Bercow... | Vital Football


I can actually see him trying to oust Starmer, who let's be honest, is about as effective as a chocolate fire-guard during the winter months, as leader of the Labour party. I also think he has the balls to tell it how it is, both in and out of the chambers.

We could have a few political interesting times ahead. Can't wait to see what evolves because the way it's going at the moment, we have become the pariahs of the EU and it doesn't look like there is an improvement likely any time soon. Add to that the fact that BoJo is making a mockery of his position as PM both on a political level as personal, then making his position untenable might not be a bad thing - although when you look at the list prospective replacements, well that doesn't improve the mindset any either.

Come on Bercow, bring some life back into British politics.

Just for the record, before anyone starts, I am not a Labour supporter or voter.
Seems that Batley & Spen is going to follow Hartlepool in to Tory hands which really more than offsets the Chesham setback.

Just for the record, before anyone starts, I am not a Tory supporter or voter but just following the news.;)

Being a pariah of the EU, just because we no longer comply with everything they say and decide, is a small price to pay to extract ourselves from under their thumb. The right to independence would normally be recognised as a fair concept.

As for Bercow, there is not much doubt that he was the least independent speaker ever, and I would be surprised if he was allowed to be a party leader, let alone a PM, having previously held that position.
Bercow, Starmer, Burnham, all fine upstanding people. Any of them would make a better Prime Minister than the bumbling, lisping, philandering, lying joker Johnson.

It's interesting that on this Fathers Day, his children, well those that we know about, don't want to see him. He left his wife who was having chemotherapy to run of with a bimbo 25 years younger than him. If that wasn't bad enough, he made her pregnant. That's why they want nothing to do with him unsurprisingly. What an awful man!!
Fancy wanting Bercow as labour leader lol !
He was seen by the country as trying to stop brexit
by any means and is a very divisive figure.
Has no one on the left learned any lessons ?
Fancy wanting Bercow as labour leader lol !
He was seen by the country as trying to stop brexit
by any means and is a very divisive figure.
Has no one on the left learned any lessons ?
That means that half liked him and half didn't!! Division? Wait until this pandemic is over and the likes of Gove start jockeying for position and leaks about Johnson start to appear in the press!!
That means that half liked him and half didn't!! Division? Wait until this pandemic is over and the likes of Gove start jockeying for position and leaks about Johnson start to appear in the press!!
He, is a nasty, sneaky little git of a yes man (allegedly) but I will give him one thing..... he has a wonderful, orators voice, even if what he says is (generally speaking) complete bollux. That however, is the only thing he has that I respect... I utterly detest the dirty little toad.
He, is a nasty, sneaky little git of a yes man (allegedly) but I will give him one thing..... he has a wonderful, orators voice, even if what he says is (generally speaking) complete bollux. That however, is the only thing he has that I respect... I utterly detest the dirty little toad.
Not sure if I fully agree but that was wonderfully written and possibly has a lot of truth in it.