The REALLY Interesting Championship Thread | Page 162 | Vital Football

The REALLY Interesting Championship Thread

Saw this earlier and thought it was quite funny.. What an idiot!
Trekker - 18/8/2016 18:02

sirdennis - 18/8/2016 14:28

Clearly no one is remotely interested in my hip niggle.


Bit racist

Ooh was sirdennis being racist trekker? :17: I thought he had mixed up his letters and meant hip wiggle not hip niggle :15:
JuanPabloAngel - 18/8/2016 12:39

Afternoon all.

Late on parade today. Been doing laundry all morning, including sofa covers. Can anyone top that for an exciting day so far?

Didn't think so.

Having mentioned Greek food the other day KK, look what I came across just now!


JPA kindly when you post something of the worth this is, could you possibly check if it will save to pinterest first please??

I took the time to try and pinterest your link to my perfect recipes board and it would not save, which upset me so much as I know how much work you must have put in to putting up this link.

It might save you some effort and me some tears :19: I have now had to save it to my foodie bookmarks :15:

Thank you for the effort anyway and passes you a bowl of olives, ''especially for you''
Hmm my day has been an emotionally exhausting one, delving back into my past. I met today with a lady from Wolverhampton who is doing a thesis on domestic abuse, addiction and child protection services.

Of all the thesis done and there are thousands this subject all together has never been covered as one to see what more C.P could do, what they do right and wrong.

Not a slating off exercise but a useful objective look. She has/interviewing 7 of us all together and their is a common theme throughout it all. The system is needed, but it doesn't work.

They use sticky plasters, not solutions and the majority aren't fit for purpose as much as they are needed. Interesting day. Bought back many emotions long since confined to the history of my brain files. Change only comes through those who have been there and this thesis will be used for future learning's.

If it helps bring about change however slow that is as it always is then it is worth it. Nothing is a waste or a mistake if you use it for change and purpose
kefkat - 18/8/2016 22:35

JPA kindly when you post something of the worth this is, could you possibly check if it will save to pinterest first please??

Sorry KK, I am not familiar with the workings of pinterest. I visit occasionally but find it all a bit baffling!

I will set to work and improve myself in this area. Just for you x
I washed both cars last night, and have done my back in.

I usually pay the Polish guys to do it and have never done my back in that way.

Brexit = Bad Backs for all! FACT!!!
Very tardy of me I know but GOoooooooooood morning Vital Villans :18:

I knew that would happen deano, didn't I always say, leave Europe, get a bad back?

Well, no, actually I didn't but now I feel foolish not saying exactly that.
Morning all. I can confirm that NO laundry will be done today.

Heavy rain in good old Stratford, summer officially over I think. Although the all-powerful iPhone weather app tells me it might be 26° next week.....
JuanPabloAngel - 18/8/2016 23:24

kefkat - 18/8/2016 22:35

JPA kindly when you post something of the worth this is, could you possibly check if it will save to pinterest first please??

Sorry KK, I am not familiar with the workings of pinterest. I visit occasionally but find it all a bit baffling!

I will set to work and improve myself in this area. Just for you x

:14: good man, good man. You should try and set up an account with pinterest. it is very useful for erm pinning things. You then have a virtual pinboard instead of 1 in the house on the wall :15:

Perhaps it is more useful for me as I like to pin alot of womeny stuff though you could pin stuff to buy for your good lady and family which I am sure you would find very useful :19:

God I am so helpful to you :4: What you lot would do without a woman on here to keep you in check I dread to think.

I dread to think the responses that will come now too :4:
The melon family kitchen pin board is a constant source of irritation to me.

1- no one apart from me bothers to cleanse the board of out of date information. I don't now need to know about school trips from last year. I then purge the board of unwanted information only for Mrs Melon to conduct a gestapo type interrogation as to what I have purged.

2- Important information is covered by useless information.
For example, I need to know when the window cleaners are coming. I don't need to know about endless shopping receipts that get pinned to the pin board 'just in case we need them' covering said window cleaning calendar

This virtual pin board thingy could be the answer. I will have total and utter control!!!!
and you save money on not needing more pins which lets be honest, are a health and safety risk as well!