Sunny Beach | Vital Football

Sunny Beach

keggy_keagal - 30/4/2015 15:07


Few people have said that actually, been to nearly all the beach holiday countires in Europe so thought we would try Bulgaria for a change,it's not like we are going for the scenery either..
If that is in Bulgaria I would take plenty of food with you went skiing in the late 90's and I lost half a stone because the food was that bad
When people advised you that travel would broaden the mind and make a man of you they didn't have Sunny beach in mind trust me. There is a nice beach there and yes it's sunny . You probably won't be able to get on it from the number of charvas or euro charva equivalents however. Good luck with the food .
That'll be what he wants man. Yeah it's a shithole and yeah it's full of charvas. You'll get cheap burgers and chips, cheap fizzy, cold lager, some rank attempts at English breakfasts for when you're hungover and plenty of hole from skinny skanks from places like Wakefield and Essex. Gan and fill ya boots sunna. You'll have a great time.
ManxMag - 30/4/2015 16:41

That'll be what he wants man. Yeah it's a shithole and yeah it's full of charvas. You'll get cheap burgers and chips, cheap fizzy, cold lager, some rank attempts at English breakfasts for when you're hungover and plenty of hole from skinny skanks from places like Wakefield and Essex. Gan and fill ya boots sunna. You'll have a great time.

You were given loads of advice ben in your travel thread,nobody suggested Bulgaria,join the dots.
But in the same token,you might meet a beautiful Bulgarian lass who could change your life.Enjoy.
Ry... This is the man who doesn't know how to plug a TV in, was an active Ashley supporter and a general **** until 3 weeks ago. Now he's travelling to shit holes, wishing relegation on his team and still has Pardew posters on the ceiling so he can cum whilst his mam is riding him. Make of those facts what you will.
You would if it gave you another chance to have a dig at some people on here. You, like a few others couldn't miss an opportunity to do so even if you really wanted to but you are less direct than the others and like the sly chipping away route.

You don't really think Ben is laughing at people but any chance to stir the shit where OM is involved you take it.
anything is easy for're the best

It's a funny one because my comment was nothing more than a throw away line and I certainly wasn't expecting the guardian of talk of the tyne to get involved

just for clarity......I think Ben is a fisherman most of the time....I also think he will be rarely dissapointed with his catch

Unless you'd like to tell me what I'm really thinking ??
Officemonkey - 1/5/2015 04:19

Ry... This is the man who doesn't know how to plug a TV in, was an active Ashley supporter and a general **** until 3 weeks ago. Now he's travelling to shit holes, wishing relegation on his team and still has Pardew posters on the ceiling so he can cum whilst his mam is riding him. Make of those facts what you will.

I hope you are not implying I am no longer a ****? sounds like I need to up my game :56: