Leonard to Millwall | Page 2 | Vital Football

Leonard to Millwall

I can only be down to the player or his family not settling surely? Unless there’s a late late incoming about to happen, this definitely weakens us. We are just left with Basham to play the midfield destroyer role, if he’s injured we are stuffed.
Seems to be in London but not at our end.
I'm listenin to Footy Heaven and it'was officially confirmed abart 30mins ago,it's a strange deal unless we've got someone else comin in.I personally dint think Ryan was all that good altho he did ok as a sub v Norwich but i agree it does leave our squad lookin threadbare to say the least.UTCB
Don't see how we have someone else in. 7.00pm and nowt said

and yet....................................... Staton keeps saying somat might still happen

It's as if he knows somat
Could be on abart Cranie D'ya think? also deals get announced well after the deadline closes dunt they? UTCB
I can only be down to the player or his family not settling surely? Unless there’s a late late incoming about to happen, this definitely weakens us. We are just left with Basham to play the midfield destroyer role, if he’s injured we are stuffed.
could be as simple as that gray if the lad and his family havent settled up here what can you do mind i think our success of last season has worked against leonard and holmes both were punts to help us consolidate in the championship weve now gone up a level in the anticipation stakes same reason i dont see ched or caolan playing for us again
nowt official

Pete O'Rourke@SportsPeteO

Sheffield United have sealed a deal for former Middlesbrough defender Martin Cranie on a free transfer. #sufc #twitterblades
18:06 - 31 Aug 2018

Pete O'Rourke writes for HITC. He used to work for Sky Sports so people assume he is ITK, but these days at least half of what puts on Twitter is nonsense and used to get clicks for his site. I don't know if this story is one of them, but the rumour isn't anywhere else at the moment.
could be as simple as that gray if the lad and his family havent settled up here what can you do mind i think our success of last season has worked against leonard and holmes both were punts to help us consolidate in the championship weve now gone up a level in the anticipation stakes same reason i dont see ched or caolan playing for us again
I’ve still not lost hope that Ched could do a job if he can stay fit an get half a season under his belt SOB.
I’ve still not lost hope that Ched could do a job if he can stay fit an get half a season under his belt SOB.
i hope your right gray but i have my doubts seen him twice since he came back and he was awful both times just think hes league 1 level at best these days ive a feeling we could be back in for hogan in january by the way