Preduction League 2023/24 - Final Table | Vital Football

Preduction League 2023/24 - Final Table


Vital Football Legend
Congratulation to Aussie 1 who rounds off the season as this year's winner of the prediction League.
Saturdays match has left a lot of us deflated.
The predictions reflected the eternal.optimists amongst us, if only we had won....

A1 61 pts
UAE 58 pts
🐻 53 pts
BFC Luke 51 pts
Macc 49 pts
Prem 29 pts
BFCPete 46 pts
BobHatton 42 pts
SEX 42 pts
Lakespool 39 pts
Suffolk 35 pts
Sask 5 pts

Thanks for participating everyone.🖖
Well done Aussie! Keep the Antipodean flag flying!

Thanks Sexy once again for all your efforts this season again.

Let's go again next term with positivity....

Oh, hang on, we're Pool fans aren't we.😆
Congrats to Aussie 1 and many thanks to Sexy for his witty and meticulous curating of this fine compo.

Will be strange not to see Prem in the compo next year but he is doubtless keeping an eye on all things Pool.

Keep bashing away year you will eventually win it outright.
Cheers Dave as usual for doing a great job as usual running it.

Congratulations to A1 on the win and fantastic gesture and cause with the winnings.

Think 4th is my best ever finish 😂
In all honesty UAE I nearly put Reading to win in our last game and if I was you I would have gone with that as a means of catching me. Nothing lost nothing gained. But, I bet you thought about it too--hey. :grinning:
Congratulation to Aussie 1 who rounds off the season as this year's winner of the prediction League.
Saturdays match has left a lot of us deflated.
The predictions reflected the eternal.optimists amongst us, if only we had won....

A1 61 pts
UAE 58 pts
🐻 53 pts
BFC Luke 51 pts
Macc 49 pts
Prem 29 pts
BFCPete 46 pts
BobHatton 42 pts
SEX 42 pts
Lakespool 39 pts
Suffolk 35 pts
Sask 5 pts

Thanks for participating everyone.🖖
Missing your contributions Prem1. Next season will be very strange without you but it took an awful lot of years and tar and feathering along the way before you realised the Oystons' were not your best mates. RIP Prem. :grinning: