Wycombe Wanderers (a): Score Predictions & Starting XI | Page 2 | Vital Football

Wycombe Wanderers (a): Score Predictions & Starting XI

Having bought Taylor in I am sure he will start and he isn't the type of player to play up front on his own so I think we will start with two up front.
It depends how we line up behind that with 3 or 4 at the back.
Personally would go with
Mitchell Jackson Eyoma
Hackett Sorrensen Hamilton Erhahon Duffy
Draper Taylor.
Plenty of options on Bench with Moylan,Bishop, Burroughs and Roughan amongst others
But we won't know how it has gone in training as to how we will line up and
If anybody has impressed enough to be in starting line-up in front of others.
I predict a 2 1 win for the Imps
So much anticipation for this game, a team containing some established goal scorers! Assuming three at the back would go for Ruskington’s choice.

Trying to be realistically positive, so 1-2 to City.

Mitchell - Jackson - Roughan

Burroughs - Sorensen - Erhahon - Hamilton - Hackett

Draper - Taylor

1-3 to the mighty free scoring Imps !
Sounds like Roughan, Burroughs and Sorenson are fit.

Erhahon touch and go, likewise Hackett (although I'd be surprised if he wasn't in the squad and have 20 minutes or so in him?).

Burroughs Jackson Eyoma Roughan
Sorensen Hamilton Erhahon Duffy
Draper Taylor
Incredible how some people get carried away just because we have signed some new strikers. I will not be falling into that trap.

Wycombe 0 Lincoln 14
And some people get carried away and think Sorensen can play in midfield. Wingback or sub bench only positions available for Lasse surely. 2 years has shown he struggles in midfield
5 3 2
Sorensen Mitchel Jacko TJ Duffy

Hamilton Erhahon

Bishop or Moylan

Draper Taylor
Its difficult to predict formation with 3 new players and also possibly Hackett available so hear goes


Mitchell Jackson Eyoma

Sorensen Hamilton Erhahon Duffy


Draper Taylor

so 3 4 1 2 score wycombe 0 imps 2
subs Wright Burroughs Roughan Bishop Smith Moylan Makama
Gonna take a punt at starting lineup:

Sorensen - Mitchell, Jacko,TJ - Duffy
Hamilton, Erhahon
Hackett, Taylor, Smith

Initially I was going to say that we will lose this one too but feels like 1-1 for some reason.

Hopefully I will be surprised and we will get 3 points
C'mon Skoobs, make me a believer !!
one of our issues with small squad/injuries could be overplaying players, or playing players too much-too soon after recovery. leading to more serious injuries.
would be nice to get to a point where players are going full tilt for the minutes they can do.

Wouldn’t want erhahon and Hackett to be rushed straight back as starters
sorensen, roughan and Burroughs first game back after knocks
draper, Taylor, moylan new (or newish in draper’s case) to this level
bishop v rarely does 90.
going to be a day for smart substitutions.

mitch jaco tj
Burroughs smith bishop Hamilton Duffy
taylor draper

Moylan, Hackett, sørensen and erhahon to get some minutes from the bench. In this way we might actually keep the strength/quality of the team up from 60-70 minutes onwards.

after all the hype about new forwards and with football being the funny game it is, I am expecting 0-0. (While secretly hoping for a sneaky win)