#COVID19 | Page 590 | Vital Football


Would this be the Private Sector who sleep walked into the Financial Crisis in 2008, and then demanded Government intervention to save their sorry arses?

Large Government is fine for bailing out the Banks but not for the people who suffer at the hands of the Banks.

What Jethro fails to mention during his comparison with the good old days are the relative rates of interest; paying back debt when interest rates are around the 2 to 4% mark is significantly more difficult than paying off debt when interest rates are negative.

The presses will keep rolling, here and everywhere else in the World, because Governments are only having to pay back a fraction of what they are borrowing.

Be interesting to see what happens when QE fails in around 5 years time.

Agree that there has never been a better time for borrow, but a lot should be put into improving infrastructure and doling out contracts to UK firms. We are not constrained by EU competitive tender now, so we can offer tender to UK only firms.

It's like laundering on a national scale and NOTHING can go wrong.
A great piece by Jethro Elsden in the Telegraph yesterday...

Big government condemned Britain to a miserable postwar recovery. Let's not repeat the mistake with Covid

A grossly inflated state, vast economic damage, closure of much of the private sector. It’s not hard to see why the pandemic has been likened to a global war. Just as during World War Two, we are already seeing calls to maintain a permanently larger government which intervenes, spends, and taxes more. Research I am doing for an upcoming Centre for Policy Studies report suggests the key lesson from the postwar recovery is that this would be a serious mistake.

The Second World War is often hailed as the catalyst which ended the Great Depression and laid the foundations for postwar prosperity. In fact, it wasn’t until after the war – when the US ditched central planning and returned to a more free-market system – that prosperity truly returned to America.

Government spending in the US was slashed – falling 75 per cent between 1944 and 1947 – price and production controls were scrapped, and factories went back to producing consumer goods rather than the tools of war. Rationing ended and American consumers were able to buy new products once again. What followed was a near miraculous economic boom. Freed from the shackles of government control and driven by private investment and consumption, the economy created millions of new jobs ensuring most demobbed soldiers soon found work.

Similarly, in Japan, where inflation was in triple digits, and West Germany, where the people had resorted to bartering when the currency became worthless, killing inflation and freeing the market were key to postwar recovery, not increased government intervention and spending.

Meanwhile, in the UK, where government continued to intervene extensively, and the economy was heavily taxed and highly regulated, the private sector was impeded and recovery lagged embarrassingly behind most other countries. UK GDP per capita growth averaged just 2.1 per cent between 1949 and 1959, far below the 6.3 per cent achieved by West Germany.

Although people sometimes point to the Marshall plan as being responsible for West Germany having a stronger post war recovery than the UK, this is a misconception. For one thing, the UK actually received twice as much money from the plan as West Germany, and secondly the evidence suggests that the aid itself boosted growth only very marginally.

Of course, the coronavirus crisis and the Second World War are not identical. While the virus is tragically killing many people, it is not damaging infrastructure or buildings. Currencies and central banks broadly still have credibility, and it is unlikely we’ll see the hyperinflations that occurred in some countries. And governments have not imposed central planning on the economy (e.g. rationing) – market mechanisms are mostly still operating. However, there are enough similarities to warrant studying the postwar period to learn what governments should do to begin rebuilding the economy and public finances.

We now see light at the end of the tunnel, with near daily vaccine announcements giving us all a glimmer of hope that normal life will shortly resume. But we must be mindful that for the foreseeable future much of the economy, especially the private sector, will operate below capacity meaning government intervention will persist. Once the crisis subsides, many countries will be in a position similar to the end of World War Two: an economy with significant government interference compared to pre-crisis levels, a depressed private sector stifled by government control, and an immediate need to rapidly generate millions of new jobs.

The lesson of the postwar recoveries is that with robust consumer and investor confidence there is less need for government stimulus. As we saw in the early days of the pandemic, the private sector, when allowed, is certainly flexible enough to adjust to even the largest upheavals. If it was strong enough to restore prosperity after the war, it will certainly be able to handle the job of reigniting growth after the pandemic.

So we should eye with caution calls to maintain government intervention and spending in the post-Covid recovery. We know from looking back that such a strategy strangles the private sector and impedes growth. We must heed the lessons of postwar America, West Germany, and Japan, which teach us that reducing government spending, taxation, and interference in the economy will lead to a faster recovery. Rather than looking at maintaining large governments after the pandemic, what we need is smaller governments which intervene less; freeing the private sector and the resources it needs to power higher growth during the recovery

I don't agree that this is a great article because it is entirely evidence free. A study in correlation, perhaps. It says that when things like rationing ended the economy picked up. That's no better than saying, "when things got better, they got better".
I'm not an economist so can't really say whether a Keynsian approach is a better way out than this philosophy or not, but I can certainly say I am none the wiser after reading that. Seems that the ideology of 'smaller state = good' leads this article.

For it to be of use, it should rigorously identify the mechanistic basis of economic blooming in those post war countries, not just give a "the shackles were released" type statement. Is it just that it takes time to get an economy back on its feet and that interval is different in different countries for a whole host of reasons, none of which are covered here?
It should also address the reasons for which the bigger state was thought necessary at the time. Where is the counterfactual? What would have happened if we didn't have rationing? Presumably there would have been economic and societal costs with that approach too that governments in countries around the world thought sufficiently bad that they needed to intervene more extensively.
Agree that there has never been a better time for borrow, but a lot should be put into improving infrastructure and doling out contracts to UK firms. We are not constrained by EU competitive tender now, so we can offer tender to UK only firms.

It's like laundering on a national scale and NOTHING can go wrong.

So, you are all for big Government then?
I don't agree that this is a great article because it is entirely evidence free. A study in correlation, perhaps. It says that when things like rationing ended the economy picked up. That's no better than saying, "when things got better, they got better".
I'm not an economist so can't really say whether a Keynsian approach is a better way out than this philosophy or not, but I can certainly say I am none the wiser after reading that. Seems that the ideology of 'smaller state = good' leads this article.

For it to be of use, it should rigorously identify the mechanistic basis of economic blooming in those post war countries, not just give a "the shackles were released" type statement. Is it just that it takes time to get an economy back on its feet and that interval is different in different countries for a whole host of reasons, none of which are covered here?
It should also address the reasons for which the bigger state was thought necessary at the time. Where is the counterfactual? What would have happened if we didn't have rationing? Presumably there would have been economic and societal costs with that approach too that governments in countries around the world thought sufficiently bad that they needed to intervene more extensively.

Do work in the public sector, by any chance? ;-)
No mention of brexit?

If we get No Deal, as looks increasingly likely, many think it will cost somewhere around 5pc of our gdp in the long term. Isn't that around £110bn? I feel we should be spending it on better things.