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General politics thread:

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Im not really sure what defines hard left I guess nowadays. I always saw it quite simple, red or blue, left or right, rule by fear or encouragement.,individual or social. Im of thr thinking of let people do what they like if it hurts no others; live, work, visit, create.

I don't really see issues in things like communism or socialism, tho att he same time im not naive to the human nature of desiring power and greed so it usually comes down to some people somewhere making decisions for themselves.

So figured Im left wing. How do I become hard left? rescue more animals? hate jews? want no establishments at all? I dont even know, Im not even sure people are consistent in their views any more
This propaganda room cost £2.6m from the party of business. Bang for your buck.

The Henry in the corner was a bargain £436,788 from one of Matt Hancock's mates

View attachment 46871

It looks a lot of money for what looks like an average 'referb'.

Are there some grade listing issues with any decorating? I know with my windows at home, they can only be bought from one supplier in Patagonia in a colour determined by committee that meet every 5 years.**
They couldn't remove some panelling in my local because of the listing and everything undertaken, even decorative changes had to be approved. Maybe this accounts for the spend?

**I am exaggerating, but the constraints are bonkers
So let's get this straight. I'm supposed to know (or at least am suspected of knowing) that 'The BL' (something I'd never heard of until yesterday) is part of QAnon because I like the ideas and principles of Benn, Skinner, Crow, Foot, Shore, Galloway, Corbyn, Tariq Ali, etc and the founder of Anonymous is a "left-libertarian" (note the distinction in the era of identity politics), and QAnon copied/joined/competed against this 'hard leftie'?

CP, ya try a little bit too hard at times to get an argument on here, duck.
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It looks a lot of money for what looks like an average 'referb'.

Are there some grade listing issues with any decorating? I know with my windows at home, they can only be bought from one supplier in Patagonia in a colour determined by committee that meet every 5 years.**
They couldn't remove some panelling in my local because of the listing and everything undertaken, even decorative changes had to be approved. Maybe this accounts for the spend?

**I am exaggerating, but the constraints are bonkers
Think you may be forgetting mates rates which means something different to the Tories...
Britain pours billions into race to develop world's fastest missile.

The development of new technologies such as hypersonic missiles and laser weapons is to be given a boost from the MoD with extra money.

Adversaries such as Russia have invested in new air weapons programmes with the potential to outmatch existing ballistic missile defences, including hypersonic glide vehicles that are thought to be capable of flying at over 15,000mph.

This is what we need at this time in the history of human evolution, some nationalistic dick waving.
A lifecycle analysis is not just comparing the cost of hauling coal. I'm very surprised to hear you say that. Building the mine through to decommissioning the mine, environmental releases, evaluation of potential environmental impacts, and interpretation of the inventory analysis and impact evaluation.

It also ignores the symbolism of opening a new mine as opposed to focusing on other measures I've mentioned.

Do we stop the other projects? My default position is yes until I have enough data to persuade me otherwise. I don't know any of them remotely well enough to give anything but a qualified answer.

Slightly off topic to our previous discussions, but I thought you may be interested in this report.
I’m not usually a fan of Dr Evans, but this is a very good piece.

Just think if the Government had taken advice and converted another 10GW of generation to biomass replacing gas.....
Britain pours billions into race to develop world's fastest missile.

The development of new technologies such as hypersonic missiles and laser weapons is to be given a boost from the MoD with extra money.

Adversaries such as Russia have invested in new air weapons programmes with the potential to outmatch existing ballistic missile defences, including hypersonic glide vehicles that are thought to be capable of flying at over 15,000mph.

This is what we need at this time in the history of human evolution, some nationalistic dick waving.
I saw an excellent tweet from that physicist Helen Cz(insert letters), who wrote "What can you do with 260 nuclear warheads that you can't do with 180?"
Good question.

On a different topic, I'm more positive about hypersonic missile defence. While disarmament is obviously crucial to a better future, I'm uncomfortable with the Russians having a missile against which we and our allies are powerless to defend. They are seemingly considerably ahead of us in this race - they claim it already exists.
Sure, we can make engines capable of Mach 9, but it is a different prospect to use them on an aircraft that can intercept and destroy another vehicle/missile of comparable speed.

As ever, it would be a better world with fewer selfish, nationalistic dicks. When will everyone heed the wisdom of Bill and Ted and be excellent to one another?
I saw an excellent tweet from that physicist Helen Cz(insert letters), who wrote "What can you do with 260 nuclear warheads that you can't do with 180?"
Good question.

On a different topic, I'm more positive about hypersonic missile defence. While disarmament is obviously crucial to a better future, I'm uncomfortable with the Russians having a missile against which we and our allies are powerless to defend. They are seemingly considerably ahead of us in this race - they claim it already exists.
Sure, we can make engines capable of Mach 9, but it is a different prospect to use them on an aircraft that can intercept and destroy another vehicle/missile of comparable speed.

As ever, it would be a better world with fewer selfish, nationalistic dicks. When will everyone heed the wisdom of Bill and Ted and be excellent to one another?

From a personal perspective I'm delighted. I work in advanced defence/aerospace/military technologies, so ££££
From a personal perspective I'm delighted. I work in advanced defence/aerospace/military technologies, so ££££
I might benefit too, as it happens.
If he demanded Johnson "double the science budget" (as he claims he did in his kitchen and BJ agreed) then I can get behind that. However, his whole method is a breeding ground for corruption. His "less bureaucracy" mantra is poorly disguised code, isn't it? For example, you can see the immediate results of being 'nimble' when you review the PPE contracts scandal.
I might benefit too, as it happens.
If he demanded Johnson "double the science budget" (as he claims he did in his kitchen and BJ agreed) then I can get behind that. However, his whole method is a breeding ground for corruption. His "less bureaucracy" mantra is poorly disguised code, isn't it? For example, you can see the immediate results of being 'nimble' when you review the PPE contracts scandal.

Indeed. As the old business mantra goes, "It's not what you know, but..."
I can't read that. I presume she is being thrown in prison for saying she's English?

It's all fart and no poo...

A student has been banned from a university union for making the quip “Rule, Britannia” during a debate about the British Army’s presence on campuses.

Elizabeth Heverin was disciplined by officials at Aberdeen University Students’ Association (AUSA) for using “discriminatory or racist language”, after a fellow student complained.

The 19-year-old cited the song in a virtual hustings on whether to renew a union policy on the “demilitarised campus”, where the Armed Forces are barred from recruiting students or visiting AUSA buildings and events. Officials subsequently banned her from all students’ union buildings, debates and services for two weeks.

“It feels like I’ve been prosecuted for the crime of being patriotic,” she told The Telegraph. “It’s scary to think where freedom of speech at the university will go from here.

The Free Speech Union said the ban “beggars belief” and called on the students’ union to rescind the punishment and apologise.
It's all fart and no poo...

A student has been banned from a university union for making the quip “Rule, Britannia” during a debate about the British Army’s presence on campuses.

Elizabeth Heverin was disciplined by officials at Aberdeen University Students’ Association (AUSA) for using “discriminatory or racist language”, after a fellow student complained.

The 19-year-old cited the song in a virtual hustings on whether to renew a union policy on the “demilitarised campus”, where the Armed Forces are barred from recruiting students or visiting AUSA buildings and events. Officials subsequently banned her from all students’ union buildings, debates and services for two weeks.

“It feels like I’ve been prosecuted for the crime of being patriotic,” she told The Telegraph. “It’s scary to think where freedom of speech at the university will go from here.

The Free Speech Union said the ban “beggars belief” and called on the students’ union to rescind the punishment and apologise.
I'll bet there was more to the conversation than that.
Why do the papers stoke up such tensions? Is it to get a new Free Speech Champion to engineer quite the opposite in our universities by any chance?
The free speech crisis in universities is a lie.
Simple as that, really.

The government hired a free speech bloke because of an incident in which a university decided not to deplatform someone because the university believed in freedom of speech.

Except, of course, when Williamson threatened universities with legal consequences if they didn't adopt his preferred definition of antisemitism. That's pretty anti-free speech.

This government's idea of free speech is right wing people being able to say what they want while using the law to silence the left.
Gavin Williamson sparked anger in universities when he unveiled plans on 16 February to counter what he called “unacceptable silencing and censoring” on campuses. He plans legislation to allow speakers who are “no-platformed” to sue universities for compensation if they feel their rights have been infringed.

The government is thought to have relied heavily on a 2019 research report by Policy Exchange for evidence of a free speech “crisis” on campus. This research was cited repeatedly in last week’s white paper. Iain Mansfield, now Williamson’s special adviser, was head of education at the rightwing thinktank at the time of the report.
Prof Colin Riordan, vice-chancellor of Cardiff, a member of the prestigious Russell group, says a key example cited in the report, and mentioned in the Commons, is untrue and needs to be fully corrected for the record. It said that his university allowed the feminist Germaine Greer to be no-platformed in 2015 on the grounds that she had made “transphobic” comments. This never happened, he says – the event went ahead.
Riordan says: “The research this is all based upon is completely misleading. There was a campaign against Germaine Greer speaking, and we had to consider whether to cancel the event – and we didn’t. It is exactly the opposite of what has been suggested: the event went ahead.” He says on a personal level he had some sympathy with the views of the protesters at the time, but felt his university had a duty to uphold free speech, and Greer was a professor at Warwick University.

This government's manipulation of the 'culture war' will work, because as we see on this very forum, many people are willing (nay, DELIGHTED) to believe their obvious lies.
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I might benefit too, as it happens.
If he demanded Johnson "double the science budget" (as he claims he did in his kitchen and BJ agreed) then I can get behind that. However, his whole method is a breeding ground for corruption. His "less bureaucracy" mantra is poorly disguised code, isn't it? For example, you can see the immediate results of being 'nimble' when you review the PPE contracts scandal.

I also think demanding and getting a promise from the PM to deny a democratic exercise in a 2nd ref is appalling. One guy makes a decision for 65m and he is not even elected. Shows how weak and unsuitable boris is as leader but if you havent figured that out already then there is probably no helping you.
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