Pink Floyd reunite for Ukraine. | Vital Football

Pink Floyd reunite for Ukraine.


Vital Football Hero
Where are the snowflake ladygardens who abuse this site? Where is their utter condemnation of Russias fascist brutality on a par with Hitler in its desire to eliminate a peaceful nation.

Where is Stammer and his pathetic oxygen thieving lackeys. Where is Sheffield Shitty Council in its denouncement of Soviet aggression? Too busy destroying Sheffield and making movement around it impossible unless you walk or are a lycra vvanker.

Anyways... Floyd...
Where are the snowflake ladygardens who abuse this site? Where is their utter condemnation of Russias fascist brutality on a par with Hitler in its desire to eliminate a peaceful nation.

Where is Stammer and his pathetic oxygen thieving lackeys. Where is Sheffield Shitty Council in its denouncement of Soviet aggression? Too busy destroying Sheffield and making movement around it impossible unless you walk or are a lycra vvanker.

Anyways... Floyd...
Good on Pink Floyd.I think that concert for Ukraine on ITV a few weeks ago raised over £12 million & I heard Sir Rod Stewart paid for some refugees to be transported out of the war zone a few weeks back. What's happening in Ukraine is dreadful and shouldn't be happening in this day & age. Putin the EVIL murdering :censor:. :mad: UTB
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Where are the snowflake ladygardens who abuse this site? Where is their utter condemnation of Russias fascist brutality on a par with Hitler in its desire to eliminate a peaceful nation.

Where is Stammer and his pathetic oxygen thieving lackeys. Where is Sheffield Shitty Council in its denouncement of Soviet aggression? Too busy destroying Sheffield and making movement around it impossible unless you walk or are a lycra vvanker.

Anyways... Floyd...

I note that your ban hasn't taken the edge off of your faux anger management issues. Ten men has returned.

And it's choreographed .
I note that your ban hasn't taken the edge off of your faux anger management issues. Ten men has returned.

And it's choreographed .

I'm so glad the only reason you post on here is your desire to suck my dick.

Soz mate. Kayleigh Katona is your bitch.

Now f uck off and get a life you sad sack.

Corbychov loves Putin. Remember when he stood up in parliament and inferred the Salisbury poisonings were a false flag operation. Shameful.

Why do Labour hate this country and it's people so much ?

Corbychov loves Putin. Remember when he stood up in parliament and inferred the Salisbury poisonings were a false flag operation. Shameful.

Why do Labour hate this country and it's people so much ?

Because retarded abortions like stomper and kerry have brain anuerisms.

Film of Kerry and Stomper on a normal date night.

I'm so glad the only reason you post on here is your desire to suck my dick.

Soz mate. Kayleigh Katona is your bitch.

Now f uck off and get a life you sad sack.

An old guy giving it some large where he can be anonymous on a football message board. And you tell me to get a life?

You crack me up
An old guy giving it some large where he can be anonymous on a football message board. And you tell me to get a life?

You crack me up

Giving it large?

You with the archetypal moron yob username.

Thick skinhead rightwing twat.

You only post to antagonise. You have absolutely nothing to say about Sheffield United or anything of the slightest value.
I and most on here have encountered pieces of shit like you many times.

Try posting something worthwhile. Or just fade away and radiate. You are as welcome as a dose of aids.
Where are the snowflake ladygardens who abuse this site? Where is their utter condemnation of Russias fascist brutality on a par with Hitler in its desire to eliminate a peaceful nation.
Actually, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on the planet and the Ukrainians are far from peaceful, especially their ultra nationalist paramilitary groups. Just ask any of the Russian speakers in the Donbass region. Now I'm not condoning Russia or Putin but Zelenski is a grifting little bully boy dictator of the highest order. You only have to look at how he's been trying to drag the rest of the world into a full scale armed conflict with Russia. Like I said, not condoning Putin or Russia but theres two sides to every story.
Actually, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on the planet and the Ukrainians are far from peaceful, especially their ultra nationalist paramilitary groups. Just ask any of the Russian speakers in the Donbass region. Now I'm not condoning Russia or Putin but Zelenski is a grifting little bully boy dictator of the highest order. You only have to look at how he's been trying to drag the rest of the world into a full scale armed conflict with Russia. Like I said, not condoning Putin or Russia but theres two sides to every story.

Sorry mate but Russia declared war on Ukraine. Annexed the Crimea in 2014, and has taken the piss out of the west for a decade and more.
I'd be very happy if Mossad took Putin out, and Russia retreated to being the complete f u cking mess it's been since God was a boy.

As far as the Ukraine is corrupt, it will be the perfect addition to the EU.

I find it offensive that anyone would defend the obscene acts of terrorism and mass murder the fascist Kremlin bastards have and are visiting on innocent Ukrainans and accuse Ukraine of being the bad guys. Donbass is Ukrainian and the Russian speakers need to abide by Ukrainian law.

Oh and by the way. Zelenski is a hero and has more bollox than any pathetic western leader. Gobsmacked you think he isn't. Whatever.

Page Hall is Slovak/Romainian p ik ey s, does that mean Sheffield cedes it to their mother countries? The countries that want rid of them like a bad smell.

If Russia isn't stopped now who is next? Those bastards won't leave it at Ukraine.

Trust you're not going to defend Qatar next. No difference.
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Must admit that the hero worship of Zelensky is nauseating.

Isn't it funny though how in all his defiant chest beating he is embodying the "toxic masculinity" the self loathing West is trying so hard to cleanse itself of. Turns out it's not so bad after all - when we need it! Who'd have thought it.