Mushrooms . . . or Deviants? | Vital Football

Mushrooms . . . or Deviants?


Vital Football Hero
From an absolutist position some things are right, wrong, good, bad, legal or illegal. This theory derives from a widespread opinion, although not unanimous, as to what is socially acceptable - you can conform or deviate!!!

When studying people sociologically the accepted and established norms when challenged to extremes can be seen as a stimulant for social change. It can also act as a reaffirmation as to what is the norm.

So we tend to look at things as percentages as to what is socially acceptable and what makes for a deviant. From my personal recollections of my Sociology studies a figure of 13.6% is a recurring number. I am not trying to prove conclusively that the sums add up or that my theory is correct beyond doubt but merely hoping to stimulate thoughts and to show that them now commonly termed as “mushrooms” are in fact social deviants.

Just 5 years ago Blackpool FC had average attendances of 15,775. This was at a time when the club was functioning ‘normally’ as a community asset and before the sociopathic owners had started their spiteful campaign of legal actions against ‘normal’ fans. With that figure, 13.6%, in mind it is easy to draw assumptions that this figure is indeed a pivotal number in ascertaining that 136 people per 1,000, the deviant minority, are a representative group when it comes to other deviant behaviours, sexual predators, criminals and mentally ill all fall into a quotient that is closest to this number!

So for my theory to hold any credence the attendance figure for Oystain FC would now have to be circa 2,145. Take away the free tickets and the spin generated by the sociopaths and I would bet my left nut that this figure is almost exactly correct?

Layton is clever, Layton is #NAPM, Layton is not a deviant, be like Layton!

Bear1951 - 13/1/2017 09:11

Cue our Daily Blackshirt readers giving their views on Sociology. :grins:

I'm sure some of them will prefer to be thought of as mushrooms rather than deviants but the truth is that they are not in the dark to what is going on and I can much easier relate to them as deviants!

As has been posted elsewhere, what is left of our support is a certain type of person, would it be too cruel to call them weirdos?

Unfair on weirdos. These Oystonites are far more dangerous to any sense of society that remains post Thatcher. I find it to be beyond coincidence that the extreme unthinking right wing politics of our favourite Parkingmeterman are unrelated to his Oystonism. :tophat:
The writings and scribbles are becoming incomprehensible.
Say it straight , or say nowt! because to us OLD CODGERS like waiting for a No. 5 Bus in Layton trying to understand what some of you antipodes are muttering. :109: :129:
nodrogaty - 13/1/2017 18:16

Codger is barking mad, Silly as a box of frogs.

Bear/Nodrogaty, I have it on good authority that senility, gross stupidity, adult illiteracy, schizophrenia and barking madness are also running at 13.6%.

Back at you Devon Deviant, Donkey Deviant, Don_K_Lashes Deviant! :fuu:

The only 'Antipodean' on here is me.......

(We don't count Aussie as WA is not really Australia!) :grins: