Things you thought you’d never say | Page 3 | Vital Football

Things you thought you’d never say

Rytoon - 11/2/2018 23:34

Neppos - 11/2/2018 22:58

The ground isn't going anywhere, Ry.

Go start your protest.
Cryptic Nepppo.
The ground is dead,as you say.You going to protest?

Not cryptic at all, Ry. I couldn't have made it simpler.

I also never said the ground is dead. It was fucking jumping today.

Now, you gonna start this protest, or wait to be lead?

Neppos - 11/2/2018 23:46

Rytoon - 11/2/2018 23:34

Neppos - 11/2/2018 22:58

The ground isn't going anywhere, Ry.

Go start your protest.
Cryptic Nepppo.
The ground is dead,as you say.You going to protest?

Not cryptic at all, Ry. I couldn't have made it simpler.

I also never said the ground is dead. It was fucking jumping today.

Now, you gonna start this protest, or wait to be lead?


As long as your all happy with what Ashley is doing.Who are we to moan.Like I have said before.Fans are more bitter to those that stay away than Ashley himself.
Results like today could be more regular than once in a blue moon with the right investment and different owner.
Stay away,go to the game,I am fucked if I know the answer to getting rid of him.
Starting to piss me off,fuckers like neppo shouting the odds.Go & watch the game,no problem,shout within.
Others with so many good posters letting this fucker get away with murder.
Shout outside.
Chase the fucker out!
Rytoon - 12/2/2018 00:19

Starting to piss me off,fuckers like neppo shouting the odds.Go & watch the game,no problem,shout within.
Others with so many good posters letting this fucker get away with murder.
Shout outside.
Chase the fucker out!

I'll ask again. What are you doing to chase the fucker out?

Rytoon - 11/2/2018 22:54

Just back in from a few days in the glorious fells.Blencathathra full of snow.
Then another grandbairn got his head wet.Avoided the score,likely lads.
Still waiting for a protest.
But a beautiful Sunday.

Which route did you take up ?
Were crampons and ice axe required?
crooktownmags - 12/2/2018 12:15

Great result, but why can't (for example) Shelvey play that like that every week, he gets his money every week?

In my opinion it's not as simple as that.

For us, we would bust a gut for 60k+ a week but eventually when it comes the norm, it takes more to motivate.

Factor in the biggest issue for me in confidence, in that against normal sides, a stray pass or normal tackle isn't given the same response from the crowd as it does against the top sides.

Poor passes are forgotten about when full blown tackles get greeted like a goal and it must make players feel 10 feet tall. Just got to keep the level going now and we have two great opportunities of the pressure being off with two away games to come before a massive home game against Southampton that we would fancy ourselves to win.
Neppo,I would happily boycott my share of my remaining games if there was a meaningful protest,yasel?
Gilly,didn't go up Blencathra,too dodgy but up Latrigg with glorious views across at it.
I watched the highlights of the game again last night and yeah we played well but it was a scrappy win with a touch of good fortune. Like a plucky lower league side getting a result in the cup. I hated seeing all the happy clappers celebrating, each and every one of them justifying everything Ashley does. Sorry but even a much needed win against Man U doesn't change the bigger picture.
Back to the thread title of things I never thought I would say:
"Pardew will ensure we won't finish bottom of the league".
Another one - in 9 Premier League games, our Championship squad has only been beaten by Man City.
Twice, which is no disgrace of course. But on the other side in 9 Premier League games our squad has failed to beat Brighton, Swansea, Crystal Palace and Burnley.
That's right, getting a draw against a team 8 points ahead of us and not losing against three other relegation rivals.

Not forgetting the two away wins at two other relegation rivals of course.
Indeed another way to look at it, is the glass half full or half empty. Me I guess I am looking at a wider picture which is that a club our size shouldn't be in this situation anyway. I refuse to let Ashley manage my expectations for our football club. I wouldn't celebrate coming 17th this season, its a disgrace while that fat bastard fills his pockets.
Fair point Crook, no we shouldn't.

If McLaren, Pardew or Carver had this squad, we would be down already (well, nearly anyway)
Rexn - 15/2/2018 20:47

If McLaren, Pardew or Carver had this squad, we would be down already (well, nearly anyway)

You've hit the nail on the head rex.

McLaren, Pardew or Carver wouldn't/couldn't have been given this squad.

Ironically that cringe worthy mantra,"In raffa we trust" bollocks is what bonds Ashley with the Benitez lovers .

Its the main reason our owner is having such an easy ride whilst dumping even harder on our city than he was allowed to under the aforementioned managers.

it's a fair point, PieMag. Benitez is getting more than he should be out of those players - and, improving many of their individual games.

Consequently, FC has a buffer zone and can continue to make a handy bit of dosh whilst starving the club and entirely without any football ambition at all. It's galling to be on the cusp of the FA Cup 5th Round and yet again, we have no interest in it.

So, there's the dilemma: in order to progress, we need rid of Fatty. If Benitez keeps them up, there's no pressure on FC who has lowered expectations below anything I can remember (and I go back to Westwood, for Heaven's sake!).

I can only hope that Benitez is playing a political game and that he knows something is in the offing. As far as I know, the club is still for sale. Somebody just needs to find his price and grind him down.
Sadly I fear the only game Benitez is playing is waiting to enter the last year of his contract so he can quit without paying compensation.