RIP CP | Vital Football


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Vital 1st Team Regular
From LTLF:
(from The Cat Whisperer)

Passing of forum member Calvin Plummer.

Hi everyone,

I’m sorry to interrupt the light-hearted posts here on LTLF. I wanted to share the sad news that the forum member posting as Calvin Plummer died earlier this month. He was my loving partner of 12 years. His death was unexpected and a shock for all his family and friends. Although he hadn’t posted for a while, he used to regularly compile salty comments about Forest from other fan forums. I know he spent a lot of time collecting these comments and I hope everyone enjoyed reading them.

A Forest fan since childhood, he had been a member of this forum since 2009, coincidentally the same year I met him. He couldn’t go to matches very often but took pleasure in contributing to discussions on here. We had talked about one day going to a match together so I’m sad we never got round to taking up that opportunity. I'm not a football fan but would always ask him who Forest was playing and what the score was. I will miss taking an interest in his passions, commiserating with him and celebrating in Forest’s fortunes. I will forever treasure his classic shirt. Only recently he had been looking at treating himself to one of the retro shirts so that he could wear it regularly.

I know he spoke his mind and sometimes got himself blocked from sites (like this one) but he meant no malice, held no grudges and simply liked a good debate. I’m unsure how much of his life he shared with you, but I knew him as a hugely caring, intelligent, insightful, and funny person. I know this forum was important to him and that’s why I wanted to leave a short message for you.

Please tell your nearest and dearest that you love them, and hold them close, because it can all be taken away in an instant xx


Various people sent condolences, with some calling him 'cantankerous' which fits my experience whenever I got into an argument with him on Vital, but I'm sad to hear this.
Oh fuck fuck fuck.

That's dreadful.

I lost a bet to CP about whether we would go down in 16. Paid a tenner to his favourite charity and was happy to do it.

Exchanged a few PMs with him telling him to come back, especially as he seemed to be having trouble with the Ruperts. Shame he didn't.

Fuck. That is so sad. I don't know how old he was but I don't think he had that much on me, certainly no more than 10 years
Very sad news. We all have our run- ins and I certainly did with him on many occasions but we are all fathers , brothers, sons, uncles, and friends- plus we are all forest fans so are brothers anyway.

Very sad news for his family and loved ones and may he rest in peace. 🥲🥲
Very sad news and that post from his partner certainly got the water works going
As said in the thread that I created roughly at the same time as Pebble LTLF posters are saying that all ' Fan Comment ' threads that are created from now on should be in some way attributed to him. It was a brilliant idea from him and a very apt tribute

Bloody hell thats shit… a controversial member of the forum but an excellent poster when he wanted to be and always enjoyed our exchanges. RIP
Oh no, what sad news that is!

I always got on with him very well on here. Loved the spicy debates. Didn't always agree with the style 100%, but enjoyed it nonetheless, and very often agreed with the content. I actually missed the moment when he overstepped and took a ban but wish he could have buried whatever hatchets needed to be buried, made amends, and come back to being a regular.

CP often put a bit of thought into things - more than many - and his excellent fan comments threads were a substantial commitment of time that I think were appreciated by everyone. I exchanged a few pms with him on some topics and he helped me out with a bit of wisdom a couple of times based on his previous ventures. I was grateful for that.

I guess the city ground stadium is a pretty big place but you feel a camaraderie with others who go, whether they are friends or not. We support the same club and sing the same songs. I have never had a season ticket but went most frequently around the times I think he did (when I was still in school, early-mid 90s). Many of us have those shared experiences.

Condolences to the lady who posted, and those that knew him.
I shall drink a scotch in the direction of West London in honor of a chap I never met, but think I would have got on with.
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Wait what? Is this legit?

I always loved our little interactions and his obvious trolling dickhead moves to copy paste retorts from other places (he always knew we knew it was a copy paste). To argue literally the most non-important points for the sake of silly banter.

Damn!.... CP was a legend around here IMO, and I am feel like I have been kicked in the balls. Sorry to all those that knew him and loved him, but for those that only knew him around these parts, he is genuinely a legend and was well liked for the most part and he always had the balls to admit when he was being a bit if a pleb (had a few PMs from him to say sorry).

Fook me this is sad :(
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i’m really sad to read this. i, along with others, had some run ins with him.
He did exchange PMs with me and apologized after he had made some rather nasty threats. At the time he disclosed that he had some ‘troubles’ that i won’t go into but i’m glad that we managed to get past the issues.
Really upsetting that someone from the forum has passed. It’s a reminder to me that someone that gets your back up online is still a human being with their own life and troubles to deal with.

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Awful news, and although CP didn't post here anymore, I'd hoped he'd come back - as it seems did plenty of others.

His fan comments threads were excellent and very grateful to him for the time he spent creating those threads.

Sincere condolences to his family.
if it is legit - poor man. sad news and sorry to hear this. I'm guessing he was in his 40s?

we hated each other initially but eventually i grew to like him and see his views. intelligent with no filter.

from what i knew he lived abroad during our league 1 years and his parents worked for the BBC.
if it is legit - poor man. sad news and sorry to hear this. I'm guessing he was in his 40s?

Late 40s I reckon. No age to go.

from what i knew he lived abroad during our league 1 years and his parents worked for the BBC.
But did they have an ID card to prove it..?

I think he worked in the States for a while on a project about anaerobic digestion for green energy. (Although it might have been a revolving incinerator.)
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