Winter Chat Line 2017 | Page 3 | Vital Football

Winter Chat Line 2017

We once thought we were getting our own back on one lad and found the hat came to school in and filled it with snow. Of course, by the time the bell went for end of school it had melted all over the floor so he didn't put it on!
Making a snowman was always popular but it wasn’t one of our gangs things. Not mischievous enough.
I don't think we ever had enough snow to make a proper snowman.

Off up to Newcastle this weekend - my little boy is 40!

I'm am taking warm jumpers!
OziMan - 13/12/2017 5:25 AM

I knew you were a teenager Sixpence :17:

Did you ever make pictures and faces out of the frost on the windows? Of course you did!

I am - at heart anyway!

I still love the snow - as long as I don't have to drive!
The grandchildren give me an excuse to build a snowman. They both had more snow than here last week and built big snowmen without me!
They had more snow in London than they have had for a few years.
Only the body that gets old Sixpence, the mind keeps us young.

Always tried to see how far we could walk over the ice on the boat pond before it started to crack.
Always someone who got too daring and ended up with a wet cold bum.
I was never ever brave enough to walk on ice.

Taking granddaughter to nursery this morning in Newcastle was enough! Rather slippy
One thing I didn’t like about cold winter nights was walking home in the early hours after taking a girl home from the dancing ( with high hopes).
Would walk for a few miles with hope in my heart (and elsewhere) but the distance seemed twice as far on the way home, hopes dashed and in a bit of pain! :26:
:73: Oh dear Ozi - all that dancing too!

I've definitely got worse as I've got older about walking in bad conditions. Think a lot of it stems from seeing my Mum fall and break her wrist and then a few years later falling again on ice and breaking her ankle.

Today has been beautiful - very mild and sunny thins morning.

We went out with friends last night who stayed over before setting off back to Bristol this morning. Back to changing beds for me now!
I walk every day here just to keep the joints up to it but goodness knows if I could manage it in your winters. If I remember correctly it wasn’t too bad on the flat but on the slope lol.
Always good to get home get changed and put the slippers on then sit by the fire.
We've had mild winters over the last few years to be honest.

I'm lucky because I live just a minutes walk from a bus stop which will take me into town if the other half can't get the car off the drive. We (stupidly) had this 'nice looking' concrete down a few years ago - slippy even if it just rains. The window cleaner won't ever put a ladder on it and uses a big hose thing now.
We washed our windows with a long brush with a rubber ring attached which was meant to prevent the water running down the shaft and up your arms. Never worked very well and we ended up with freezing arms.

Ps. That window cleaner of yours is just a show off. :10:
I hate wet sleeves!

Apparently this is the way forward with window cleaners - there are three different window 'services' on our estate at the moment and none have ladders! Don't know what Stan Ogden would have made of that!

Bracing myself for the supermarket shop this morning
Lunch today at the local with a nice cold pint to wash it down then home to do the lawns and prepare for visitors coming tomorrow. Not looking forward to that. All gossip for the girls though and they enjoy that. Meanwhile, I’ll be out in the back garden looking after the BBQ and having a coldie with the men. I like that!
Going to be 37c nearly 100 f so I’ll have to make sure I get plenty of ice in.
We haven't any ice here, Oz! Quite sunny.

Been to town to get our order from the butcher and called at local shops for odds and ends and back home before 9. Daughter just emerged for breakfast. She's off to meet friends and I'm off to the match!
Sitting out on the patio hoping Sixpence and yourself have a wonderful Xmas with your families and the same to Mos60 who appears now and then.
Hope you all have a great time.
And the same to you, Oz

Got a busy one today - sixteen here for pie, peas and games - I say the same every year, where are we going to put everyone but we always manage!

Have a super time!
Plenty of turkey and ham eaten with starters of smoked salmon and avocado along with a couple of Glasses of rose
Very nice!
Glad you had a nice time.

I've had a mouth and throat full of ulcers since Saturday and have managed to get into see a nurse this afternoon at the medical centre. Haven't been able to chew - lived on rum, baileys and porridge (oh and a couple of mashed up sprouts, gravy and mashed up cauliflower cheese for Christmas dinner)
Poor you still, the Rum and Baileys would have soothed your throat a bit. :17:

Nice quiet day today with a walk with the dog first thing and a turn around the gardens to see what needs doing.
Well I got some weird antibiotics that you dissolve in water and gargle and rinse your mouth with - they are the worst things I've ever tasted (except smoked kippers). When I read the blurb it says 'may cause sores in mouth' :26:

Suppose I'd better start clearing things away from Christmas - which means opening cupboards and trying to push things back where they came from!