Unbelievable but maybe true? | Vital Football

Unbelievable but maybe true?


Vital 1st Team Regular
having a go not go to the match debate at work with a young lad (20ish) he reckons this is a well managed plan by ashleys company managment team, firstly show the dessenters theres no point in going to the match as there is no ambition and the owner hates you which he is doing a fantastic job at, eventually the old fans from the 70s-90s will simply disappear and be replaced by a new less expectant crowd that can be controlled by a well managed public relations team that wont protest and be happy `with thier lot`, i told him its complete bollocks but he said something that struck a note he said the nightmare senario for ashley would be for the old guard of supporters to retake the ground by buying up all the season tickets and harrassing the wonga squad into giving up theirs which can be taken by more protesters, we all know how they like to roll out the `5 year plan` and i do now believe that this plan if it is what this youngun reckons is working swimmingly for the ashley crowd control police. I know going to the ground when that **** is there is unthinkable for me and most on here but isnt about time we drove our tanks onto his lawn as he like to say in his world of business, dont get me wrong here its only a theory by a yound lad but it did get me thinking how right he could be.
That kid has too much time on his hands.

I don't think Ashley gives the fans even a fraction of that kind of thought. There is no 5 year plan.. it's far more long term than that and it'll be whatever is best for Sports Direct.

The only thing separating the old guard from the younger supporters is cynicism and enthusiasm.

5 years ago i'd be optimistic about the coming season, now not so much.. in a few more years fuck knows.. we've not had it easy as fans and time definitely takes it's toll.

It's entirely possible before t'hinternet took off that there was a forum of old geezers grumbling down in the local about John Hall and how he was ruining the club.

Couldn't give a fuck what happens next season - its not my club anymore.

Where did these Wonga drones come from? I've never known Geordies to be so dispassionate, lacking any care for their self regard than accepting the shite that has taken over such an important institution. Maybe that's the face of the future, utterly tragic if so.

It's made me miserable enough to get the Lagavulin out at 3:10 on a weekday.

In the past, loyalty has always been our saving grace....whenever the shit has been thrown at us from outside, as a set of fans we've always had the loyalty card to fall back on

When the shit is now being flung from within many fans can't seem to make the distinction between loyalty and sheer bloody mindedness

In most cases it's not down to intelligence.....I reckon it's just a frame of mind and a way of life that some are just unwilling to give up on

Sky tv - check.
Disposable income - check.
Like sports wear? - check
Don't mind being hated? - check.
Don't mind advertising perhaps the worst company in the UK - check.
Believe the shit spouted by the club you claim to 'support' - check.
Looking forward to next season? - check.

That's the composition of these *****. I'm at a loss on how to fight it though.
I dont disagree with that CB. Fatman doesnt like shite coming at him from the terraces we know that much.

Are the new breed of Wanka wearers ever likely to stand up and voice dissent ?
I am enjoying the possibility of our demise almost as much as I used to enjoy the football.

Fuck them, let them have the bastard club.

I'm a Tow Law fan, until Ashley takes over up at Ironworks Road.
OldLeazes - 2/7/2014 20:26

I am enjoying the possibility of our demise almost as much as I used to enjoy the football.

Fuck them, let them have the bastard club.

hate to say it but I agree with you. I despair at the depths our once proud club has fallen.

Us getting relegated and more PR calamities could be best thing ever if Fat **** sells up, fucks off, and hopefully has a coronary on the way.
It's not the Newcastle United that i started supporting in 1974, even in the dark old days of division 2 there was always a glimmer of hope that we might win the cup, now we have zero ambition and a lot of supporters who are wankers, they are welcome to it the fat bastard can never take my memories of when we were a proper club with proper fans.
It's not our club anymore, it is a subsidiary of Sports Direct and until someone fishes out two or three hundred million from beneath the sofa that is how it shall stay.

The point is - to quote Connery from the Untouchables - that doesn't mean you have to like it.