Coronavirus tipping point | Page 143 | Vital Football

Coronavirus tipping point

Awful in Southend today, I would have been shocked without being in lockdown, but in the middle of the day, as I witnessed some totally disgusting behaviour today along the seafront.
A man and a woman were arguing in front of a load of kids. Then the woman smacks him on the head so he hits her back and it all kicks off. The police turn up and the copper ends up using his baton on the man the man then actually gets the baton off the copper and uses it on the copper and the woman...... Shocking.

Then a crocodile turns up and eats all the sausages!

News is under threat …
Awful in Southend today, I would have been shocked without being in lockdown, but in the middle of the day, as I witnessed some totally disgusting behaviour today along the seafront.
A man and a woman were arguing in front of a load of kids. Then the woman smacks him on the head so he hits her back and it all kicks off. The police turn up and the copper ends up using his baton on the man the man then actually gets the baton off the copper and uses it on the copper and the woman...... Shocking.

Then a crocodile turns up and eats all the sausages!

News is under threat …
That one's been done already
It's really frustrating, seems we were making real progress to getting rid of it - cases of deaths down around 80% from the peak in about middle of April, and given there's about a 3 week lag between becoming infected and dying we are probably down to about 40 deaths daily from new infections. All it would've taken was a final push. But as others have said lockdown is unofficially over. Ever since the news about Boris' mate heading off to Durham broke things appeared to ease. More people out, more traffic, fewer masks. Even my local supermarkets have stopped limiting the number of people inside. And one thing I don't like to hear is all this about a 'new normal'. Seems we're being conditioned to expect less or a different life with more restrictions going forward, when all we need to do is beat this virus - as plenty of other of other countries have. At every turn the government have got it wrong, badly wrong. And track and trace will inevitably fail.
Which other countries have "beaten the virus"? What is the "final push" that would have beaten the virus here? And where did you get the 40 deaths a day from (WK says is is 300)?
Then if so that's tantamount to murder, surely? At present, there is no science whatsoever that throws any light on immunity.

I think you'd struggle to get the CPS to bring that to court.

Equally there isn't any alternative at the moment. If an effective vaccine is found then that's brilliant (especially for the pharma company that discovers it !).

The only alternative until then is to keep the spread as low as possible to give those who need hospital treatment the best chance of getting it.
Equally there isn't any alternative at the moment. If an effective vaccine is found then that's brilliant (especially for the pharma company that discovers it !).
The alternative is not to rush headlong into relaxing all sorts of easing lockdown restrictions. Italy has done it in a more measured way starting with opening shops but no big family meetings etc at present. But we have done the lot in one go with no test and track properly in place. All the medical advice just about is stating that easing is going too fast. Yes there has to be a balance between lockdown and the nation's economy but large family groups meeting is not getting the wheels of the economy moving.
The alternative is not to rush headlong into relaxing all sorts of easing lockdown restrictions. Italy has done it in a more measured way starting with opening shops but no big family meetings etc at present. But we have done the lot in one go with no test and track properly in place. All the medical advice just about is stating that easing is going too fast. Yes there has to be a balance between lockdown and the nation's economy but large family groups meeting is not getting the wheels of the economy moving.

If I wanted to be cynical. Boris popularity took a big knock through the Cummings publicity. This distracts that and nothing is more important to Boris than Boris's popularity. That's my cynical view.
Or, as I believe, many people had this late last year so the level of immunity is higher than we think.
That has nothing to do with immunity but the fact that for the vast majority covid19 is just an irritant. If your premise is correct, then surely such people would be the first ones to be tested. I have not heard one medical expert make any reference to the notion you refer to. Perhaps you're right and they're all wrong.
Unfortunately I agree 100% with this. Boris had to get DC off the front pages and improve his own popularity again.
Fuck the bigger picture ☹️
I disagree. I think the restrictions are being relaxed (same as in other countries) to restart the economy, improve mental and physical health, and avoid social disorder. You might be right though, it's as good a conspiracy theory as any other I've heard
It could be that it'll be too late for a vaccine here unless it's tested elsewhere. We could end up with too few cases in the UK to test its efficacy - large numbers of infected are needed. Only a few who contract the disease get sick and even fewer die as a consequence. As a vaccine only aids dealing with the illness then then you need the quiet sick and very sick to see how the vaccine works; it won't stop the spread of a virus.
There is no doubt l
I disagree. I think the restrictions are being relaxed (same as in other countries) to restart the economy, improve mental and physical health, and avoid social disorder. You might be right though, it's as good a conspiracy theory as any other I've heard
There is no doubt lifting the lockdown will do all of these things 3x6. I just feel that BJ is doing it for the wrong reasons, and relaxing too fast and too early.
I also think should rules need to be re-implemented people will be far more likely to ignore them now. Firstly due to DC shenanigans and secondly the fact that we’ve relaxed for a few weeks and “all seems well”.
As someone pointed out earlier we still have 300/400 deaths a day and don’t know if the recent 2 or 3 weeks relaxation will lead to further dropping or increase of this figure.

Ps, no conspiracy theory and not a FACT either, just my own opinion.
That has nothing to do with immunity but the fact that for the vast majority covid19 is just an irritant. If your premise is correct, then surely such people would be the first ones to be tested. I have not heard one medical expert make any reference to the notion you refer to. Perhaps you're right and they're all wrong.

Test how ? The swab test shows if you have it. You need a reliable antibody test to see if you had it.

Not sure the government have rolled that out yet.
Not sure the government have rolled that out yet.
They have reliable tests but not in sufficient numbers until Roche's stuff turns up from Switzerland. Your notion that people had it is out and out utter speculation - media hype no less. If there was a scintilla of evidence that was the case, don't you think clinicians would be going after those people?
They have reliable tests but not in sufficient numbers until Roche's stuff turns up from Switzerland. Your notion that people had it is out and out utter speculation - media hype no less. If there was a scintilla of evidence that was the case, don't you think clinicians would be going after those people?

90% of the posts on this thread are utter speculation.

One the antibody test is available in numbers it will be interesting to see what it shows.
One the antibody test is available in numbers it will be interesting to see what it shows.
The official line is that the antibody test is unlikely to be available any time soon in the UK but, if your wild notion was true (not supported by clinicians) don't you think that some would be diverted to the people, who claim, like you, that Covid 19 was around before Christmas? Don't you think it would be a topic on the Downing Street daily briefings; don't you think the people at the Oxford centre would be looking for volunteers who claim they have already had the virus before it was discovered and when they did why wasn't there a spike in the deaths of old and inform. It's not speculation but fantasy.