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World War III

Stephen Jay Hawkings - 2/10/2015 14:24

Do we really live in a more dangerous time, or is it because the age of information we live in just makes it seem that way?

If you look back through time and history there are always periods of prolonged peace and then periods where countries are involved in wars. But there aren't many real global scale wars or battles for World supremacy like say the battle of the Armada, which if Spain had won would have changed the course of World history immensely, now I know technically that wasn't a 'global war' but it would have changed the course of humankind, no different to the second world war.

We are living through a time of relative peace, civil wars, small invasions, dictatorships will always exist, it's a horrible fact of life and I get the 'tell them we're living in peace time' argument because they are ravaged by war.

World peace never existed, never will, every creature on this planet is in some way programmed to make the edge, to be the leading power, humans are intelligent but will never overcome nature.

I'm rambling a bit I digress, the events of today maybe leading up to something more serious, global wars don't just happen out of thin air, they gradually snowball through times of tension, times where a country or blocs of countries feel their power growing, I personally believe that the nuclear weapons program has helped to keep the next full scale war at bay, that might be as wrong an assumption as the people that thought that two massive armies would prevent the First WW.

But nuclear weapons do create a tension that will never go away, the press and the news also provide their own tension to make their jobs seem more worthwhile and bad news is easier to find, there's plenty of it.

Do we live in a dangerous time? I don't know, only the future could say.
In a word no even Putin wouldn't dare take the Yanks on simples he might sabre rattle but when push comes to shove Putin will back off.
gator - 4/10/2015 01:19

In a word no even Putin wouldn't dare take the Yanks on simples he might sabre rattle but when push comes to shove Putin will back off.
Firstly you keep pushing somebody into a corner they may come out fighting. Putin has the balls and he knows that the US Empire is on it's last legs.
Clearly you don't believe in the New World Order. USA/EU vs Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, yet their plans are happening all around us.
USA cannot possibly take on China in the Pacific and Russia in Europe. In one of Tom Clancy's books he has India on their side too. Japan like Germany, has one regret about WWII, that they lost. If you read about Weather Wars they bought the scalar interferometry technology through the Yakuza. Hurricane Katrina took out New Orleans, one a bit later hit Galveston and Houston. The ice storms? I saw my first chem trail grid last year, thought it was a "mackerel" cloud formations, but it was man-made.
If you want a few more crazy conspiracy theories to read up, look up Frankfurt School and The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan. The latter is happening right in front of your eyes.
Work out why they allow supermarkets to sell beer at 50p a pint yet pubs sell it 5 times that.
The world is a far more dangerous place now and we are in for catastrophic times. And I didn't even mention the Religion of Peace, until now.

Stephen Jay Hawkings - 2/10/2015 14:24

Do we really live in a more dangerous time, or is it because the age of information we live in just makes it seem that way?

There has never been a safer time in human history if the mainstream course of history is correct.

What we can say is that our world has never been more fragile due to it never being as complex as it is now. Society could devolve and unravel far quicker now than even 30 years ago. Thats not something that would trigger a world war but is a concern if you live in a big city.

Russia is doing a fantastic job of flexing its muscles now and don't think NATO (i.e. USA) will make good on its pack if Russia were to invade Estonia or Latvia etc. Would the US risk WW3 for a small country on the fringes of Eastern Europe? I doubt it.

What is brilliant is seeing how totally unprepared the US is and how shocked and surprised they are by Russias efforts in Syria.