Other Clubs News Discussion Thread 2 | Page 748 | Vital Football

Other Clubs News Discussion Thread 2

Yessssssss, get in there, I'd turned off so this is the best news I've had since errrrm, yesterday actually. Cheers 57 :cheers:

2-1 up the arrogant clown thought it safe to take off 4 of his best players, only the very players that have brought them from mediocre to decent, and wh'd have thought immediately they wend back to mediocre
Liverpool player yes, but hard to disagree with his thrust about VAR.

Liverpool defender Andrew Robertson has criticised recent VAR decisions in the Premier League and says it has put footballers in "limbo".

"I believe that the referees are relying on VAR, but then VAR isn't overturning any decisions, so we are stuck in limbo. I'd prefer not to have it and just let the referee call it. If the referee called it, you'd say 'OK, he's seen it differently'."
Agree with that 100%. We all used to just call the ref a silly twat and move on.
Now the whole episode becomes the talking point of the ninety minutes. Was VAR
right or was it wrong and how the bloody hell could they come to that decision after watching it back ten times.
Agree with that 100%. We all used to just call the ref a silly twat and move on.
Now the whole episode becomes the talking point of the ninety minutes. Was VAR
right or was it wrong and how the bloody hell could they come to that decision after watching it back ten times.

If you go back to the early VAR thread you'll find this is what I and many others said would happen, as it's still subjective, they can't even decide what offside or Handball are anymore never minded whats a foul. You still win some you still lose some
Having watched the replay of our VAR bonus, reckon VAR got it spot on. The ball hits the side of his shoulder. That is in fact arm.

It is the deltoid, which is anatomically the shoulder. So if they are going to count that, they need to make it against the rules to use your shoulder as well as arm and hand.
It is the deltoid, which is anatomically the shoulder. So if they are going to count that, they need to make it against the rules to use your shoulder as well as arm and hand.
Apparently they are changing the law for next season so it's handball if it hits the arm below the t-shirt sleeve 'line' i.e. around halfway down the arm.

What could possibly go wrong? :lol:
Apparently they are changing the law for next season so it's handball if it hits the arm below the t-shirt sleeve 'line' i.e. around halfway down the arm.

What could possibly go wrong? :lol:
Want to make a bet that kit manufacturers are scrambling to make next year's short-sleeve shirts have a cuff slightly lower than the elbow? 90's fashion is cycling back early!
It is the deltoid, which is anatomically the shoulder. So if they are going to count that, they need to make it against the rules to use your shoulder as well as arm and hand.

The bone involved is the humerus, which is the upper arm. FACT :grinning:

The shoulder is a general term for that area which includes the upper arm. The rules don't mention shoulder, they only mention arm. I rest my case, m'lud.