a police hater so I'll never win.
Your post was condescending and, although you deny it, was meant to get a rise. Why else would you constantly bring up this unfounded, unproven media tittle tattle? I thought you were better than to be taken in but I was wrong, I suppose it gives you ammo for another rambling, self serving mission.
I'm done thanks.
I have mentioned before that the village I live in has a permanent Gypsy/ Former Traveller encampment, the members of which often ignore the law and periodically stir up trouble, harrassing elderly residents. There has been a stabbing and slaves were discovered there behind the high fences a few years back during a raid, but they were too scared to testify

However, there was a tragedy a couple of weeks ago where 4 of their young men lost their lives in a car accident and the whole village community has been heartbroken for their wives, parents and children.

The reason for mentioning this is that they had given reasons to be thought of as "bad gypsies" whereas I had always though of Buddha as "good gypsy".

However it is now clear that Buddha himself wants a whole profession or walk of life tarred by a minority.
I like you Buddha but I do feel you’re derailing these threads in order to post rants. You responded to posts regarding the murder of a Conservative MP with ‘scumbag Tory’ videos. At the first mention of police on this thread you went on a huge post going on about the negatives of filming people when I don’t know if anyone saw FIT teams. Catt, Chowdhury cases commented at length. Now you’ve listed a load of negative police stories etc.

There were other threads where these may be more timely but not when talking about the death of an MP or discussing police numbers at football. Sarah Everard shouldn’t come near to being discussed.
Fair enough but I'm not. Not quite.

No, no, no. You've completely misunderstood me. Now I get why you responded the way you did.

I wasn't asking you to comment on the actual cases or the media speculation.

Rightly or wrongly (almost certainly wrongly) the public are influenced by media speculation and tittle tattle. Lots of people believe that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite and terrorist sympathiser simply because of what the media has told them. Lots of people think all travellers are anti-social and leave a mess based upon what the media tells them. Ffs, some people even still associate David Cameron with pig-fucking! None of these things are true but have become, in the minds of some or even many, a perception.

There is absolutely no denying that the police have, earlier this year, been found by an independent Inquiry, to be "institutionally corrupt". That is a fact. No matter how unpleasant, it is not my opinion, it is a fact.


The accusations of mysogyny are only that, accusations. This hasn't been proven.

Nevertheless, as pointed out above, sometimes (often) mud sticks and a perception is formed in the minds of some or many of the public.

My question to you was how you would respond to a normal citizen (one you didn't know to be an anarchist or suspect to hold anti-police sentiments) who, having read the plethora of media reports relating to mysogyny within the police force, happened to be concerned by what they had read? How would you reassure those people, especially women?

This is a fair point. All I can say is that you've told me before that you're not a racist but neither are you an anti-racist. I'm not a police hater but neither am I an anti-police hater.

Incidentally, I don't think you're racist. I hope you know that I'm not a police hater.

I am genuinely sorry you felt my post was condescending. I honestly didn't mean it to be so. Up to you whether or not you believe me about that or not though.

You are single handedly pissing off a whole forum and doing your best to ruin it. All in the name of debating your agendas.

“That makes me sad. Not my intention”. Boo fucking hoo.

I’ve got a debate for you here Buddha.


Go debate that.