Hughton Out | Page 5 | Vital Football

Hughton Out

What a silly story.

Dave fancies the Forest job. He’s not going to get it nor is anyone suggesting he is. But

Seeing as this club appeared to come up with it's most clearly defined albeit most poorly executed strategy about a month ago, the questions to ask are:

1) Does the current manager fit the new strategy?

The manager was instrumental in devising the strategy

2) Is the current manager capable of adapting to this strategy?

Its his strategy so you would think so

3) If he isn't, is there a capable, attainable manager available of carrying out this strategy?

There will be dozens of up and coming managers eager to work under such a strategy.

4) If this manager is attained, is he going to be given the requisite tools, assistance and support to carry out this strategy with minimal undue interference?

It would have been a pointless exercise employing all of the recruitment staff if they are not going to be used; what interference are you alluding to?

5) Will there be patience on the part of all stakeholders to allow the manager to follow through with the set strategy in order to execute it?

Is patience an issue?

If it is, what is Hughton still doing here?

It does seem odd though, to allow him to bring in 10 players and then not give him a chance to see what he can do with them

6) Will all stakeholders show enough patience to allow the new strategy to have enough time to unravel and develop without the strategy being ripped up and started all over again?

There's that "P" word again!

How long do you think the kind of process employed takes to bear fruit?

Some people seem to think the magical spreadsheet and revolving algorithm should be fully working by now.

The main stakeholders are the supporters; will they have the patience to give a new manager 12 to 18 months to sort us out - not a fucking chance.

Embarking on any action without having consideration for and answers to these questions is frankly pointless and little more than any action in a casino.
There might be but Wilder will not be playing any part
I won't trust any nomark appointment that Murphy chooses when he finally deigns to extract his finger from his arsehole and push the red button on Hughton, as he should have done three weeks ago.

Derby Agent Murphy is already well on his way to achieving his mission. I'll be happier to see him out of the door than anyone
I won't trust any nomark appointment that Murphy chooses when he finally deigns to extract his finger from his arsehole and push the red button on Hughton, as he should have done three weeks ago.

Derby Agent Murphy is already well on his way to achieving his mission. I'll be happier to see him out of the door than anyone

I can be confident that will not happen; Murphy will outlast Hughton
Even I don't imagine it will be John Terry

It will be some overseas nomark that we have never heard of, knows nothing of the country and has virtually nothing to recommend them for the scale of the recovery job at hand
Its bollocks; Terry has expressed an interest in the job and that's all there is to it.
There are plenty of footballers chatting to journalists all the time. This has the hallmark of some journalist asking John Terry a load of things, including "would you be interested in the Forest job if Chris Hughton is sacked?" and John Terry saying, "yes, I want to manage full- time", and that becoming this story in the papers. I hope he does not though: John Terry fails the "fit and proper" test for me.