Player of the season | Vital Football

Player of the season

Good shout Oscar.

If that doesn't turn out to be the case, then (in my mind), there are are only 3 contenders, each of whom only had half a season with us in terms of games played:
- Callum Lang, who rarely had a poor game
- Luke Robinson, who took over admirably from Tom Pearce
- Kyle Joseph, who was thrown in the deep end, and was just finding his stroke before his injury.

I suppose you could also add in there Lee Evans, who probably orchestrated our recovery, but again, he missed most of the season with injury.

Bollocks, ... give it to everyone.
I think Langy overall, pushed closely by Tilt with Will Keane coming in third.
If it is a collective one, which I think is a good idea that would also gain great publicity, can we get rid of Gavin Massey before the decision is made, cos he deserves sweet FA?
I think Langy overall, pushed closely by Tilt with Will Keane coming in third.
If it is a collective one, which I think is a good idea that would also gain great publicity, can we get rid of Gavin Massey before the decision is made, cos he deserves sweet FA?
No need for negativity with this positivity.
Don't you know he was injured most of the season?
I’d give it the whole squad as a collective. No one stood out over the course of the whole season to warrant POTY. In terms of who made the biggest impact on our season, Lang, Evans and Johnston would probably be my three. I’d be very interested to see our win loss ratio with Evans in the team in particular because I’m pretty sure we even won games under Sheridan when he started.
I'd 100% back a collective award for all of the players, but if it goes to one player, it'd have to be Jamie Jones for me.

Been one of the few constants this year. Stepped up and took the armband, and despite a few mistakes, has been largely solid (when very few others can claim the same) and made a good few key saves at important moments. It's easy to remember howlers, but he's more than made up for them with a few big saves when we really needed them. Icing on the cake was selling his L1 winner's medal... OK, he got it back, but there were no guarantees he would (and with all the best will in the world, he's unlikely to get another), so in a very bad time for everyone at the club, that gesture alone is worth recognition and huge respect.

Not the best keeper we've ever had by a long stretch, but in terms of stepping up and being counted for the club when we desperately needed someone to do just that... whatever comes of him next year, he'll always be welcome back in Wigan for me, if he does depart over summer.
Definitely Lang, I don't actually recall him having a bad game, the others have had quite a few bad games over the season.

Would have been Pearce by a mile though but he had an unfortunate injury. Keane has great purple patches but never had that consistency between.

I agree with your sentiment though
I like the idea of a collective award. it seems we've had lots of players who have had good half seasons. most of the contenders mentioned above having theirs since Jan.

Players who had good "first halves" of the season, despite this being our most challenging period, were Pearce and Merrie. Their contributions helped keep us "in touch" with the teams around us, despite the fact that as a whole we were quite awful at times, and it gave us something to build on once the cavalry arrived after Christmas. Both extremely unlucky getting (almost) season ending injuries.
I'd 100% back a collective award for all of the players, but if it goes to one player, it'd have to be Jamie Jones for me.

Good shout Pon, despite all the brickbats thrown at him this season he didn't shirk his responsibilities and despite making mistakes (along with every other player) he stood up to be counted.
Really hard to pick an individual purely because of all the changes and stop starts some players have had. Jones and keane I'd imagine will be popular choices, lang based on impact since Jan as well. Even just before Xmas our goal was set up by Kal and scored by crankshaw who we never seen again.
Impossible for me to award the POTY to any single player.

This was simply a team performance throughout and should be recognised as such. It would be a great gesture by both the players and the fans to recognise this and simply award the trophy to every player who donned the colours this season.

I also think that a special award should be made to the Manager and coaches for everything they have done.
I understand the logic of giving it jointly and i don't mind that as a gesture.

But personally i think a lot of players haven't been consistent or played that well until the closing stages, so for me i think individually some players deserve it a lot more than others.

The one who stands out head and shoulders is Lang. He was the catalyst for our survival, has barely had a bad game since he came back and been at the heart of all our best moments. Even before the other players started performing as a team Lang's work rate, quality, goal threat and ability to create something out of nothing kept us alive by the skin of our teeth when it was looking really bleak. At times it felt like he was single handedly dragging us through so IMO the title of POTS should be awarded to him and it feels a bit wrong that others share what is rightly his.

At a distant second I'd probably go Robinson for his consistency since getting in the side and doing so well under difficult circumstances. Followed by Tilt and Keane - who had a mixed season but by the end were big players for us.
Face the facts guys, a point earned before Christmas carries the same weight as one earned after !, in fact let’s face it, the environment the first half of the season was in my option far more toxic than that of the second and playing under those conditions must have been horrendous.
So the lads who played their part and held the ship together then deserve as much praise as the ones who finished the season !
So the likes of Pierce, Merrie, Perry, & Long get my vote among others !