Score Predictions Birmingham City | Vital Football

Score Predictions Birmingham City


10 points for the exact score.

5 points for the correct result (ie - if you say 1-1 and it's 2-2)

3 points if you get the correct MILLERS score (ie - if you have said 1-0 to the Millers and it's 1-1 you get 3 points for correctly saying the Millers would get one goal)

2 points if you get the correct OPPOSITION score (ie - if you have said Millers 0 Opposition 1 (if you dare!!!) then you would get 2 points for the correct opposition score)


OK I make this

For predicting a 2-1 win for the Blues 10 points go to DAZZA and MOS

AX get's 8 points for saying it would be a home win but the Millers would score a goal

DIGGER is next with 5 points for saying it would be a home win

3 points go to BEZ, MILLIE, GARYSHAW and SIXPENCE for saying the Millers would score one goal

2 points for CAZ for saying Birmingham would score two goals.

BUT PLEASE make sure I've got it right!
OK everything seems well so I've updated the table

Just one mover this week in DIGGER who moved up one place.

But well done to MOS for making it into treble figures

Thanks to all for having a go and to NOGGIN for putting up the original thread.

The predictions are up and running for our Easter Monday game at home to Brighton