Paul Cook | Vital Football

Paul Cook


Vital 1st Team Regular
The News is reporting that Chesterfield have turned down a request by Pompey to speak with Paul Cook.

I like the guy.

Good track record at this level & decent football.

Only question mark is whether he can handle such expectations as 16,000 Pompey fans bring.

Is it me, or do the club always appear to be handling managerial appointments in a chaotic way?
What a time to ask permission to talk to Cook with Chesterfield almost certain to finish in a play off place!! The board [Catllin] should have had a quiet phone call to Chesterfield if they said no then move on, before making a request to talk to Cook. Now we have upset Chesterfield and been made to look amateurish again! FGS its not that difficult.
I agree totally with the above post. Whast an absolutely stupid time to ask about another clubs manager. Couldnt have been worse timing. :158: :158:
Totally disagree. Pompey have done nothing wrong. They asked for permission to speak to their manager and it is Chesterfield who have gone public with this. They could have discretely slammed the door well and truly shut on this but they didn't, they decided to go to the press. Why's that do you think? Could it be that Cook is actually interested? Has Cook announced at one of the weekly press meetings that he is content at Chesterfield and has no intention of moving anywhere? Could it be that Cook knows he has done well and even if they are promoted, Chesterfield do not have the wherewithal or fan base for him to be able to take them any further? Why does everybody assume Pompey have got it wrong FFS?
I agree with you Emsworth. I think we are allowed to ask the question. We have to look for our own interests. Chesterfield could have kept it quiet.

I think Cook IS interested. Certainly interested enough to have a look.
Basically, as playing catch-up, this is what I just said in an article added...

Paul Cook, who has done a cracking job with Chesterfield, was approached – well Chesterfield were approached about us speaking to him – but they declined this and as things stand were at a 'stand off.'

With all due respect, and in all honesty you would have to stay that we probably do have limitations as to how far we 'could' go, you tend to think that IF he can get Chesterfield into the championship through the play-offs this season merely staying at that level would be a mighty, mighty achievement so 'perhaps' the time is right for him to seek a new challenge, and what a challenge this would be for him at Fratton Park!

Not someone I had really thought about, but someone – kind of – out of left field that wasn't expected as such but DOES have a proven record in league two, and so far, in league one. IF the expectancy from 16,000 fans, most weeks at home, would not too much for him to handle then why not?

I'm not so sure about the timing though, could we not have waited until Chesterfield's play-off bid was over or secured? Although, in fairness to Pompey, it does NOT appear that WE opted to make our interest in talking to him public, that was down to Chesterfield...

What I wouldn't be keen on us doing, like we did back along, would be seeking talks with several 'in work' managers, as clearly this is disruptive all-round. You would tend to think that Cook would be the dead cert for the job if talks did take place.
Has the bid to bring in Chesterfield's Paul Cook 'edged closer?' IF he's our main target and IF 'sources' are correct that he wants the job the 1st leg play-off defeat to Preston means it has?

Obviously a 1-0 defeat in the semi-final 1st leg doesn't mean that its all over but it does mean that Preston are halfway there and within the coming days we could have a clearer view as to just how likely it is he could become our next manager.

<a style="color:#0E4FB0" href="" target="blank"><b>Click here to read the article</b></a>
And then there were two? Are we down to Chesterfield's Paul Cook and Southend's Phil Brown as our 'options' to become our next manager with Martin Allen committing to Barnet?

It's looking very much, maybe I'm wrong, that it'll be Cook to be the successor to Andy Awford and become our next manager but all the while Brown's not signing the reported 3-year contract on offer to him at Southend it 'could' still be him, then again I 'could' still win the lottery!

As said it 'seems' likely to be one of these two, with Cook almost nailed on...

<a style="color:#0E4FB0" href="" target="blank"><b>Click here to read the article</b></a>
Paul Cook, who saw his Chesterfield side beaten 3-0 by Preston today to end that play-off dream, will be appointed as our new manager imminently if reports are right.

It has been reported by BBC Sheffield that he 'has agreed a deal to take charge' of Pompey.

<a style="color:#0E4FB0" href="" target="blank"><b>Click here to read the article</b></a>
Happy enough with that, lets give him some support and hope that he gets a clear message that commitment and determination are pre-requisites for performances in a Pompey shirt.
First bit of good news in what seems like a lifetime. Just the type of guy we need at the helm, let's just hope the knuckle draggers give him time to get a squad and formula together to get us going in the right direction. He's proved he has the credentials, now he just needs support, and at this level there isn't another city that can offer it!
I can't be the only person who's been put off coming down to Fratton, so here's to hoping that everyone pulls in the same direction and I feel the need to do a revisit, hell it's been far too long!
penton - 10/5/2015 21:06

First bit of good news in what seems like a lifetime. Just the type of guy we need at the helm, let's just hope the knuckle draggers give him time to get a squad and formula together to get us going in the right direction. He's proved he has the credentials, now he just needs support, and at this level there isn't another city that can offer it!
I can't be the only person who's been put off coming down to Fratton, so here's to hoping that everyone pulls in the same direction and I feel the need to do a revisit, hell it's been far too long!

Summarises exactly what I'm thinking. He'll need a bit of time to get this right, but he'll need to show some intent & the right direction from the off.

Expect he'll have a generous budget to work with in the summer, if not transfer fees, then salary budget. More than most clubs in L2, maybe only 3 or 4 will have a bigger budget.

He'll know that he'll have to deliver play-offs this season. Will be a challenge, but at least he'll know right from day 1 that this is the challenge.

Sign players ready NOW. Pick your formation & groove it in as early as you can. Play how you want to play during the season, during the friendlies.
Think the budget will be dictated by season ticket sales. So if you like the sound of the Cookie monster then get down to FP and pay up.
Think he'll bring a new, fresh approach, that we need and making a clean break from someone that isn't 'connected' with the club isn't a bad thing.

Obviously not official, but near enough, so welcome to Fratton Mr Cook!
I will stick my neck out. I know that if it all goes wrong I run the risk of having these words thrown back at me.

But, I am happy with this appointment.

I like Cook's style of football. His recent record with Chesterfield is fantastic, even if before that wasn't setting the world on fire.

He shows we have matured as a club. No longer appointing ex-players because we have no idea what else to do.

We have brought in a man with genuine experience of success at this level.

Not box office like Redknapp, but in my opinion he has enough genuine experience to not matter.

I have a good feeling about this guy.

I'm renewing my 3 season tickets for sure. I'm hopeful of some decent football and a genuine run at the playoffs next season.

Well done to the board for a decent appointment... at last!