Concerned Poster, please take the time to read. | Vital Football

Concerned Poster, please take the time to read.


Vital 1st Team Regular
Can we all just step back from the ongoing Imps talk please for the purpose of this post.
I guess all our regular posters are aware of mental health problems and indeed this is currently highlighted by the sporadic posts from our very own Jules, the owner, leader and heartbeat of this Vitals site
I don’t know Jules personally but through his posts I feel as though I know him a little and I certainly feel his pain when he comments about his own failing mental health. From previous posts Jules has also mentioned that he doesnot travel away so much now due to financial reasons and that he has to be very careful and needs to save on certain expenses. Jules donates all the income from this site to LCFC, this is actually Jules income earned from running and managing this site and he is under no obligation to hand any income over at all as far as I am aware.
This is something that’s been on my mind for a while and is the reason for this post. I don’t want to intrude into Jules personal life but I feel I have to suggest something that may or may not be popular amongst fellow posters. If it helps in any way for Jules own self esteem and financial position as well as a bit of comfort to assist his mental health I would like to propose to Jules that if it would help him he would be very welcome to keep the income himself for his own personal use. He has donated thousands to LCFC over the years and now the club is in a very stable condition maybe it’s a good time for Jules to keep this income himself.
This is a very public comment so I hope I have not insulted or put Jules in an awkward position but i felt the need to speak up and help a fellow Imp in need and just to gauge fellow posters opinions.
Whatever happens im sure this site, with Jules at the helm, will thrive.
Thank you for reading.
Great post. No issues with that at all. In fact, if Nothing else Jules could at least allow himself the cost of a season ticket and away travel. Would still be plenty left to do all the sponsorship etc. that he commendedly does. 👍👏
I spoke with Jules briefly on Saturday. It was clear that he is not in a great place, but one of the things he mentioned was not having any financial reward for all the effort he put in to this site.

Well Jules, you have been offered exactly what you wanted. This is a real positive. You have to help yourself now and take something back. It is a great suggestion from Johnolbe, and as you can see there is good support for you to do this.