The Frederic Guilbert Thread | Page 15 | Vital Football

The Frederic Guilbert Thread

Im not sure whether it’s related to the transfer window closing soon or whether he’s just not looking forward to another long week at ‘work’, must be the footballing equivalent of feeling a bit undervalued in your job I guess.

Transfer window isn't technically a week now, and Freddy is pretty coy on socials when he has a point to make.

Yes it could be a 'what will Villa do in the market now', but it reads to me as more than simply that.
He's hardly a bad player and trapped at a club where he has little chance of playing at all, can't blame the guy for being jaded on it all.
He's hardly a bad player and trapped at a club where he has little chance of playing at all, can't blame the guy for being jaded on it all.
All I can think is he and Sansom must have an attitude problem or it may be because they are French, the French love to protest don't they, neither is a bad player and more than capable of getting minutes. So they must have opened their mouths a the wrong time for two managers now. So best they both go as they aren't going to play
Sorry to state the obvious but there is a lot more going on re Freddie and Morgan than meets the eye. I wonder if we will ever find out whats going / gone on. Neither has ever done much wrong from the outside.
I agree. No smoke without fire. We really need to stop signing French players (Kamara aside).
This is very lame by the club, I don't think Freddy is a bad egg.

Perhaps he is, both managers have shipped him out and now nobody wants him, the best thing is to terminate his contract and let him go.
Since he was told he was behind Elmo in the pecking order he hasn't wanted to play for us, which is fair enough.
Allegedly he played well in France last year but nobody has come in for him or he'd be gone.
I'd say he probably is disruptive
It does seem strange no one came in for him or Morgan? People talk in football the same as any other business. I doubt we would have priced either out of a move.
It does seem strange no one came in for him or Morgan? People talk in football the same as any other business. I doubt we would have priced either out of a move.

The reality is probably way more boring. Clubs seem to do this because they think they can pressure the player and their agents to find a new home. Half the time it only ever seems to be a loan deal and the other half they don't go anywhere. We spent 15M on Sanson and 5M on Guilbert. The club still wants to get something back on those deals but the problem is we will have handed out large wages. Large wages is relative, 50,000 per week for Sanson isn't much in the Prem but in France, Spain or Italy it is a lot.

On top of that players are people too so its entirely possible some players will say I am not going to play in Turkey or go up to Scotland. I'd say Sanson and Freddie both just want to go back to France if they can't get into semi-prestigious clubs in Spain or Italy. The French teams would probably rather get younger players or blood their own rather than take back aging high earners.

Hutton and Bent are good examples, couldn't give them away, Bent was probably our top earner. Hutton was probably no worse than Lowton. Any chance we had of getting a decent sum for Bent went out the window because we picked a terrible manager who destroyed his value.