Coronavirus | Page 62 | Vital Football


So, we usually go to the pub on a Friday night, and there is a discussion on whether we should or not, tomorrow.

The pub has moved the tables further apart, and like Mike, we all take precautions when we're out.

Are we being selfish, or given the precautions, are we putting nobody at risk?

I would say no Heathfield. Stay in, go with the advice to restrict social contact. I know you are giving precautions and I know you are not being blase/don't give a damn about anyone else but I think you shouldn't be going . This won't go on forever so there will be plenty of fridays to come when this is all over. I think ultimately you and your friends maybe carrying the virus and not know .
To be honest Heath, people here aren't even going to each other's houses at the moment. Usually on Fridays I head over to my mates to play darts but until this all becomes clearer nobody is going anywhere.

Maybe it's being over cautious, but who knows. Playing quizzes and drinking while doing conference calls is what's happening for the time being!
I swear Mike, when this calms down a bit, it will be the alcohol poisoning that's the problem, not the feckin virus!

What alcohol problem...hic.
I swear Mike, when this calms down a bit, it will be the alcohol poisoning that's the problem, not the feckin virus!

LOL as a long term member of A.A I have the answer to that one too.

Us on fellowship are a resourceful lot. Most of the meeting venues have closed so less meetings around.

Six still on, though 6 closed until further notice. We are a resourceful lot. Our home group is on however we are mixing it with online available too at our meeting for those self isolating

Skype meetings, Xoom, Google hangout online meetings going up in replacement of. HQ cant keep up, with the updates. Neither can my phone

Been bloody crazy here with all this as I play a big role in York 12 step here
Had to take the woman to the doctor today as she was complaining of shortness of breath. Allegedly she tested her for the virus, I don't think she has it and I think the doctor knows that too. We won't know if she has it until Monday and by extension it would be reasonable to assume I have it too. Living here with this health care system has made me so cynical. Anyway she is fine and sitting at home now chilling.

Word is NYC hospitals are totally overwhelmed. One of the local government twitter handles is telling people to stay home even if they show signs of the virus. Don't go to a hospital, if you're fine you'll be sent home anyway. Worried for people there will be a spike in deaths in NYC soon. I think they're expecting to have 7,500 cases by EOD tomorrow.

The oul anxiety is through the roof, a few bouts of 'mild' panic attacks but nothing compared to her waking me at 7AM telling me something was wrong. Just thankful we're both doing well and we've the means to work from home and support ourselves.
Another thing I want to say is that some Conservatives in America are a cancer and in all honesty some Liberals are too, not all of course but there is a small percentage who are very dangerous. I read a few bits and pieces from the hell-hole that is twitter and they all think its some grand government conspiracy theory to either (a) transfer huge swathes of wealth or (b) to erode people's rights.

Maybe I am wrong but is it not obvious that humans simply just take advantage of opportunities and chaos. Is it not obvious that opportunities like this are not created, they come from chaos. Trump isn't Hitler, this isn't some burning of the Reichstag moment.

I just don't know. Is staying at home that big of a sacrifice? You're not going to fight off the might of the military with your AR16, they're not coming for your guns, they're not looking to turn your home into a prison. This Country has a mental health problem.
I'm sure she's probably fine CDX and you are too, worst case scenario, ye'll have a bit of a dose, we've been told over here (by we I mean younger people) that we are of no concern, it's the elderly with underlying problems that are, and that's why we have to stay at home to stop the spread.

I did feel a bit of anxiety the first few days of lockdown, or more of a sense of dread because this all just happened so quickly and the world flipped upside down, but it's almost become a bit normal now as fucked up as that is. Of course, I completely understand it must be a lot different in NYC to the suburbs of Dublin.

If your both working from home then great, best thing to do (and as advised by the HSE here) is minimize how much you check the news, maybe once or twice a day and go on with your business making sure to take precautions ie. washing hands etc. as it keeps your mental health in check. There's so much shite on Twitter and other social media it's become laughable. And obviously it's all become politicized too.

All these projections and predictions of where this is going is completely pointless and just adds to the panic.

I genuinely think this has been way overblown because certain people revel in it.
LOL as a long term member of A.A I have the answer to that one too.

Us on fellowship are a resourceful lot. Most of the meeting venues have closed so less meetings around.

Six still on, though 6 closed until further notice. We are a resourceful lot. Our home group is on however we are mixing it with online available too at our meeting for those self isolating

Skype meetings, Xoom, Google hangout online meetings going up in replacement of. HQ cant keep up, with the updates. Neither can my phone

Been bloody crazy here with all this as I play a big role in York 12 step here

As an experiment the other night KK, me and a few friends used Zoom, probably better than any of the others I've used over the years, I think you can get up to 40 people on it, and there was very little lag etc. and everyone came across loud and clear.

I can imagine it's frustrating for meetings right now, but if everyone has access to cams and a decent connection I'm sure going down that route will be just as effective.
The stats from Italy are very worrying and really don't tally with the Chinese reported figures. Very very angry with the Chinese government .
I think the issue is with the stereotypical 50 something year old director, who wants to see their staff working. I’ve worked a companies where there is no way they’d trust you to work from home, yet my current company half the U.K. team do so.

It’s definitely a good thing for 90% of people, there’s always that 10% that ruin it by being piss takers but the technology and bosses will wise up to that.

Dan, I also think there is an element of people who like to impress that director by keep telling them how good they are, there are also people who think the company will close if they are not there.
I worked in the design office a few years ago, just engine design so not a massive one but not many of us would get up and go home on time, they stayed until the chief engineer left, then it was a stampede . So it works both ways
Companies have switched production to make ventilators and the first prototypes are almost ready for production, what a load of bollocks can you imagine JCB making a Ventilator in the last two weeks FFS do they think we are all stupid.

I worked for Caterpillar for 4 years on transmissions and they make transmissions and we made a two-speed hystat transmission from fag packet drawing to production in 18 months I thought that was brilliant, never seen anything done that quick.

In saying that if a Ventilator company allowed it's designs, parts and key workers to go-to other assembly plants I'm sure it could be set up in a matter of weeks, parts supply allowing of course.

Building a ventilator from scratch is not possible

update just heard McClaren are making them, now that might be feasible as they move fast in F1 and work 24/7. Would have to be kit form though I'd think
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Companies have switched production to make ventilators and the first prototypes are almost ready for production, what a load of bollocks can you imagine JCB making a Ventilator in the last two weeks FFS do they think we are all stupid.

I worked for Caterpillar for 4 years on transmissions and they make transmissions and we made a two-speed hystat transmission from fag packet drawing to production in 18 months I thought that was brilliant, never seen anything done that quick.

In saying that if a Ventilator company allowed it's designs, parts and key workers to go-to other assembly plants I'm sure it could be set up in a matter of weeks, parts supply allowing of course.

Building a ventilator from scratch is not possible

update just heard McClaren are making them, now that might be feasible as they move fast in F1 and work 24/7. Would have to be kit form though I'd think

It looks like they're giving it a good go.