Yeovil Town (h): Ticket Information | Vital Football

Yeovil Town (h): Ticket Information

I have relatives who want tickets for this match. The article says the Stacey West will be available for home fans but there are no Stacey West options shown (they are if you look to buy for the later Oldham game) Anybody know why this is please? I haven't bought home tickets for years.
I have relatives who want tickets for this match. The article says the Stacey West will be available for home fans but there are no Stacey West options shown (they are if you look to buy for the later Oldham game) Anybody know why this is please? I haven't bought home tickets for years.
Stacey West 1 on offer at the moment!It may pay to wait to be more central in the stand.Block 2 i think has been used for 6 packs.Might even pay to wait to pay on the day but get there earlier.
Quite a few threads at the top, so thought I better "unstick" this one!
Over half the SW has sold out so imagine it might be a very late call for pay on the gate. Looking good for a near sell out.
700+ seats still available in sw, just over a day to go. will they all sell online in that time?... wouldn't it be better to do pay on the night to sell the remainder too...
Safe trip up here mate and to all other exiles travelling here for the game tomorrow.

Robin reliant just had it`s annual service and new exhaust fitted,running like a dream at the moment just hope the wind drops a little when we go over the bridge at Bristol.Got a few cases of beer in the boot to stop the back end swinging out when i`m cornering at speed.
Red and white fluffy dice upfront and imps scarf in rear window,give me a honk on your horn if you spot me chugging into Lincoln.(or a push)
Nothing like being there as the season starts to get to the sharp end, but I wonder what effect (if any) the game being available on iFollow will have on numbers?
Makes the attendance prediction difficult. :hmmm:
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Nothing like being there as the season starts to get to the sharp end, but I wonder what effect (if any) the game being available on iFollow will have on numbers?
Makes the attendance prediction difficult. :hmmm:

Weather predicted rainy for Friday pm and a few plastics might give it the elbow but as you say we are at the sharp end of the season so no excuses for not putting in the hard yards tomorrow night ........and hopefully every game till the season finishes.(where possible)
Extra packet of throat lozenges at the ready for when "the ledge" comes onto the pitch..............he might even start?
At least it sounds like late decision makers can rock up and pick up a ticket from the office before kick off. Sounds like a sensible compromise.
surprised to see the final few LL tickets were reduced to £20.00... cheaper than a stacey west seat.