GB News Launching | Page 23 | Vital Football

GB News Launching

Good 'ole BBC - struggles to call Hamas terrorists and is eventually dragged into begrudgingly referring to them as a terrorist organisation as proscribed by the British government.

An official meeting between two democratically elected leaders of the Western world? - well that is a far right rally obviously.

Let's just remind ourselves as to why the BBC claims it didn't call Hamas what they are:

A BBC spokesperson noted it was a long-standing position for its reporters not to use the term themselves unless attributing it to someone else.
Veteran BBC foreign correspondent John Simpson said "calling someone a terrorist means you're taking sides".

Using their own logic, looks like the Beeb are implicitly taking sides on terrorism and democracy then. It would appear they approve of one but not the other.
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The Comedy Gold Channel in trouble again - more fines than viewers.

You wish - growth going through the roof on any metric you care to look at.

Just out of interest, found that factual evidence yet. It must be filed somewhere along with the evidence the BBC failed to hand over and lied about their conversations with Martin Bashir. Now that will result in some fines!
You wish - growth going through the roof on any metric you care to look at.

Just out of interest, found that factual evidence yet. It must be filed somewhere along with the evidence the BBC failed to hand over and lied about their conversations with Martin Bashir. Now that will result in some fines!

This isn't true btw (obviously). Took me about 2 secs to see dreadful ratings for Kearse, Cleese and Peter Andre (lol). It often likes to selectively claim improvements by going month on month or comparing to a very specific time slot but the reach is still a long way off other news channels despite having content you'd perhaps expect people to want to watch rather than 20 minute rolling news.

The reach for Nov 2023 is comparable to such channels as "Great! romance", HGTV(?) and TNT Sports 3/Sky Crime, channels a lot of people can't access.
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Blimey, romantic movies must be back in vogue then.

If you spam (there are 20+ videos up on GB News feed since midnight) that many videos then aggregate all their views you might be able to get to 7% of the baby shark video's total viewership, astonishing.

Any metric you care to look at - but they're always insane ones
If you spam (there are 20+ videos up on GB News feed since midnight) that many videos then aggregate all their views you might be able to get to 7% of the baby shark video's total viewership, astonishing.

Any metric you care to look at - but they're always insane ones
And yet here we are, people still desperately trying to starve it of advertising revenue, a concerted and co-ordinated campaign to pile on at Ofcom at every opportunity, demanding it be shut down, countless daily, obsessive, sneering articles from the usual media outlets.

So much desperate hysteria and publicity from so many, for a channel that has so little popularity. What could they be so afraid of from such an inconsequential outlet with such little reach :hmmm::unsure:

And yet here we are, people still desperately trying to starve it of advertising revenue, a concerted and co-ordinated campaign to pile on at Ofcom at every opportunity, demanding it be shut down, countless daily, obsessive, sneering articles from the usual media outlets.

So much desperate hysteria and publicity from so many, for a channel that has so little popularity. What could they be so afraid of from such an inconsequential outlet with such little reach :hmmm::unsure:


I think by your logic the BBC is the true 'people's channel' then? It gets "sneering articles" from the usual media outlets every day, "desperate hysteria" from the likes of yourself... and a ridiculous amount more reach which it doesn't have to make up by comparing itself to a 6 minute stretch between 11.01pm and 11.07pm on a Sunday or comparing month on month against a month with three fewer days or something.

Plus the hysteria has been going for decades from the right, rather than a year or two of an outrage factory featuring Dan Wootton, Lawrence Fox and a bunch of MPs in a zombie government shouting about woke things. If it stuck to some decent right leaning programming rather than lazy clickbait and being offensive it wouldn't have as many youtube views though would it, and that's what makes programming good apparently and show's it is flying (while the right falls out with itself and any semblance of power for a while).
And yet here we are, people still desperately trying to starve it of advertising revenue, a concerted and co-ordinated campaign to pile on at Ofcom at every opportunity, demanding it be shut down, countless daily, obsessive, sneering articles from the usual media outlets.

So much desperate hysteria and publicity from so many, for a channel that has so little popularity. What could they be so afraid of from such an inconsequential outlet with such little reach :hmmm::unsure:

If GBNews was as popular with the apparently silent apparent majority as you think, do you think advertisers would giving the proverbial flying about what anybody who does not like the channel thought about them?
I think by your logic the BBC is the true 'people's channel' then? It gets "sneering articles" from the usual media outlets every day, "desperate hysteria" from the likes of yourself... and a ridiculous amount more reach which it doesn't have to make up by comparing itself to a 6 minute stretch between 11.01pm and 11.07pm on a Sunday or comparing month on month against a month with three fewer days or something.

Plus the hysteria has been going for decades from the right, rather than a year or two of an outrage factory featuring Dan Wootton, Lawrence Fox and a bunch of MPs in a zombie government shouting about woke things. If it stuck to some decent right leaning programming rather than lazy clickbait and being offensive it wouldn't have as many youtube views though would it, and that's what makes programming good apparently and show's it is flying (while the right falls out with itself and any semblance of power for a while).
You may be missing the point that the BBC is the establishment, has had a 100 years or so head start on GB News and benefits to the tune of over 5 billion per annum tax payers money, and by definition does not have to worry about trifles like having to fund itself through dirty advertising revenue streams.

On that basis I should be very worried if the BBC hadn't fortified itself against a plucky little, self funding, populist upstart.

It's not true that they don't do some decent right leaning programs or indeed have some balanced, fairly represented debate either; they do. But of course we never hear about that (only the rare occasions they get it wrong) because that wouldn't fit the narrative, and some people might find out they are not some conspiracist nut job outfit; which of course is one of the things that makes them so scary to people of certain leanings.

I do hope you are not considering the Tories as on the right. Their biggest faction is the 'One Nation' branch and the sooner they sod off to their spiritual home in the Libs., the better.
If GBNews was as popular with the apparently silent apparent majority as you think, do you think advertisers would giving the proverbial flying about what anybody who does not like the channel thought about them?
Do you think it's a silent majority Impede, cos I never said or thought that? You will find that along with the like of the Greens, I have alluded to the 'populist' support being a large minority. That's precisely why people of a certain political persuasion most certainly do not want a populist channel to gather the traction and momentum it clearly is, and would rather it was strangled. Which all kind of underscores the observations I am making.

The advertisers 'give a proverbial' because they are threatened and intimidated by the hate mob. Seen what's been happening to any companies that have shown even the slightest empathy for Israel lately; I bet you have. It is as simple as that.
You may be missing the point that the BBC is the establishment, has had a 100 years or so head start on GB News and benefits to the tune of over 5 billion per annum tax payers money, and by definition does not have to worry about trifles like having to fund itself through dirty advertising revenue streams.

On that basis I should be very worried if the BBC hadn't fortified itself against a plucky little, self funding, populist upstart.

It's not true that they don't do some decent right leaning programs or indeed have some balanced, fairly represented debate either; they do. But of course we never hear about that (only the rare occasions they get it wrong) because that wouldn't fit the narrative, and some people might find out they are not some conspiracist nut job outfit; which of course is one of the things that makes them so scary to people of certain leanings.

I do hope you are not considering the Tories as on the right. Their biggest faction is the 'One Nation' branch and the sooner they sod off to their spiritual home in the Libs., the better.

Problem with this is crowing about the mugabe-esque figures or youtube views. The most watched videos are dan wootton (!) debating if Philip Schofield is a nonce with Eamonn Holmes, pseudo-science about covid vaccinations and hot gossip about the royal family. People can think its shite without being scared of it.

Also if you don't think a tech bro hyper capitalist or recent home secs are on the right then you're never going to get someone in power you like, soz.
Problem with this is crowing about the mugabe-esque figures or youtube views. The most watched videos are dan wootton (!) debating if Philip Schofield is a nonce with Eamonn Holmes, pseudo-science about covid vaccinations and hot gossip about the royal family. People can think its shite without being scared of it.

Also if you don't think a tech bro hyper capitalist or recent home secs are on the right then you're never going to get someone in power you like, soz.
It's a split party though isn't it. Of course there are some individuals on the right and I recognise them as such; (I never said there weren't) and there are plenty of 'liberals' as mentioned. Therein lies the problem.

Of course the last election was about Brexit, (outcome suggested there was appetite for agendas to the right then, or wasn't Brexit about right populism after all ;) ) but Labour had their problems with the left/far left splitting the party, which have abated somewhat. Tories are having trouble now (along with a disastrous term) deciding whether they want to be liberal or centre right.

Once/if they decide we may find out in the future (depending which way they lean of course) whether the country has the appetite for a government to the right or otherwise. If the Tories don't sort their identity out they won't be getting elected for a while regardless.

The only beneficiaries from the current Tory fiasco by and large are Labour, with a few percentage votes plus some decent publicity going to Reform.

If the left don't fear the populism of GB News we keep returning to all the points I made previously and there would be no problem with them leaving the channel inconsequentially in the shadows, reaching nobody. But they don't and seemingly can't, so all the bluster about only the cranky material being popular doesn't make sense in that context.

Another possibility of course is they simply cannot tolerate anybody at all having an opinion that differs from theirs. If it is as simple as that, it just goes (further) to show their intolerant, controlling, anti free speech wannabe dictator mindset.

I guess we would need to have a candid conversation with the activists behind the hate campaign to get at their true motivation, but that will never happen with that shower of dishonest actors.
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