Musical Instruments | Vital Football

Musical Instruments

Such as, CM?

Just ordered myself a guitar; no idea how to play it, but love the Spanish guitar sound, so thought I might have try at learning something new.

Still got an electronic keyboard I bought 6 months back mind, in it's box unopened.

Time is the thing when learning something new from scratch. I'll try the guitar first I think.
CuckFan - 14/11/2017 23:04

Such as, CM?

Just ordered myself a guitar; no idea how to play it, but love the Spanish guitar sound, so thought I might have try at learning something new.

Still got an electronic keyboard I bought 6 months back mind, in it's box unopened.

Time is the thing when learning something new from scratch. I'll try the guitar first I think.
Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Harmonica, Yukalaylee and tin whistle. Fingertips are too soft these days to play for any length of time, plus the dog goes ballistic at my out of tune efforts. Mandolin is my favourite.

I would think learning one string instrument would put you automatically on the 1st step for another.

Picking a keyboard and a guitar I've kind of picked to opposites, so if I can can a handle on each one, it opens up a bigger range I can potentially play.

Still waiting for the fucker since last Thursday, delivery fuck-up somewhere along the line it seems.
Chasing up this guitar with Amazon, as it was supposed to be here on the 9th - no tracking data available since it was clearly going to be late.

They're going to send another one out, possibly arriving tomorrow. What's the betting I end up with two? Still, if I'm only billed the once, no harm done.