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Here we go!

Of course, that isn't what they're saying.

However, even if we assume that to be true for a moment, is there any evidence at all that the conservatives have a different opinion? You can refer to the figures while they've been in power if that helps.
Conservatives? What conservatives?
Of course the life cycle is important. You can't count the cost of making a new ev but neglect the cost of making a new petrol/diesel just because you, personally have an old petrol car that is holding up... for now. You make a good point that the cost of making vehicles is high and we should keep old vehicles going while they're in good working order. But if you were to change, your car that is doing fine should be passed to another user, whose own car may have given up the ghost. Thus, one new car is required: one ICE shuffles off this mortal coil and is replaced by an ev with low carbon emissions rather than another gas guzzler.
We're talking about systemic change.
where are the 30 million ice cars actually going in the uk? a landfill near you? i do actually wonder as an aside.
Sure, I get what you're saying and that makes total sense but not sure that's the way it's being 'sold', i.e with that logic.
I also do think that if the same finances were given towards clean fuels we would have achieved the same thing with less 'new' cars being built altogether but more upcycling many in existence. The fuel is available and fine , just not enough processing power. it would also cause way less destruction which of course is often my angle ;)

Woanzy for your consideration....

Wow a medicine that can have adverse side effects in very rare cases? Can you imagine such a thing? Has something like this ever happened before? Iโ€™m shockedโ€ฆ..
Several major banks are putting their interest rates up this week because they no longer believe the economy is good enough to support a rate cut.

And Sunak thinks that banging on about fucking boats is going to save him?
Several major banks are putting their interest rates up this week because they no longer believe the economy is good enough to support a rate cut.

And Sunak thinks that banging on about fucking boats is going to save him?
He knows it isnt, they are gonna lose and lose bad at the next election. This is why he is dog whistling to their base. He is trying to save as many seats as possible. Look at their dangerous language recently regarding benefits and now with them adding to it with the planned attackl on mental health. It's all designed to mop up those few votes from the odious rodents that buy into their repulsive crap.
Well itโ€™s what bill gates & the woke gay alien space lizards want with their 5G towers & Chem trails

Don't engage with them Woanz. Anxi-Vaccine bollocks is an instant red flag. It is the key indicator that they beyond stupid and beyond ignorant, so why waste your time with them.

Probably the most important discovery in human history and they somehow now reject it. Bonkers. Maybe you can get the holy trinity of bollocks and ask them if they are flat earthers as well?
Don't engage with them Woanz. Anxi-Vaccine bollocks is an instant red flag. It is the key indicator that they beyond stupid and beyond ignorant, so why waste your time with them.

Probably the most important discovery in human history and they somehow now reject it. Bonkers. Maybe you can get the holy trinity of bollocks and ask them if they are flat earthers as well?
Denying hard facts presented and admitted in a court of law is the definition of Bonkers. Roll up for your booster chap. Be my guest. Roll the dice
He knows it isnt, they are gonna lose and lose bad at the next election. This is why he is dog whistling to their base. He is trying to save as many seats as possible. Look at their dangerous language recently regarding benefits and now with them adding to it with the planned attackl on mental health. It's all designed to mop up those few votes from the odious rodents that buy into their repulsive crap.
Sure spend money like thereโ€™s no tomorrow to anyone who claims it whether legitimate or fraudulent.

Thereโ€™s a very good reason the left wing and socialism never works.

I just hope people see through this left wing trash before itโ€™s too late

Are you a landlord Toms? I am, or more specifically, Mrs Pope is.

What is being proposed by Labour is nothing compared to the all out warfare the Tories have inflicted on landlords. I am not even flinching at this in comparison to what this govenrment has done and has been proposing


Fuck all landlords bunch of fucking parasites they should pay 110% tax until they sell their property then it can just be 98% for the inconvenience they have inflicted on the world. Housing market has been utterly destroyed by the Tory scum & their boomer supporters