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Steve Sutton

May and her media buddies launched a sustained campaign to smear Corbyn, with some of it labelling him as a 'terrorist sympathiser'. Now they end up being propped up by a party who are a bunch of bigoted ignorant spunk trumpets with possible terrorist links. Oh the irony. I almost feel sorry for her... Almost. :19:
ZedRed - 9/6/2017 13:28

So, the Conservatives whose campaign was basically based against Corbyn leading a coalition of chaos and attacking him for his links with former Northern Irish terrorists will form a coalition of chaos with a group of former Northern Irish terrorists...........

And in so doing will apparently provided "certainty and stability" :19: :19:
I'm out of touch but is this the old question of North v South dating back umpteen years.

If so I was always North.

Apart from that I have complete faith in the survival of the UK regardless of politics.

Pope John XXIII - 9/6/2017 13:36

ZedRed - 9/6/2017 13:28

So, the Conservatives whose campaign was basically based against Corbyn leading a coalition of chaos and attacking him for his links with former Northern Irish terrorists will form a coalition of chaos with a group of former Northern Irish terrorists...........

And in so doing will apparently provided "certainty and stability" :19: :19:

Cue now the dark Satanic overlord Murdoch owned media defending this by saying the terrorists that May is working with are alright, but the terrorists that Corbyn met/ is a fully paid up member of (depending on who you believe) are naughty, nasty terrorists.
in_the_top_one - 9/6/2017 13:14

I don't think they had any other option than to stick with May and lump in with the pretty vile DUP.
They should be ashamed though, and I suspect quite a few of the more right-thinking ones are. (Right, as in correct). Question is what will they want in exchange - let's hope it is just more money for NI.

The DUP have to be very careful with what the demand.

To hear them talk they want as softer Brexit as possible with no hard Border; along with other minor things like a ban on Gay Marriage.

That's what they are saying openly; you can be sure that they will want leverage over the Nationalists and that will bring problems.

Push too hard and the Assembly will come down for good; it will not matter then for the North whether it is a hard or soft Brexit as they will be totally fooked.

The last thing this or any other Government will want is a return Westminster rule.

ZedRed - 9/6/2017 14:17

Pope John XXIII - 9/6/2017 13:36

ZedRed - 9/6/2017 13:28

So, the Conservatives whose campaign was basically based against Corbyn leading a coalition of chaos and attacking him for his links with former Northern Irish terrorists will form a coalition of chaos with a group of former Northern Irish terrorists...........

And in so doing will apparently provided "certainty and stability" :19: :19:

Cue now the dark Satanic overlord Murdoch owned media defending this by saying the terrorists that May is working with are alright, but the terrorists that Corbyn met/ is a fully paid up member of (depending on who you believe) are naughty, nasty terrorists.

Judging by the Election result, the young people, who turned out in numbers to vote, don't particularly believe what the Murdoch's and Rothermere's of this World print any more.

No, they want a very hard brexit.
They just want a soft border.

No, I don't know how they expect that to be practical either.
in_the_top_one - 9/6/2017 14:33

No, they want a very hard brexit.
They just want a soft border.

No, I don't know how they expect that to be practical either.

I'm not sure where the hard Brexit thing has come from.

I read the Irish press every day and there has been numerous recent quotes from Arlene Foster stating as softer Brexit as possible would be their choice.

That's if you believe her I suppose.
I don't believe her but I'm happy to concede you have a better view of the Irish press than me. Are they reliable?

I don't get the impression they want a soft brexit from a variety of sources here. (And the DUP are also awful for other reasons.)
in_the_top_one - 9/6/2017 13:16

Calvin Plummer - 9/6/2017 10:59

in_the_top_one - 9/6/2017 10:38

who do you think it will be, Calvin?
And who do you want it to be?

I would like: David Davis, because of this:

Civil liberties have been hugely eroded by both Labour and the Tories and very few people seem to actually care.
Interesting. Deeply unpopular position with the public at the moment though. Farron, Lucas, Bartley et al have all had big criticism for saying the same thing.

Severe lack of viable leadership options in both major parties.

Davis is from the libertarian tradition of the party (not wholly dissimilar to Ken and something sadly missing these days a@@@@ younger MPs) and has for a long time eloquently spoken out against the erosion of civil liberties.

It isn't a popular opinion in his party (nor in the Labour party sadly) and especially not with the media but I think it's an incredibly important one and if for just this reason I admire him for swimming against the tide.

Rumour has it he went into bat strongly for The Guardian over the Snowdon leaks.
Also kudos to the younger generation for thinking for themselves and getting off their arses to vote. To be honest I didn't think they had it in them.

Now when the baby boomers finally die we might have a decent nation.
in_the_top_one - 9/6/2017 15:16

I don't believe her but I'm happy to concede you have a better view of the Irish press than me. Are they reliable?

I don't get the impression they want a soft brexit from a variety of sources here. (And the DUP are also awful for other reasons.)

There are a whole raft of 32 County initiatives that would be destroyed by a hard Brexit; they would severely impact on the North's economy and they wouldn't be too helpful to the South's economy either.

The DUP are, on the whole, a bunch of repugnant hypocrites.

Peter Robinson was fairly decent but he had the rug pulled out when his wife went round shagging 17 year old schoolboys, who she later set up in business by funnelling money to him through her Church.
Calvin Plummer - 9/6/2017 15:29

Also kudos to the younger generation for thinking for themselves and getting off their arses to vote. To be honest I didn't think they had it in them.

Now when the baby boomers finally die we might have a decent nation.
Despite Rod Liddle's hilarious tips to get parents prevent them from voting. What a prick.
Calvin Plummer - 9/6/2017 15:29

Also kudos to the younger generation for thinking for themselves and getting off their arses to vote. To be honest I didn't think they had it in them.

Now when the baby boomers finally die we might have a decent nation.
:14: to
Calvin Plummer - 9/6/2017 15:29

Also kudos to the younger generation for thinking for themselves and getting off their arses to vote. To be honest I didn't think they had it in them.

Now when the baby boomers finally die we might have a decent nation.

Sadly they will be around for years.....what happens when you have been retired on great pensions for more years than they worked.
Calvin Plummer - 9/6/2017 15:29

Also kudos to the younger generation for thinking for themselves and getting off their arses to vote. To be honest I didn't think they had it in them.

Now when the baby boomers finally die we might have a decent nation.

Agreed. The next set who will be eligible to vote will be equally pro-active. That I am sure
Bremen Tree - 9/6/2017 21:50

Calvin Plummer - 9/6/2017 15:29

Also kudos to the younger generation for thinking for themselves and getting off their arses to vote. To be honest I didn't think they had it in them.

Now when the baby boomers finally die we might have a decent nation.

Agreed. The next set who will be eligible to vote will be equally pro-active. That I am sure

Sure it is. They are the easiest to bribe, the easiest to fool with ideological claptrap and the least with the memories of the last socialist debacle

I hope May goes very soon. She won the election but doesnt have the mandate. For exposing the country to chaotic communist corbyn and marxist mcdonnell she deserves to lose her job
toms - 10/6/2017 07:37

Bremen Tree - 9/6/2017 21:50

Calvin Plummer - 9/6/2017 15:29

Also kudos to the younger generation for thinking for themselves and getting off their arses to vote. To be honest I didn't think they had it in them.

Now when the baby boomers finally die we might have a decent nation.

Agreed. The next set who will be eligible to vote will be equally pro-active. That I am sure

Sure it is. They are the easiest to bribe, the easiest to fool with ideological claptrap and the least with the memories of the last socialist debacle

I hope May goes very soon. She won the election but doesnt have the mandate. For exposing the country to chaotic communist corbyn and marxist mcdonnell she deserves to lose her job

I totally agree with you Toms. Like you I remember the 70s.
Corbyn played a blinder and May was absolutely rubbish.
Goodness knows what happens to the country now.