Why on Wednesday? | Vital Football

Why on Wednesday?

New York NEZ

Vital Squad Member
This is most likely common knowledge among Miller fans and I do apologise if it is, but, I've just noticed that our home game against Aston Villa on the 10th April is due to be played on Wednesday, why?
There are Championship games the day before (Tuesday) so why not ours?
I'm told Nez that it's something to do with the Sky 'red button'.

They can only, apparently, show so many 'live' games on it at once so some games have moved to Wednesday.

Though don't take this as gospel!
Maybe you're right Caz because I've just had a look and there are six games on Tuesday and also six games on Wednesday, so maybe the maximum games allowed to be screened on the "red button" is six. But that makes me now ask, "why is it us that's had to switch from our usual Tuesday night slot?" T.V. wins again, but I hope we've been compensated. ha-ha
Or it could be that Villa have asked for the game to be on a Wednesday - actually, from a personal point of view, it suits me better that night!
I'm glad it's better for you Caz but for me Tuesday would be better. My wife is a carer and I'm her driver, and Wednesday is her busiest day with sits at Sunnyside, Flanderwell, two at Herringthorpe and a night sit at Wickersley. At least I can watch some of the game between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Oh well, you can't please all of the people all of the time.