WTF is Milner's issue with us? | Vital Football

WTF is Milner's issue with us?


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James Milner on Liverpool's win over City: "It was arguably one of our worst performances of the season."
What does he hope to gain by saying that? He knows it'll wind up the fans that showed him nothing but respect and a club that offered him very generous terms to stay.
Turncoat. Never a fan of booing ex players but he is on the verge of making me change my mind.

He seems to have a real bug up his ass about City despite the club's generous offer and treatment. He chose to leave, he was the one who didn't trust that his own talent would have been good enough to get him game time but he really needs to get over it. Gone down in my estimation big time. Twat.
Plus the desire to "play in a more central midfield role" ......don't hear him making a fuss at being played out of position at left back
I wouldn't be surprised if it was their worst performance from an attacking point of view, they were so busy stopping City that all their energy was focused there, in fact it was arguably their best defensive display.

I didn't think Klopp would be the type to spoil a game but there again you get your goal and shut up shop, can't really blame them.
Tactically Klopp got it spot on.

I wish Guardiola could be so astute. For all his touchline micro-management it seems to have precious little impact on the play delivered on the pitch. Klopp's shut down the supply lines through to Silva, De Bruyne & Aguero and I was disappointed that Yaya, as a senior player, did not take more responsibility to 'break the mould'. He seemed incredibly content to simply play the role of the "midfield wall pass" rather than see a telling through ball forward. we reverted to looking out wide where we failed to take them on and get in behind.

Job done. :013:
They just congested the centre so made it difficult to get through, that said there were a couple of moments first half that we found space and had Aguero not been so indisciplined in getting caught needlessly offside we were in. Thought Toure was ok, little to work with in front of him as KDB and Silva had stinkers
He did have few options - neither Silva, KDB nor Fernandinho seemed to be working desperately hard to create space to receive the ball
I think Milner has been a snide ever since he made his mind up to move and it was noticeable from the start of his little digs at us.

I was a big fan of Milner but when he said he had gone to Liverpool top win trophies he was dead to me.

You have to remember that this is Pep's first season in the Premier and although we may not achieve anything this season, we will be a lot better next. You read it here first
I was disappointed to see Milner go but now find myself increasingly fed up with his snide comments and the 'crocodile tears' he appeared to be shedding as he played his final games for our club.

He is taking cheap shots and whilst I would never wish him ill in the form of an injury I would now like nothing better than to witness his place being taken by someone in the transfer window and see him sat freezing his butt off on the bench :068:
Didn't he go to Liverpool to play centre midfield, if memory serves my right, he hasn't played there yet has he, he was supposed to be the next Stevie 'G' that's not going to well is it?
Another of those people that feel they have to open their mouth when they have nothing sensible to say.
He is having a good run with them at the moment but that will change and then he'll be back to moaning about lack of playing time etc.
F**k him.
It smacks of bitterness to me - someone who believes that they were hard done by but weren't "given a fair shake" and yet underneath is fuelled by the knowledge, if they are genuinely honest with themselves, that they just weren't going to be able to compete with others in the squad and so they chose to snipe and score cheap points with their "new best friends" in the Kop.