Diet | Vital Football




Guest my wife and her friends (one of whom appears to be leading this charge) are talking about going to a completely organic food diet, I am OK with this part, with the goal of eventually becoming vegan, I am not OK with this part. Anyone out there a vegan?
I was going to become a Vegan but I didn't fancy the pointy ears!

I'm not a Vegan but I had to go on a serious diet being diagnosed type 2 diabetic, which seemed to be similar in many ways. After finding an amazing diet with Blue Heron Health which was supposed to reverse diabetes, I started it in real earnest. It was a very low calorie/carbohydrates and High antioxidant diet. They explained how I would lose weight and my blood sugar would drop. I did a month of the diet and sure enough came off all the pills. I did lose weight, felt MUCH better and most of the diet was vegetables coupled with some fish, eggs and some chicken. I lost at least 2 inches off my waist (I wasn't very overweight, just above normal) and lost around 1.5 to 2 stone.

I have never wanted to become Vegan/veggie but have changed my attitude to to it considerably. I try to eat certain nuts as well which the diet said were good, namely Almonds, Walnuts and Dry roasted peanuts (which I love). I definitely feel a great deal better and this diet is really working. You can go back to the carbs you used to eat by trying certain foods, bit by bit after the first month.

I think you need to take several other things that are good for you as well, maybe some supplements, if you do become Vegan but Blue Heron Health (you can find them on line at will probably be able to help with the decision.

I will be interested in the comments that this thread raises and to see what people say, so 'Good Thread' '80'.
Hey Welsh check this out. There is a man at U of Nottingham that is working on this as well. His name is Jamie Timmons.
And here is his company....I wonder if Ex has heard of this?
I have a "healthy month" every October where I do all the calorie counting, never eat anything high in sat fats, no booze, 5 fruit/veg every day etc and I struggle through it, but always achieve it. What I find there after for at good few months is that you find yourself a lot more aware of what you're eating - perhaps have fast food once a month as opposed to once a week.... problem is by September I'm back to 8 pints a night and eating total shit again!

Vegan though..... not a f**king chance! Cant imagine life without steak, bacon, pork with crackling, fried chicken..... I'm heading down KFC!
80deg16minW - 20/3/2013 17:29

Hey Welsh check this out. There is a man at U of Nottingham that is working on this as well. His name is Jamie Timmons.

Mmmm, Interesting '80', thanks.
Dave the Yid - 20/3/2013 20:03

I have a "healthy month" every October where I do all the calorie counting, never eat anything high in sat fats, no booze, 5 fruit/veg every day etc and I struggle through it, but always achieve it. What I find there after for at good few months is that you find yourself a lot more aware of what you're eating - perhaps have fast food once a month as opposed to once a week.... problem is by September I'm back to 8 pints a night and eating total shit again!

Vegan though..... not a f**king chance! Cant imagine life without steak, bacon, pork with crackling, fried chicken..... I'm heading down KFC!

I have to say 'Dave' that it's a good idea to 'have a go' on a regular basis even if you can't sustain it. It DOES clean your system out of some of the garbage that we eat. The only thing I would have to say is that, from this end looking at the diagnosis of being type 2 diabetic, I wish someone had impressed on me to eat decently before but then, if I think about it, the 'well being' clinic at the Docs DID say I needed to sort my cholesterol out a year or two before I was diagnosed. Now it's a struggle to find foods that I enjoy and CAN eat. It's hard to tell people that they don't want this and should do something about their eating habits. People enjoy eating all the S**t that they eat, it's like spoiling their fun but then Diabetes will seriously spoil your fun.

I always think that changing your mind about what you do is the biggest step and as I get older, I find it easier to make a serious decision to change my life especially when it's about regaining some of my fitness and good feeling about myself. It's that thing about being open minded, trying to see the thing in a different light so that you don't therefore mind making a hard decision like denying yourself the 'Mmmmm, beefburgers', thoughts.

I have found that my diet is slowly evolving into a more healthy regime. I am often just not wanting that extra beer and when I have a take-away/fast foot, I have always err'e towards a more healthy option, but sadly and frustratingly, I am carrying a lb or ten too many.

am now in a position where I dont set goals such as I will not drink beer in the week, but I might make it once, such as last night when I had two bottles of cider, as opposed to previously drinking every night and far too much. similarly fast food and chocolate etc is consumed far less.

As I am now 46, I do find losing weight so much harder and where as it would fall of in previous years, it is now painfully slow. saying that, I would rather lose less and enjoy my favourite foods in moderation, that become a veggie/vegan, as I know I would hate it and struggle all the time and be fighting my weight as opposed to just being sensible
I lost a bet with my youngest daughter, the consequence of which is that I would become a vegetarian like her for the month of March.

I have stuck to it.

So far I have unintentionally lost 8lbs.

However, the chances of me ever willingly becoming a vegetarian are nil.

Last night I dreamed of a juicy tender rare to medium rare filet steak. If I'm not careful, one of the local cows could well end up being rustled one night soon, and I will literally pull the horns out, wipe it's arse, get out my handy blowtorch and tuck in...

it is very rare that I ever have a main mean without some meat. Friday will be an exception as I quite like the look of my wife and daughters mushroom and haloumi burger, though I might still add a bit of beef just to make it more interesting.

Am off to see the U-21s at Wycombe, so will be hitting KFC before I get there...
Reading "Eat To Live" right now. Actually I'm listening to "Eat To Live" right now from I highly recommend it.
Dave the Yid - 20/3/2013 20:03

I have a "healthy month" every October where I do all the calorie counting, never eat anything high in sat fats, no booze, 5 fruit/veg every day etc and I struggle through it, but always achieve it. What I find there after for at good few months is that you find yourself a lot more aware of what you're eating - perhaps have fast food once a month as opposed to once a week.... problem is by September I'm back to 8 pints a night and eating total shit again!

Vegan though..... not a f**king chance! Cant imagine life without steak, bacon, pork with crackling, fried chicken..... I'm heading down KFC!

I stopped drinking for a year once. Business was tough and I completely focussed on being aerobically fit and work. Turned things around. I was also voted the most miserable family member of the year. Apparently I am a happy drunk. I lost about 15 pounds.

Another friend of ours decided we should all do the 100 mile diet where you only use products that come from a source within 100 miles of your home. It all ended very suddenly when I pointed out we would have to drink Niagara wine. The look on her face was priceless. Her comment was "Well that is the end of that then".
So while North Korea threatens to start WWIII I thought I would amuse you with this.......

Welshtel - 21/3/2013 21:29


I think that just did me good, I'm about to rapidly lose about 5lbs.

You ought to see how KFC chickens are fed and grown so quickly, how sauseage burgers are made, and even 100% beef patties are made - you wouldn't touch another one again..
Decided, I was better off living in at least some minor degree of ignorance of the clip. however, I wouldnt dream of eating or feeding my kids chicken nuggets and our burgers are at least home made, though Im sure someone will talk to me about what is in shop/butchers mince...
oxfordspur - 22/3/2013 08:24

Decided, I was better off living in at least some minor degree of ignorance of the clip. however, I wouldnt dream of eating or feeding my kids chicken nuggets and our burgers are at least home made, though Im sure someone will talk to me about what is in shop/butchers mince...


Just watch your kids run around - neigh problem! :10: :17:

Was late getting back last night so missed most of first half, how did Rose do?
There are signs all over Northern Ireland: 'Alcohol, the Devil's Vomit'

Well, we tend to be a bit fundamentalist in this neck of the woods (hic!)