Score Predictions Wolverhampton | Vital Football

Score Predictions Wolverhampton


10 points for the exact score.

5 points for the correct result (ie - if you say 1-1 and it's 2-2)

3 points if you get the correct MILLERS score (ie - if you have said 1-0 to the Millers and it's 1-1 you get 3 points for correctly saying the Millers would get one goal)

2 points if you get the correct OPPOSITION score (ie - if you have said Millers 0 Opposition 1 (if you dare!!!) then you would get 2 points for the correct opposition score)

OK I make this

As no one said it would be a 2-1 victory to Wolves - topping this one we have DIGGER who gets 5 points for saying it would be a Wolves win.

3 points are going to MILLIE, BEZ and DAZZA for saying the Millers would score one goal

and AX and SIXPENCE get 2 points for saying Wolves would score twice.

Well it's looking OK so here is the updated table

No movers but DAZZA in top place has pushed a little more ahead this week!

Thanks to all for having a go! Thanks to NOGGIN for putting up the original thread!