Oxen - First Season Thoughts? | Vital Football

Oxen - First Season Thoughts?

I bought the home and away shirts when I was over in September so I can only go on that but I think they are excellent quality and feel really comfortable and cool to wear.
Mixed feelings from me. In general the designs are good and a nice fit but lacking in quality and finesse. Several threads hanging off cuffs etc and a hat that’s lost almost all of its colour and strangely on the outside only 🤷‍♂️
Defiantly room for improvement
Yep, quite like them. Decent quality. Have also bought non-Lincoln City wares that’s also oxen produced. No issues from me if we choose them again as official kit supplier.
Best home kit in donkeys years for me. Bought both the away and third kits, and the black hoodie, love all of them

I don't dislike what Oxen have served up so far but probably prefer the simplicity of 21/22 (if going for a clean one) or the 20/21 home if going a bit more left field (especially as the sponsor was perfect).
I don't dislike what Oxen have served up so far but probably prefer the simplicity of 21/22 (if going for a clean one) or the 20/21 home if going a bit more left field (especially as the sponsor was perfect).
I see why 20/21 is considered left field but I think it's gorgeous
Personally I think the quality is average to poor, the shirts and training shirts just feel highly flammable and cheap.

The hoodies and training jackets are however fairly decent.

I wouldn't be sad to see a change at the end of the deal.
Think the shirts are decent, a good start.

The training/leisure wear has not been great across the board for years IMO, that's the quality you lose when going for a smaller brand - pros and cons.
Think the shirts are decent, a good start.

The training/leisure wear has not been great across the board for years IMO, that's the quality you lose when going for a smaller brand - pros and cons.
A few errea training tops have been nice (the cross one, and the one with the cathedral in it / white and red stripe across the chest) I think
A few errea training tops have been nice (the cross one, and the one with the cathedral in it / white and red stripe across the chest) I think
I really liked most of the Errea stuff and being as fit as the grocer's rescue dog, had no problem with it fitting
Finding the sizing a bit out. Always go for a large shirt that I can wear over tee shirts in winter or cold weather at matches. But find there large quite tight even without a tee shirt. So had to have XL.
And before anyone suggests it I have not put on any extra weight!