Oh dear | Vital Football

Oh dear


Vital Squad Member
Normal service quickly resumed. We know why Askey was pulling his hair out, defenders who don’t know how or when to defend.
Balls still getting into dangerous areas as defenders‘ timing or ability to put in a tackle is seriously lacking, continuing to stand off attacking players allowing them room. Any defender worth his salt would stop an attack further up the field, even if it results in a free kick it won’t be in too dangerous an area.

It needs a massive shake up, root & branch. If we’re playing 5 at the back there’s too many in there, if we’re playing 3 at the back there’s too few in there. I would keep it as simple as possible, back to basics.
Out of this current lot Parkes has to be in there, Mancini has to be in there, Duffus needs to be in there, personally I would play Burton alongside Parkes, learning from him.
In a simple formation I would give Hastie game time.

Is Saturday the time for tinkering? I’m not the person picking the team but I’d start there.
Without naming names it’s glaringly obvious where the weak links are, we don’t seem to be looking to replace those who are consistently making poor decisions.