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US Politics Thread

HeathfieldRoad1874 - 10/11/2016 20:46

I remember the pipeline thing with Escobar. I can't recall the Pilger one. Care to remind me?

That does not alter your faith in him, so I assume you will agree with him that the Republicans rigged certain States?

Just look back, I can't be bothered, but you argued about Pilger's article.

Escobar is top drawer as well. And if an article of his goes mainstream in social media, as like Pilger's, it would not surprise me one bit - these guys are top drawer.

And yes, if he reported wrong doing in some states(I couldn't find that tweet by the way), then I would likely agree with him..

JuanPabloAngel - 10/11/2016 21:09

Quite why the Democrats were so desperate to annoint her is bizarre to say the least, particularly because of the embarrassment her husband brought on them (and the country) back in the day, as well as her own chequered record at State.

The DNC is rigged, that's why Bernie Sanders wasn't considered a candidate.

Clinton had to be in there to fulfill the agenda of her backers, namely the Israel lobby and the arms companies. She was funded by 9 of the 10 biggest weapons companies in America.

What a great choice she would have been.

EDIT: 9 out of 10 the biggest weapons companies in the world
Stephen Jay Hawkings - 10/11/2016 21:45

Clinton had to be in there to fulfill the agenda of her backers, namely the Israel lobby and the arms companies. She was funded by 9 of the 10 biggest weapons companies in America.

Fair point well made!
The Fear - 10/11/2016 20:58

quite an interesting article on BBC online about Trump and Obama meeting today. Not at all awkward that one! Had to be done and they have to be professional with the handover now.

But Trump said he'd tear up Obama's policies including the healthcare and suggested he should never have been President because (he wrongly suggested) he was a foreign national.

Obama said many times Trump was uniquely unqualified.

Trump today said it was a 'great honour' to meet Obama.

Politics, no matter which side of the fence you sit, really does sink of bullshit and hypocrisy!

Must have been an interesting first few minutes though eh!?


Could Corbyn not be classed as a true politician, a true activist, stands for his values?

Could Farage, be another true politician and like Corbyn, has stood the test of time being a true activist of the policy he believes in?

I don't know but they don't seem the type to be bought out, not when looking through their history...They both seem to have stood firm from a young age on the policies they believe in.

Going off topic here sorry...But just wanted to answer!
Another thing Fear, And I know you will like this & getting back n topic; (turn up the volume and enjoy!)

Sasquatch - 10/11/2016 20:47

kefkat - 10/11/2016 20:22

OMG not another 1 who thinks Hillary is evil and Trump is the world saviour :26: :26: :26:

I don't think Trump is the saviour, I'm just hoping he does ok. Making friends with Russia is a good start. I've watched her talk about Middle eastern issues and she horrified me and came across almost psychopathic. She doesn't care how many people die in these country's as long as she's in power and the elite continue to fill there pockets with cash. Why would you want a war mongerer in charge of the most powerful nation in the world?

WTF would I want a misogynistic, xenophobic, racist, woman abuser who takes companies to the wall, fiddles his taxes and has his charitable foundation shut down because less than 5% goes to charity and the rest was spent on his debts and monuments?

The popular vote was won by Hillary however because of the way the states work and the difference in sizing their it is done differently. More people who wanted her than didn't,. There actually outcome doesn't work the same as ours.

A war mongerer? She has been in politics for 30 years. There are going to be things that don't look good. I think it's an opinion she is a war mongerer. I am not saying deals haven't been done that in hindsight shouldn't have been either. I am not saying she is lily white. I am saying as the majority of the media (not just tabloid-decent publications and reporters) are saying that The U.S have made The U.K look sane

I am saying that Trump has no experience in government and with his attitude up to press if he continues it through is creating war and death too.

He has already said he is going to bomb the hell out of IS. That guarantees innocent people will die as they already are under Putin in Syria. Seeing as Trump is a Putin fan you can see where that is going. I could continue however that will do for now

You might be right about trump and sceptical about Trump being any better. Instigating the Libya conflict, huge arm deals and saying she would destroy Iran is not the type of person I want in power either. She's a classic puppet for the elite that want world domination.
Green Tea - 10/11/2016 21:33

HeathfieldRoad1874 - 10/11/2016 20:46

I remember the pipeline thing with Escobar. I can't recall the Pilger one. Care to remind me?

That does not alter your faith in him, so I assume you will agree with him that the Republicans rigged certain States?

Just look back, I can't be bothered, but you argued about Pilger's article.

So, in reality, I didn't. Thanks for clearing that up.
I know I said I wouldn't post in here again but these 2 are too good not to post up

If you listen to 2 thing today I suggest the 1st 15 minutes of this video


And South Park absolutely nailed it with their latest episode

Over 30 years, Trump has had over 4,000 lawsuits filed against him.

That's some going!!

An exclusive and ongoing USA TODAY analysis of legal filings across the United States finds that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and his businesses have been involved in thousands of legal actions in federal and state courts over the past three decades. They range from skirmishes with casino patrons to million-dollar real estate suits to personal defamation lawsuits.

Would i be right to assume that some of you who are trumpetting for Trump, are 'Info-Wars' viewers?
Alex Jones is a shill. That guy cannot be trusted one iota.
Alex Jones is a Shill?


Oh wait I am sorry, let me compose myself

I've known about, listened to and read about him for many years....the fact that he was with Jon Ronson when he 'broke into' Bohemian Grove should tell anyone all they need to know.

Try researching his past (pre-1996), you won't find much

What are his connections to the John Birch Society (connections to the Rockefellers)?

He 'claims' his father and his family 'did stuff for the CIA'....what are his CIA connections?
Why has he been known to disrupt libertarian rallies?
What happened to William Milton Cooper right after he outed Jones as a government shill in 2001?

He 'claims' Trump is 'clean'. REALLY?

Wikipedia has informed me he is a satirical character performed by an actor. So is he giving his opinion or is he taking the piss out of someone with that opinion?
Always viewed him as saying what he thinks in a satirical way if that helps Wuzel! lol
Old Donnies (trying to become fonder of him) :3: dad seemed a nice fella
Green Tea - 10/11/2016 22:39

Another thing Fear, And I know you will like this & getting back n topic; (turn up the volume and enjoy!)

you sweet talker you !