WIERZ SEAN? | Page 4 | Vital Football


Get well soon SBT, we all want to hear more of your strong opinions asap. As Chronic has already said, Blades forum legend. Keep your chin up pal.
Right don’t really know how to start this kept things off here cos you don’t know whether he wanted stuff public and I don’t know what’s wrong with him,he did tell me months ago about going in hospital for somat but I can’t remember what
anyway I’ve received a txt from his phone this morning it’s from his girls and it basically says that he is extremely unwell and is likely to pass away in the next few days he is being made comfortable in hospital atm,it is unexpected according to them I’ve sent a reply back but had no word back
so sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I thought you should all know
i was going to txt him this afternoon as it happens as I’m done early but seems like I’m too late 😞
I asked whether I could go see him or was it too late theyve replied he’s been unconscious since Sunday it sounds like they’re just waiting for the inevitable
I asked whether I could go see him or was it too late theyve replied he’s been unconscious since Sunday it sounds like they’re just waiting for the inevitable
That's awful news Bully.I am so sorry for SBT and his family & friends. UTB
Right don’t really know how to start this kept things off here cos you don’t know whether he wanted stuff public and I don’t know what’s wrong with him,he did tell me months ago about going in hospital for somat but I can’t remember what
anyway I’ve received a txt from his phone this morning it’s from his girls and it basically says that he is extremely unwell and is likely to pass away in the next few days he is being made comfortable in hospital atm,it is unexpected according to them I’ve sent a reply back but had no word back
so sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I thought you should all know
i was going to txt him this afternoon as it happens as I’m done early but seems like I’m too late 😞
I am totally shocked to read that. I hope he can somehow pull through and my thoughts are very much with his family at this sad time.
Shock is an understatement god knows how his kids are coping
I’ve spent quite a while with block D on the phone who worked at the same place, him and his workmates were non the wiser too
I am shocked upon hearing just how serious his situation is. Don't really know what to say. Gutted. If the worst happens he'll leave a giant void. Thoughts very much with his family.
Wow, when I PM'd him a couple of weeks ago he wasn't as well as he expected to be after some of his treatment (23rd Aug) and was expecting a lot more of treatment but I had no inkling it was so serious.
Stay strong SBT, hopefully he will somehow come through this ordeal but Bully's post just goes to show how things can change in the blink of an eye.
Everything's crossed and hoping against hope.
Gutted! I don't know what to say except I echo what everybody else has said. I knew he was having an operation, heart related I thought he said, but because it's been several months since he first mentioned it I assumed it wasn't an emergency op situation. I hope his op wasn't one of those delayed for no good reason, it's hard to imagine how his family must feel if that's the case, but hopefully Chris can still pull through. 🙏
1st time for a week that i have been on here as we are traveling home through france and spain. Was looking forward to meeting him some time for a game in seville.
What a shock to read the sad news. Thoughts are with his family.
Shocking and distressing news to read.

Along with everyone else I'm hoping and praying SBT can make a recovery.
Shock is an understatement god knows how his kids are coping
I’ve spent quite a while with block D on the phone who worked at the same place, him and his workmates were non the wiser too
I bet owd Blockers was upset & shocked wern't he Bully? I recall SBT saying he wasn't gunna be able to travel for a while cos of his health & upcoming operation but like everyone else on here this has shocked me and i genuinely hope he pulls through and goodness knows how his family are coping.UTB
I bet owd Blockers was upset & shocked wern't he Bully? I recall SBT saying he wasn't gunna be able to travel for a while cos of his health & upcoming operation but like everyone else on here this has shocked me and i genuinely hope he pulls through and goodness knows how his family are coping.UTB
Yes pal he was, and none the wiser before as we all were I’m sure everyone on here is rooting for him to pull through but from what his girls said the odds are against him, us blades love upsetting the odds tho
Yes pal he was, and none the wiser before as we all were I’m sure everyone on here is rooting for him to pull through but from what his girls said the odds are against him, us blades love upsetting the odds tho
We BLADES defo luv upsetting the odds Bully.I've everythin crossed that in a few weeks he's back on here tellin me worra a useless,fat,stay at home git i am and i mean that.Come on SBT. UTB